
Hard boiled

I know it's annoying but these time skips keep happening, my childhood is mostly training, playing with girls, reading about the world and sampling the food here. The north blue has a wide variety of ingredients which are mainly fish. Due to the cold here I get to taste a lot of artic animal meat not to mention the stuff my granny brings back from her trips.

I've also gotten mildly addicted to the pokemon berries that sugar gets for her fruit. 6 years have passed since the last time I checked in and much has changed. Our strength as a group being the most of it, we're all new world level in terms of power with all of us basically gaining the abilities we aimed for except for the ones we need to awaken for.

I need to awaken to gain the final two abilities I want that will make me a powerhouse. Muret has developed her acupuncture to such a level she can use it on nature however her body can't perform it yet, also no such luck on the potential awakener just yet.

Mani has developed all the rings she wants except for storage rings and a portal ring, sling ring can only do inanimate and swap ring only works for her. The mad woman has even figured out how to make rings out of her own energy that can offer buffs. She just started spinning one day and produce a hula hoop around herself that was glowing yellow then launched it. It shredded through several trees before dissipating. She's like the wii fit trainer!!! So she began making buff rings and debuff rings like in video games.

She has one that slows the enemy, enhances damage taken and lower damage dishes out. She has ones that speed up natural healing, make you invisible and even ones that hypnotise people. My personal favourite is the gravity ring that increases the gravity around her, I wear her like a back pack a lot now so she has a smug face. The other girls get really pissed about it.

Next is lami who has become a monster, her swordsmanship scares granny a little with how deadly it is. She can carve people up in the blink of an eye and manifests a gigantic home badger behind her when she gets serious. She has reached inosuke level flexibility and beyond, even Russian gymnasts would be jealous of her. The worst part is that she hit puberty a little early. Because of her constant workouts and snacking she ended up looking like Rangiku from bleach and when she enters her hybrid form in her origin beast mode.

Fun fact was that she achieved awakening because it's the easiest for Zoans. They just have to work out and study their animal. Mythical zoans just have to study and follow the legends to achieve it like kaido did with his carp fish fruit. Now that lami got ahead of everyone she started clinging onto me like a koala. I think she imprinted on me or something cause when she hops on my back while I'm working out she'll start breathing heavy. I'm not dense about her being horny just confused about whether it's her devil fruit or if it's just her.

The marines around the house got generally terrified off her once she awakened and took out her new found power on them for all the years of their shit talking me. Gion is lucky she left to get promoted otherwise she may be bald right now. Lami still needs to work on her haki, armament is lower than observation for her but I can't fault her. None of us can have a breakthrough in that without a life or death battle. Granny took the girls on training trips as well and it did wonders for them but for me—— well I only got a bonus from my trip to germa. That truly did not go as planned

Onto the next member, the snow angel monet~. I think I know why she ended up as a harpy in the future. It's cause she keeps making wings made from snow and making snow angels. She probably pissed law or caesar off in canon which resulted in her being changed into the harpy.

Her devil fruit is decent as she was able to perfect her swordsmanship, both her and lami only need to learn ryou and upgrade their swords to reach sword saint level. She hasn't awakened yet but that's because she doesn't know how. Awakening for logia permanently changes landscapes so you would think just letting rip and filling the place with your element would work. It's not that easy, I theorise you have to have visited a place where your element is most prominent.

Aokiji and akainu have probably visited a frozen tundra and an active volcano in the new world. So she's holding off and just doing workout. She's 18 so is fully mature and is watching me like a hawk counting the days till I set sail cause that's when we say fuck you to the law. Didn't help that granny cockblocked her every chance she got so she dove into her research.

Her sister sugar is actually much more mature in this regard. She's developing fast and has become a little to fascinated with wine. She has reached Rill level in terms of her art powers however she can't awaken yet. Turning the world into her art still alludes her so she began studying every form of it she could. She sucks at playing instruments but can appreciate it, she's a decent singer though. Now she thinks drinking wine might be the next stage in her arts evolution.

She connected her art to berries and the next step up in a berries maturity is to be made into wine. Every marine in town stops her from going anywhere near the stuff. They don't want to find out what kind of drunk she is. Especially after I stated the worst case scenarios.

First one is she becomes an angry drunk and awakens resulting in everything around her becoming highly explosive. Granny contacted dr Vegapunk about that and he theorised she'd be like a walking dyna stone.

Option two is much more terrifying, she's a horny drunk and she awakens making the world around her turn into a damn yaoi doujinshi. It's called hentai and it's art! Was what she said to Tsuru when she was caught with several novels being sold by the aunties in town. I'm scared they'll star me.

Option three is she's a fighting drunk and awakens resulting in the island becoming a kung fu movie. That may sound entertaining but I don't want to meet arrogant young masters and be charged with murder.....yet.

So that's where we're at strength wise, we all chose to dive into our hobbies and professions for a while which was easy considering all the government paid experts on the island. I always told granny I wanted to be a bounty hunter and she disapproves but she still trains us knowing that some people out there want me dead.

Doffy chan!! And Garp!!! I had a run in with both of them within six years. I had fun, doffy coughed blood when I called her a blonde bombshell and asked her out. Her crew went pale when they heard that, I then started asking her how it felt to become a woman. Was it empowering, did she suddenly start caring about make up, what's that lip stick she was wearing, doesn't that outfit make you look fat?

She's lucky trebol is a good second in command otherwise my provocations would have gotten her captured. To clarify she does indeed look like a blonde bombshell just with really short blonde hair like her canon counterpart. I think that's the only part of her that resembles a man cause even her voice and posture have changed. She really didn't like it when I asked if her back hurts because of her nice tits or what's it feel like to menstruate. Sorry if I offend any ladies out there but her reaction was legendary.

You don't understand she literally puked blood into her hand, not surprising with her veiny forehead. That shit is as big as Sakura Haruno~ she did not like that comment either. When one of her men mumbled billboard brow she shredded him on the spot.

Onto my next victi—- favourite person, vice admiral garp came to challenge me one day. The encounter went as follows: he shouted from across his ship "brat I've finally come to clean that rancid mouth of yours. Prepare to taste the fist of love!!" Then launched himself towards the ship with a mixture of geppo and soru.

His fist was cocked back with what I assume to he ryou, he had spies amongst grannies women who reported my strength level. As he came flying towards me with a look of glee on his face I simply grinned as granny started recording.

As as he was about two feet away I raised my foot and coated it in haki and then slammed my foot down into the wooden deck. The plank I hit was enshrouded in haki and turned completely black. Garp was stretched out to do a superman man punch and his observation was entirely focused on my body not my surroundings, so when the haki plank sprung up at blinding speeds he ignored it.

His speed carried him right onto the haki covered plank, with his speed and durability the plank should have snapped but because I reinforced it that didn't happen. Instead he rammed his crotch onto an unbreakable plank at Mach speeds. His momentum quickly stopped and his eyes rolled back into his head. "GOH...RILLAaaaaa" he wheezed out as he was about to fall unconscious.

I then moved then moved as fast as I could and drove a hasshoken charged lariat into his throat launching him back towards his ship. He had....the best....landing posture..... of all time...period.

As he began spinning rapidly mid air his belt was destroyed. Everyone on the other end of grannies den den mushi caught the wonderful sight of garps naked ass sticking out of the mouth of the massive dog figure head on his ship. His entire upper torso was embedded into its mouth with only his naked ass hanging loosely. The teeth of the dog shredded his pant and without it's belt they flew off into the world.

All those people over the call and all the women on tsuru's crew got to see that old mans junk, didn't help that it was heavily damaged because of the plank incident.

I literally got paid millions for that along with the monkey monkey model Japanese macaque, the rumours of the devil Bellamy spread further than ever before. Even in east blue when garp went to visit his grandkids after that day they laughed in his face. Someone anonymously sent pictures and footage of everything that happened to garp to dadan the bandit, Portgas D Ace and Monkey D Luffy. When they hung them on the wall like a family treasure and he walked in screams could be heard for days.

The revolutionary army also got their hands on the photos and videos so they began to use it as anti marine propaganda. "Look at the hero of the marines... do you also want to have a micro penis? If not join the revolutionary army" their recruitment figures boomed that year.

Well that's enough about those two, it time to reveal my recruitment of the last three people in north blue. To begin this story we start when I took a trip to germa. Sanji has already long gone at this time so his three brother and hot sister had no one to take out their aggression on.

Judge and granny said I was free to explore the ship so I kindly took up the offer. I strolled to the library and kindly 'borrowed' all their medical and navigational literature through my sling ring. As I was in the process of borrowing I heard "oy what the hell do you think your doing with Germa property"

As I turned to greet the deadma——- I mean gentleman I couldn't help but grin at the broccoli coloured power ranger. "Nothing much just admiring your collection. Can't wait to review it~".

He didn't like my tone "put it back or I'll put you in the hospital for the rest of your stay here. You can REVIEW our medical research up close".

"I suppose a green pride ranger like yourself is going to escort me there. Man it must suck to be you, with those looks I would assume you'd have to share all your girls with your brother though with that hair colour I'd reckon you'd never be their first pick, or second, or third, or fourth considering how hot your sister is"

"What the fuck did you just say to me?!?!"

"I said if the carpet matches the drapes your boyfriend would assume your cocktail sausage would be a biohazard and leave you for your sister. Personally I'd much rather her company over yours, you smell like steamed cabbage".

He then screamed die and lunges towards me, I was distracted by the fart noise of his shoes momentarily so when I zoned back in I had jabbed his jaw on reflex. He fell over like a sack of potatoes with his ass in the air like he was about to receive a spanking. I looked around and my eyes turned into crescent moons.

"Is that a wano country scroll, my my~ how would you like to review it up close~" I then grabbed the priceless 40 inch long scroll. Flipped that ridiculous cape over his head as I didn't want to look at his horrible hair then rammed the scroll so far down only the tassels of the scroll could be sticking out of the new hole in his pants.

I then left to wash my hands because I touched garbage when I came across a delightful little strawberry struggling to contain her laughter. The pink berry looked to me and said "your the funniest thing I've ever seen" and like a true man I said "that's nice, wanna join my crew?" Which made her freeze.

"Ppp pardon?" "Do you want to join my crew? As in ....come along 🎶 and bring all your hopes and dreams 🎶 together we'll find everything that we've been looking for 🎶 one piece 🎶"

Her jaw was just dropping as I began singing the classic, the universe literally provided the back ground music for me. Two minutes later after I finished I looked at her "so? You joining" her pretty lips just quivered like a jack hammer.

"Tell you what, if you can make it to the new world I'll gladly join you" "sweet then I guess I'll see you in a year. A poison expert will fit right in on my crew plus your already strong not to mention drop dead gorgeous." She blushed as I began walking away waving to her.

As I was leaving on the ship I head "YONJI!!!!!! THAT WAS WORTH A FORTUNE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!" And then I began laughing like tfs alucard.

After that I met up with monet and Muret on the next island that they went to for medical supplies. They were very happy to hear about the biology books I'd gotten. As we were walking I heard a woman screaming "help help?!?! We need a Doctor here!!!!" So the three of us rushes to the commotion.

As the girls went to inspect the woman who was holding a baby that had caught a deadly high favour. I stopped and focused on the man beside her, his hard boiled aura leaking off him. I didn't notice right away but this is.....senor pink.

Once Muret got the baby into her grasp she began inspecting him. "He has a nitro grin fever I need cold to cool him down and as much water as I can get into him. The dehydration will kill him in minutes, Monet run your snow through my needles" and then she began performing acupuncture on the baby to cool him down.

I rushed towards a bar and kicked in the doors. The bartender looked up "what's the big ideas kid?!?"

" old man I need as much water as you can give me! A baby is about to die he needs fluid!!" He threw the glass out of his hand and started passing me barrels of water of every kind he had from various regions.

I kept using spring step to bring them back to the girls. As I delivered the fourth barrel he finally began to cool down and breath normally again. Muret turned to the parents "this disease will come in burst for the next twenty four outs. I need to continue treatment or he'll die. A regular hospital won't be able to cater to this as the disease originates from south blue. Have either of you been there lately?"

The man who I recognise looked a little guilty "yeah... I was there on.... business" as he lowered his head to his son. His wife kept crying and then invited us into her house so we could continue to operate on her son. I went back to pay the bartender for the damages but he just waved his hands "save it kid, it was to save a child so it's cool. If you need more water just come in and take it. Senor pink has done a lot for this town so it's no issue."

I nodded and returned to the apartment, the couple introduced themselves as senor pink "banker" the women was named Russian and was a musician and then there's the baby gimlet. "How can we ever repay you?" She asked at the end of the night once gimlet was cured.

The girls looked at me so I just nodded at them, Muret then spoke "would you join our crew? We plan to become bounty hunters in the future but with how the world is we will probably be branded as pirates ." Russian froze as she despised pirates but she was a woman of her word.

Senor pink chose this moment to inform her of his real profession. He took her into another room while we cared for gimlet, he was a cute little guy in his little pink bonnet. They argued for three hours before they came out of the room, russian had her arm around pink.

He stood in front of me "I am a member of the donquixote pirates currently. To honour my word I will leave that crew once I can confirm my family will be safe. However I will not join anyone weaker than my current boss. Can you prove that you are a man of honour?"

Russian then chose to speak "I hate pirates, I recently learned from my husband about a few things. I will not join a crew of pillaging murder machines. I also cannot leave my son I'm incapable hands so we will not be be joining right away. Can you swear you will never become that kind of pirate."

I then stood up to them and looked them in the eye and began speaking. "My name is bellamy, my ambition is to explore the world, become stronger and crush scum along the way. I have no intentions of becoming the type of pirate you are thinking off. If you join and that should happen you will be free to leave. I'm also not starting my voyage for another three years so you have time to get your affairs in order. If you wish to see my strength you can challenge me then. Until then I will waiting with open arms".

As I spoke my conqueror haki was leaking a little as I was showing some form of dominance and was speaking about my principals. I won't become a monster pirate, I want adventure and to explore this world I grew up watching. I also want to beat down scum bags. My combination was on full display for the people in the room. My girls behind me had goosebumps while Russian had shivers. Gimlet giggled or cheered happily from his crib. The man in the room who understands what I'm currently doing took of his glasses

He looked me in the eyes and slowly stretched out his hand. "There is no need for a challenge. My name is senor pink, I ate the swim swim fruit and am an expert marksman. I would be honoured to serve under you when the time comes.... Captain bellamy".

And that kids was how I met your marksman/musician/mascot.

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