Hmph! "This is its potential enemy, so don't even think about being nice to it," baby thought hatefully and looked at Huo ke with an unfriendly gaze.
Huo ke was stunned by her baby's fiery silver eyes. It didn't offend this little fox, right? Why was this little fox glaring at it like it was an enemy? those who didn't know would definitely think that there was some deep hatred between them! Huo ke felt wronged.
At this moment, baby spoke again.
"Stupid Wolf, look at your ignorant face. You've never seen such a good pill, have you? To tell you the truth, the pill in your hand is what we usually eat. " The baby was so arrogant that his face turned white. Huo ke was stunned again after hearing what the baby said.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: