
Fulfilling My Promise Towards Farious

I performed a thorough check within the four noble houses that have yet to be conquered to see if anyone is resembling Farious and Saphira's appearance that will possibly be their mother and I indeed found a match.

There is only one noble house that houses a woman whose appearance is in her thirties but her beauty was hindered by the wrinkles that started to form in her face.

Her long golden blonde hair and gold eyes might not have any resemblance towards Farious and Saphira but her facial structure such as her nose, mouth, chin, and eyebrows hold a resemblance towards Farious and Saphira.

It is without a doubt that she is Saphira's mother and to top all of that, she is the only one within the four noble houses that are held in a basement room with guards monitoring her and she possesses the age enough to be a mother of a twelve-year-old.

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