
World and Progress

"..boid, the method of my first kill is the same as the movie tremors, the tried and tested method of a RC vehicle strapped with explosives seem to be a perfect hunting method in real life, i am now heading towards an area of my next kill, henry gummer out." Henry Gummer.

(gotcha all didnt i?)

Henry drove towards more open fields while keeping his eyes on the radars, he was baffled as to why there were so little worms to hunt even though they were suppose to be common, henry hasnt learned about a system and was also not selected by the world system, the world system albeit a dimension support system was unable to produce a system for every single person just like the fantasy world where only a chosen few can carry high end systems, in this world it can only support half of the worlds population with low end systems with priorities to those with combat experience and are trained for combat.

The world was updating at a fast rate as more and more creatures unknown to man appeared, from fire breathing lizards to snakes with wings, the world slowly became a product of fantasy although in this fantasy there exists guns and modern weaponry that allowed humanity to keep its foothold as the top of the food chain.


Panda Mainland HQ.

At a room shared by two people the bantering of a man and woman resonated to the point that their neighboring rooms got annoyed with them and tried to shut them up but they dont seem to care, in the said room was diao meng and tai cheng.

"Why?! tell me what made you do that?! ive been good to you ever since we started our relationship, hell i even dumped lizzy just to be with you! " Tai cheng

"Tai cheng, in our current predicament you can no longer give me what i need! a woman of my stature and value needs to be kept interested you know, and sadly you no longer have the money nor the authority to keep me interested" Diao meng.

"Is that all that i am to you? a piggy bank? a slave?! you loose woman!" Tai cheng.

"Yeah, arent all men piggy banks and slaves? i mean all i have to do to get you and them to bow down to me is to sleep with them and tell them sweet nothings, so yeah i wanna break up" Diao meng.

"Diao meng, who did you replace me with?" Tai cheng turned his back on diao meng and faced the wall while making fists as his anger and rage welled up deep inside of him.

"Me, although i dont like how this woman thinks but she is great at bed which and also she isnt wrong in saying that youre a lowly bottom feeder and i shall make sure you stay that way forever hahaha!" Department Head.

Diao meng walked towards the department head and hugged his arm intimately, her eyes looking at Tai cheng with a smile, the department head sneered and turned around with Diao meng on tow as he left the rooms depressing atmosphere and the depressed Tai cheng.

"I shouldn't have left lizzy, the saying really is true, regret comes last" Tai cheng.


While lizzys 30 days of evolution was ongoing, the worlds progress didnt stop as well, humans built metal cities and although the scene of the outside world was apocalyptic the scenes behind the walls of steel showed the lively atmosphere of the old days where humans needn't hide from massive carnivorous creatures.

A week passed and the researchers of different institutions released results especially the researchers on the island HQ, publicly the event has been announced as a mass mutation due to the earths gasses and bacteria combining with biochemical waste, the Eagle empire blamed the industries, the Panda empire blamed the Sakura Empire, many empires blamed each other and the news was covered with these chaotic debates and arguments, yes the news kept on reporting "loyally" to the people and spammed their propaganda, as for why it was called propaganda is because even in this chaotic world the steel cities will still undergo elections to vote the leaders of the empires and it was nearing the election date.

"Vote *****, he shall use the nuclear arms of the motherland to destroy the scourge of the world! destroy the Sakura empire!" One campaign ad of the panda empire.

"Vote *****, she shall make the motherland prosper once again and bring it to the top of the world! no longer would we need to fear the other empires!" Another campaign ad.

Even in an apocalyptic world, the world was still run by politicians and no true freedom can be attained due to humanities innate programming of following a leader, moving on from the political agenda, the results given to the military was much more useful as many weapons emerged from the carcasses of the "mutated beasts", skin of many creatures can be turned into armor and each soldier would now be armed with hot and cold weapons made from these monsters, apart from weapons not much were known since it been but a few weeks of research and only time will tell if more results would arrive.

Recruitments in steel cities began in hopes to find the system awakeners that were not combat specialized, in a few days social structure was easily repaired by the politicians and their lying tongues, promises of benefits to those awakeners and a better life for them was posted in many places either by paper or digital.


Near Island HQ.

In a submarine of the eagle empire a few.

"Sir the sensors indicate that a large creature is approaching our location!" A Soldier.

"How large? report!" The Commanding Officer of the submarine.

"It is estimated to be at 100 to 120 feet!" The soldier yelled out loudly fearing for his life as the signature on the sensor got closer and closer.

"Turn and fire the torpedos!" The CO yelled but was stopped as the sub began to creak and the pressure valves began to spin wildly.

"Damn it! retreat! we must send the information of this creature to headquarters!" The CO.

The soldiers scrambled to run for their lives and each one ran to the emergency exits along with the CO, he didnt want to die thousands of feet under the sea and was pushing away the soldiers he commanded to retreat in order to escape first himself, he was successful in exiting first but what awaited him wasnt the beautiful light of hope but the deep darkness of despair as he was met by multiple teeth and a tentacle that should belong to a mutated octopus, the crew of the sub screamed as they were taken one by one by the gigantic octopus, their screams died with the sea as the submarine sank deeper and deeper past its maximum depth.


Island HQ.

"Sir we have lost signal of the sub Alpha 6" Comm. HQ soldier.

"I have a bad premonition about this, this is exactly similar to the worm incident except this time we have not received a call" Comm. HQ leader.

"What should we do sir?" Comm. HQ leader.

"Record it and give me the files of all the soldiers onboard that sub, ill need to report to the admiral again" Comm. HQ leader.

A/N: A little shorter than what i wanted to write sorry bout that.

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