
Joining a Guild

With a hospitable smile warming his features, the red-haired Magus Crew observed as one of his cherished female servants gracefully poured a cup of red tea for Leylin. The simplistically carved wooden teacup, a masterpiece of understated artistry, emitted tendrils of steam that danced upwards, carrying with them a rich, earthy fragrance.

"Here, you must try this," Crew insisted, his voice a blend of enthusiasm and solemnity. "This Malfeo leaf tea, a rare find from the Eastern Islands, is known for its soothing properties. A perfect balm for the nerves, especially after the dreadful news you've endured..."

"The loss of your beautiful, young housemaids to a misfired spell formation is a tragedy beyond words. I empathize deeply with your pain, Leylin. If such a fate had befallen one of my own dear sweetlings…" Crew's expression twisted into a visage of grief. "But worry not, dear friend. I shall stand by you as we seek justice from the communal center for this oversight."

In the days following the calamitous event, after Leylin had consumed the power-laden crystals, he sought out Crew. Bearing a meticulously selected gift, Leylin arrived at Crew's abode, a gesture of goodwill and camaraderie.

Sean, ever the resourceful aide, had deftly orchestrated the aftermath of the incident, ensuring that no blame could be cast upon Leylin. The official report concluded that the maids had inadvertently activated a dormant defense mechanism within Leylin's villa, leading to their untimely demise.

While the legalities were now in order, Leylin had never cared if they lived or died. The incident served as a stark reminder of the necessity for caution. Leylin would not allow something like this to happen again.

"Now this, Leylin, is a delicacy you simply cannot miss," Crew proclaimed, diverting Leylin's attention to a new indulgence. "A honey cake, crafted from the nectar of Pomelo Bees, each bite a symphony of sweetness!"

Upon Leylin's appreciative sip of the red tea, Crew signaled another maid to present a platter of the delectable honey cakes. The maidservants of Crew's household were visions of temptation, their uniforms leaving little to the imagination, designed to accentuate rather than conceal. Their glossy skin glimmered under the soft lighting, an intentional display of allure.

"Should you find favor in my attendants, consider it my pleasure to offer you a selection to replenish your household," Crew suggested with a chuckle, the sound rich with mirth. "After all, with over three hundred such beauties adorning my estate, a few less would scarcely be noticed. Most squander the generous wages I bestow upon them, neglecting the very needs they're employed to satisfy. Perhaps in your service, they might find a renewed sense of purpose."

"I am indebted to you for your generosity, dear Crew," Leylin replied, his tone laced with gratitude and a hint of reluctance. "Alone, I find the task of rebuilding my staff daunting, and the thought of seeking new servants is a burden I am loath to bear. Your friendship is a beacon in these trying times." Leylin's smile, both charming and conspiratorial, was met with laughter from Crew as they shared in the moment of camaraderie.

Leylin's actions were calculated, his every move designed to ingratiate himself further with the red-haired elder. By accepting Crew's offer and partaking in his leisurely pursuits, Leylin sought to cement a bond of trust.

His strategy proved effective. As Leylin had a maid sit on his lap to feed him cake, the old Magus' grin widened, a testament to the kinship he felt with Leylin—a kinship born of shared pleasures and mutual understanding.

"In any case, I must apologize for such a whimsical interruption, Leylin," Crew said, his voice still tinged with the remnants of laughter. "Though I must confess, it was a delightful… Now, my sweetlings, it's time to leave us gentlemen to our matters." With a series of commanding claps, he signaled for the departure of his attendants, exhaling deeply as the echoes of mirth faded from the chamber.

The maidservants, a silent ballet of grace and efficiency, bowed in unison before vanishing like shadows at dusk. Their departure was a testament to their rigorous training, leaving behind nothing but the lingering scent of their presence.

As the last whisper of silk brushed against the door, Crew's demeanor shifted like the turning of a page. The jovial old Magus was replaced by a figure of gravitas. "Now, Leylin, let us address the true purpose of your visit. You spoke of your desire to affiliate with a guild here in Teljose City, did you not?"

Leylin's countenance mirrored the shift, his features hardening into a mask of solemnity. "Indeed, my esteemed Crew. It is with great respect that I seek your counsel on this matter of utmost delicacy."

Crew raised a hand, his expression sincere. "Firstly, there's no need for such formalities between us. We're friends and neighbors, after all. As for your request… before we proceed, I must inquire—why? What drives this pursuit?"

Leylin met Crew's gaze, his response straightforward. "To gain access to high-grade information and procure rare ingredients for my experiments."

His admission was stark, devoid of embellishment. Leylin was fully capable of concocting his own elixirs, amassing wealth in magic crystals, and maintaining a life of comfort within the bustling trade hub of Nightless City. Yet, despite its reputation, the city's most coveted treasures were ensnared in a web of regulation. High-grade arcana, the keys to transcending one's limits in the mystical arts, were guarded jealously by the city's ruling magisteriums and guilds. These entities dictated the flow of such resources, doling them out with miserly discretion.

For a wandering Magus like Leylin, these items were nearly impossible to obtain through regular channels. The black market, while a haven for the desperate, offered but scraps at exorbitant costs.

Thus, the allure of guild membership beckoned, promising not only access but potential favor within its hallowed ranks.

"I appreciate your candor, Leylin," Crew replied, his voice a low rumble of sincerity. "However, the magisteriums of Teljose City are bastions of tradition and secrecy. Admission is not a matter of wealth or influence; it is a privilege earned and bestowed."

Crew's words hung heavy in the air, a veil of omission that Leylin was all too adept at discerning. While it was true that Magi clans and institutions occasionally extended their hand to nomadic practitioners or those seeking refuge, such offers were laden with conditions. The aspirant must be free of controversy, their past devoid of shadows that might darken the doorstep of their benefactors.

For a Magus of Leylin's enigmatic origins, the scrutiny would be meticulous, the judgment final. To be welcomed into the fold, he must emerge unblemished from the crucible of their inquiry.

"I assure you, my friend, there's nothing about me that I need to conceal," Leylin declared with a disarming openness. "A thorough examination of my history will reveal just that."

Leylin had never intended to shroud his origins in secrecy. Hailing from the remote Chernobyl Islands, he was the progeny of a lesser noble lineage. His life, from the earliest memories of childhood to the present day, was an open book, meticulously chronicled for any who wished to peruse. His transparency was not without reason; it was a deliberate choice that underscored his attention to reputation and the meticulous construction of his status.

Leylin's adversaries were scarce, yet within their ranks, the House of Lilytell stood out as his most formidable foe. The Lilytells, entrenched in the dark arts, stood in direct opposition to the Light Magi, who held sway over Teljose City.

This bitter feud had exacted a heavy toll on the Lilytell bloodline, with numerous kin perishing under the Light Magi's jurisdiction. Such events were hardly serendipitous. Indeed, it was precisely because of this ongoing strife that Leylin had ventured to this place.

Throughout his tenure as an acolyte, Leylin had adhered strictly to his assigned role. Not a shred of evidence suggested any lapse into madness. Since his departure from the academy, he had been scrupulous in covering his tracks, ensuring that his past would not impede his aspirations within the organizations of Teljose City.

"I've already delved into your past, my friend. You've dealt with that Lilytell upstart, among others, or so I've been informed," Crew remarked, his smile unwavering as he set his teacup aside. Far from perturbed, he seemed genuinely pleased to engage in this dialogue.

"Ah, there were some… entanglements over certain vested interests in the past. Said conflicts escalated, and I was compelled to eliminate that family's heir. Now, I'm a marked man on their list of vendettas," Leylin recounted with a casual air, his composure unshaken, his visage devoid of concern.

Crew's expression softened further upon hearing Leylin's narrative.

"Rest assured, I harbor no ill will towards practitioners of the darker arcane arts. Besides, you've renounced their ways, haven't you? The pristine white robe you don now is testament to your new allegiance. White becomes you, my friend!" Crew added, perhaps to allay any lingering anxieties Leylin might harbor, his words punctuated by a light-hearted chuckle.

"Individuals like myself, who represent the elite of Teljose City, always extend a warm welcome to Magi of your caliber and distinction. Furthermore, I am prepared to extend a personal recommendation on your behalf... So, put your mind at ease," Crew continued, taking a leisurely sip of his crimson-hued tea from the finely crafted wooden cup.

"Now, tell me, with so many guilds in this city, have you decided which one you'll pledge your talents to?"

"My ignorance in such matters is precisely why I've sought your counsel today," Leylin replied, his smile belying the deceit. In truth, Sean had furnished him with all the necessary details to make an informed choice. That scoundrel was well-connected indeed. Yet, to win Crew's complete support, Leylin needed to play the part of the protégé seeking guidance—a tactic to strengthen their burgeoning alliance.

"Ah, of course, my young friend! Let's see… where to begin?" Crew mused, furrowing his brow in thought. After a moment's contemplation, he began, "Nightless City is home to a myriad of guilds. The Ennea Ivory Ring Tower, Mercifura Academy, Four Seasons Garden, Hand of Femke, Human Faced Lion's Eye… These are the titans of our city, wielding monopolistic control over the trade that flows through Nightless City. Then there are the lesser factions, mere shadows of these giants, some so weak that a single semi-converted elemental Magus serves as their pillar. Should that pillar fall, the organization would disintegrate into oblivion…"

"These smaller entities are guilds in name only, their resource allocations so meager they're practically non-existent. Some are founded on nothing more than camaraderie and collaborative research. Such groups are ephemeral, lacking any real foundation or influence. It would be unwise to consider them," Crew counseled with genuine concern.

"As for joining one, it's a simple matter of visiting the communal center and submitting an application. Pass their examination, and you'll be welcomed into their ranks. Though, be forewarned, the Ennea Ivory Ring Tower may impose certain… unique prerequisites..."


Several hours later, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Leylin bid his friend Crew a heartfelt farewell. Their parting was marked by a warm, brotherly embrace, a testament to the bond they had formed.

Leylin then made his way back to his villa, flanked by an entourage of newly acquired maids, who were now free from their previous servitude. Leylin, ever cautious, had Aralis scan them for any traces of mind-controlling spells or signs of brainwashing. To his relief, they were all clear. It seemed that Crew, despite his power, was an honorable Magus.

Upon his return, Leylin retreated to the sanctuary of his study. The room was illuminated by a magical orb, a radiant sphere of white light that floated in mid-air. Its glow was gentle, casting vivid rays that filled the room without straining the eyes, creating an atmosphere akin to daylight.

Seated in a plush armchair, Leylin held a stiff goose feather quill pen, his brow furrowed in deep thought. Spread out before him on the table was a piece of parchment, its surface adorned with several lines of handwritten text in black ink.

The list was a compilation of the true powers that held sway over Teljose City. At the very top were Ennea Ivory Ring Tower and Mercifura Academy, followed by Four Seasons Garden. The next tier included the Hand of Femke, Human Faced Lion's Eye, Aide Society, and others.

Leylin scrutinized the list, his mind weighing the pros and cons of each organization. Ennea Ivory Ring Tower and Mercifura Academy, both prestigious schools, demanded hefty fees and unbreakable soul contracts from prospective Magi. Despite their excellent member benefits, Leylin dismissed them outright for obvious reasons.

Next, he considered the Hand of Femke and the Human-Faced Lion's Eye. Both were organizations primarily for half-humans, and rumors of discrimination against pure humans were rife. Leylin decided against joining them as well.

The Aide Society, known for its Light Magi and their healing abilities, was more inclined towards Positive Energy magic. Leylin, realizing he wouldn't benefit much from their focus, crossed them off his list too.

This left him with one option: Four Seasons Garden. Leylin couldn't help but smile wryly at this conclusion. From the information he had gathered from Sean and Crew, he had gained a fair understanding of the organizations that influenced Nightless City. Unfortunately, most didn't align with his interests or requirements.

Leylin had hoped to join an organization as an external lecturer or visitor, maintaining a degree of independence. However, most organizations demanded absolute loyalty, and those with more relaxed prerequisites didn't align with his interests.

Four Seasons Garden, a large-scale Magi organization reputed for its Potioneering, seemed to be his only viable option. The organization was rumored to have been founded by a formidable Potioneering group and was renowned for its botanical gardens and alchemy expertise, which aligned perfectly with Leylin's specialty.

The entry requirements were relatively lax, and talented alchemists were highly valued. Leylin, having achieved mastery in Potioneering and further honed his skills with Aralis' assistance, was confident that he could earn their respect.

Four Seasons Garden, with its extensive collection of Potioneering formulas and vast library, would undoubtedly be a valuable resource for Aralis' database. As Leylin pondered his next move, a spark of anticipation lit up his eyes.

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