
Extra Special - Part 3


She'd woken to find Reth curled around her, also sleeping, and she hadn't moved immediately. It was instinct to be quiet and listen to the house, heart thrumming, waiting to see if Elreth was in trouble again, or still asleep.

Then she remembered and sucked in a breath. "Reth! Wake up! Reth! We're alone!"

She rolled over as he groaned and blinked, then smiled when he found her, up on one elbow smiling down at him, her hair—which needed a cut—falling around her shoulders and face.

"Good morning, beautiful."

"Yes, yes, we already did that this morning, remember! Now we have to get up and go do… whatever it is you want to do. We're alone, Reth. We're ALONE."  She shook him and he grunted, then grabbed her around the waist and rolled over onto his back, pulling her up onto his stomach and opening his mouth on her neck.

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