

We arrived at the island of pasquala rapidly to collect our last four members for the time being. I plan on recurring a ship wright at water 7, maybe paulie? I did read a few fics where he ate a rope rope fruit or a sleeve sleeve fruit which are very useful in his profession.

After seeing the port I snapped my fingers which made sugar smile. Paint started bursting out of her palms coating the ship which changed it to look more normal. A nifty trick she developed so that way people won't identify our ship when we sail. Also we can use it to make our ship look like a wreck so no one will attempt to steal from it. It's a very handy ability.

After we docked and proceed to enter the island we made our way towards the location senor pink described in his letters. I found what looked to be a apartment complex, as I headed for the door to open I felt something rushing towards me at high speeds.

On reflex I turned my body to a spring so that whatever hit it would bounce away. *boing* "frafrafrafra!!!! That's hilarious captain!!! Frafrafra can you do that again?" Chortled out a small child dressed in a monkey hoodie that said "monkey around" on the back.

"You've gotten cocky since I last saw you eh gimlet?" "Frafrafra I'm only copying you captain frafrafrafra" yup this is the baby gimlet, he is six years old and is accompanying on us as a cabin boy but I said he'll be a mascot.

He began hopping around me frantically inspecting me. "That's a nice coat captain!" He said hanging onto my captains coat. It's similar to Rodgers and whitebeard except mine is dark blue with silver buttons and a metal grey interrupt. They had red and white with gold buttons and a red interior.

"Gil~ come get the luggage" sounded out a motherly voice which made Gilmet drop down and scuttle off. He tripped causing him to roll inside which made me laugh. He's been quiet the character with his unique laugh and his special hoodie.

"Greetings captain" x2

I turned to see the couple that we helped years ago, they actually haven't changed much except they grew taller and more muscular. Without the depression senor didn't become obese and over the years Russian was trained by him so she could survive. I have no idea how they progressed but if the suggestions for how senor could improve his devil fruit were accepted then I would assume he's pretty powerful.

I suggested that he could swim on air or through it similar to Blueno with his door door fruit. So he could either enter a separate dimension or just fly. I also suggested when he's swimming he would smack the liquid of whatever he's swimming in to solidify it onto someone.

Next was based on mirio from MHA where he would allow himself to sink then cancel his power thus catapulting him upwards. Next was if he could spread his power out the environment would ripple like water causing attack to go off course. Finally I mentioned if he could perform the headhunter jutsu on people using his swimming abilities.

Russian became a marksman under his training along with using a knife based on the one she has tucked under her waste band. "It's great to see you again captain bellamy" she said which her husband nodded to in agreement.

I smiled and said "nice to see you too, hows gimlet handling the hoodie?" Then they had a sullen expression. "Captain, I do appreciate the protection you gave him but..... a regular child takes a lot of work not to mention one wearing a devil fruit infused item." I just laughed.

I gave gimlet a little baby hoodie infused with the monkey monkey model Japanese macaque. When he wears it he can become partially transformed, the hoodie also seems to make him stronger and heighten his senses. A little fun fact is the hoodie grows alongside him and is self cleaning.

"But didn't you say he began to appreciate bathing now?" Senor nodded "yes now he loves the bath, a little to much as when he enters we can't pull him out. I'm glad I started the resistance training, the first time I flopped over".

I just laughed at that while his wife sighed, then rattling sounded out as gimlet came dragon a suit case five times his size. One piece children are incredibly strong when they train and his devil jacket passively improves his strength.

Russian went back inside to say goodbye to her family whilst senor pink went to bid farewell to his friends on the island. I'm guessing your wondering how pink got away from doffy chan? Well he just asked to leave when he told them how gimlet nearly died because of a disease they carried back. He didn't want to travel anymore and spend time with his wife. At the current time Rosinante was still alive so doffy still values family greatly therefore she let him go.

She's kind to her people when they don't piss her off. Though she did drop the threat of killing him if he spread their secrets. Senor pink is an excellent addition to the crew because he's been to the new world, he was able to supply us with the life paper, den den mushi like the black one that scrambles calls so they can't be picked up, a three point log pose that will be much more valuable in the first half as no one could predict us and lastly a few eternal poses.

To get to the second half of the grand line a crew would need to pass at minimal 7 islands. The world governments and Weatheria have top tier resources and experts so once the first island is reached they can predict a pirates potential route which was why in the show there was always a marine base or a ship not to far away from the straw hats.

With a three point one we can jump onto another course so we can reach saobaody archipelago. On the wiki there was an image of paradise that displayed seven main routes to reach the red line with some of them interconnecting at some points. It showed how some of the supernovas got to the grand line without meeting each other.

The main issue for us currently is getting there from north blue. After gathering supplies like food and clothing we headed back to the ship. I saw Mani running a little jewellery stand as we waited meaning she was doing her job. Over the years when we went to a new island she established an information network.

She'd produce rings cheaply and mix in a few shiny rocks that sugar painted to look authentic and sell them in the shadier and upper ends of town. The scum who want to look fancy decked out in gold rings and the aristocracy who want to show of their wealth bought her stuff happily.

When they would threaten her for the whole supply she would gladly except as they began seeking her products for her. Within six years she had a wire tap into every major island in the blues. Even a few in some navy HQ's. It's a smart move on her part but the beauty is the second part.

Once she takes a trip to the slumbs and a local gang harasses her they become the skeleton crew until we reach the next island. No point the ladies wasting their time manning the ship when they could be training or having fun.

Once Muret learned to sow she began making little fashion shows for the crew to pass time or at least that's what the plan is. Once we reach new islands we would pick up the local materials that help for the local environment and she would make clothing that suits us.

After we returned to the ship we entered the navigation room. Russian and gimlet went to unpack in their room while senor came with me. Once we entered Lami greeted us and she inspected the maps.

In the corner I saw a poster of Law who already entered the grand line with a 25 million bounty. She's been trying to pin his route and see if we can interconnect somewhere. I'm not against it as Muret and monet could learn some stuff from him.

"So captain which off the two routes are we using to get in, the one controlled by the caleron family that criminals used can be pricey not to mention heavily monitored. It's the one doffy used in the past however we could also try going through the calm belt, devil fruits like ours could push through somehow."

I laughed "your forgetting the third entrance!" He frowned and then began to sweat a little "Captain you aren't suggesting we go through the G-4 base? The second they see a jolly Rodger we'd be bombed to bits and shipped straight to impel down!"

Yup there's only three ways to get into the grand line from north blue. Well there is a fourth but that's only for people who can coat their ships to go under water. The criminal way and the calm belt way are the ones. Basil Hawkins took the criminal and law took the calm belt through his submarine.

Onto marines and affiliated with countries take the G-4 base route. I've been there before but I have a bad history with that place. Specifically with the vice admiral in charge of it. Vice admiral haruhara, a psychotic bitch whose obsessed with my granny. When I was left alone with her she leaked her killing intent towards me a few times, it was minuscule however with my haki I could feel it.

She's in love with my granny and saw me as an eyesore. Now that I'm unaffiliated with my granny she'll kill me, though that is if I don't kill her first. There's other people in the base to worry about who are almost at her level, should we get into a fight I believe my crew can match them.

I have a list of them and their titles along with devil fruits.

Haruhara the shattered, she ate the window window fruit. I'll leave the abilities to your imagination but being a vice admiral means she ain't weak.

Tiana the tic, she ate the bug bug paramecia that allows her to produce insects based on what she eats.

Elsa frost who ate the frost frost fruit, a paramecia equivalent to the ice ice fruit. She's also madly in love with aokiji to an extent that it's equivalent to haruhara.

Red foot dororthy- said to be a bastard child of red leg zeff. She has no fruit but fights in a pair of red slippers that are famous for drawing blood.

Last is Alice wunder- she ate the mist mist fruit and can cause illusion when you walk into it.

A strong line up but I have a plan to get through the base. I can't wait!

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