
Reaching The Nest Of Eggs

"What did you even do to kill this thing? It should have taken a lot longer…" Kameron said as he crouched behind the severed head of the basilisk. He had thought that it would have a couple tens of thousands of health points if not a hundred thousand. Seeing it die to a single attack from the girl standing behind him, he began to question if the numbers matter in the end.

Sure, he did do a lot of damage with his fire swords so maybe that could have been at a low enough health range to kill it. He was just unsure if that was what happened.

[The update to the status information has been finished]

Quickly checking the status window, Kameron first looked at the health number that the system had given it, "84,000? That's it?" He asked as he wondered if it was too low for something that tanked dozens of hits from a sword that had an elemental advantage against it.

Thinking back to the battle, he had to draw a connection with the skin of the basilisk. It was fairly tough to slice through even with his swords so coming to the conclusion that it had a strong defense, he was worried about finding any mature basilisks.

Storing the head and body into his inventory to sell or make use of later, Kameron turned around to see the elf girl staring at him with wide eyes.

After a few moments of silence, the elf girl finally spoke as she pointed her finger at him.

"YOU HAVE SPATIAL ABILITIES???" She yelled, wondering if try fighting him before he has a chance to be an asset for the demons to train and turn into a serious threat. It was known, by her at least, that the number of beings on the continent that should be able to manipulate space wasn't more than 4 in number. Five if she counted the young man in front of her.

Seriously contemplating trying to take him down now, the girl was startled as she felt a gentle touch against her shoulder. Looking to the arm that had extended towards her, she focused her attention on Kameron who had taken the chance while she was distracted to get her attention.

"Let's keep going, nothing will happen if we stand here. With that basilisk being here then there must be something further inside, maybe a way out of here even," Kameron said as he smiled and turned around before continuing further into the pathway.

Quickly walking after him, the elf realized the situation was similar to before where she had to catch up to him after he took off after their initial meeting.



After some time walking, Kameron started to use his fire manipulation to gather the sparse amount of fire element particles in the area, This caused a golf ball size ball of fire to burn above his palm as he walked. Walking while gathering the fire caused it to disappear so after stopping, he wondered what time it was. Feeling as if half the day passed, he decided to take a seat against the wall.

Stopping a few steps away, the girl questioned his actions while scanning their surroundings, "Why are you sitting down? We need to keep moving."

"Sorry, I need to take a break…" he replied as he continued gathering fire element particles in his hand, causing the fire to grow to a palm-size fire before stopping. Seeing no more fire element particles in the immediate area, Kameron focused on maintaining the flame as his cold body began to slowly warm-up.

Looking down at him, the girl wanted to argue with him about continuing on their path but ultimately sighed and sat beside him. The reason was that she knew that she needed a small break as well. Her earlier ability cost her a chunk of her mana so even now she was feeling the effects of it on her body, albeit at a low degree.

"Fine, let's rest for a bit then," she said as she looked at the flame in Kameron's hand. She was a lot better off than Kameron in terms of body temperature but the increasing cold was starting to irritate her.

Crossing her arms she leaned closer against the cold wall, almost touching Kameron's shoulder. Glancing over to her, Kameron decided to ask another question since they were taking a small break. "Can I know your name?"

Watching as the girl shifted her eyes to meet his own, he wondered if asking her was a bad thing to do. Just as he was about to apologize though, she answered him softly while focusing her eyes back onto the red flame in his hand, "My name… it's Azerine."

"Azerine… What an amazing name…"

"What about you?"

"It's…." Briefly pausing to debate if giving her a fake name was smarter, he shook his head and decided it was better to just be honest with her. "My name is Kameron"

"What??? Kameron? That's your name???" the girl quickly asked while turning her face towards him.

"Yes it is, is that weird?"

"Yes, it is! Demons rarely have human names…"

"I see… how much do you know about the demons of the demon kingdom?"

"I don't think I know more than you probably do, you're a demon after all."

Wanting to say that he hasn't been to the demon kingdom, he stopped as he saw her lean her head on his shoulder.

"Don't say anything, focus on resting. We need to keep moving soon." She said as she closed her eyes as if wanting to take a nap.

Seeing that he would be the one that would be watching the area while they took a quick break, Kameron began manipulating the fire floating above his hand.



After around an hour, or what Kameron determined to be an hour, he and Azerine continued on the path while Kameron in particular continued to steadily increase the size of the flame.

After some time they reached the end of the pathway. Looking around they saw that it led into a massive room that was dozens of feet in height while also looking circular in shape.

There were rock pillars throughout the space seeming to stabilize it to where it wouldn't cave in. The glowing stalactites were also focused around the tops of the pillars causing areas of light to fall around the pillars with anything between them dimmed heavily.

Finished scanning the massive room, the two looked over the ledge that had signified the end of the pathway, they saw that there was a floor about ten or so feet down.

"Look over there in the back," Azerine said as she pointed while Kameron followed her hand. Peering into the distance, he saw that around the base of some pillars were white oval-like stones.

"What are those?"

"Probably basilisk eggs." She replied as she counted a total of about two dozen pillars with eggs surrounding them.

"Does that mean that the mother is around?"

"There have to be multiple, with so many eggs around there can't only be one mother laying them all."

"Hmm… what do you think then? Continue forward?"

"Probably… some of them look as if they are about to hatch but I can't get a good look from this far away, plus do you see that opening in the back?"

Looking past the pillars, Kameron saw another hole on the opposite side of the room.

"We need to get over there, that might be a way out."

"Let's get going then…"

Coming up with a plan of action, they lept down from the ledge and traveled towards the back of the room.

Kameron luckily kept his fireball stabilized after nearly losing it as he jumped down.

"If there are a lot of eggs then where are the basilisks? They should be around here right?"

A few moments after asking his question, Kameron saw something shift through the darkness as Azerine pulled him back. Where he had been standing, a stream of water surged by, similar in size to what he had seen from the juvenile basilisk from before.

"You just had to say something!" Azerine said as their surroundings began to move within the darkness.

"Go!" She said as she pushed Kameron in a different direction.

Running instantly while focusing intensely on keeping his flame from disappearing, Kameron followed behind Azerine as she ran around and between different pillars as dozens of streams of water flew by them narrowly.

"Come on!" She yelled as they began nearing the back of the room, as they neared the closest nest of eggs, the water streams stopped.

Looking behind them briefly, Kameron caught a glimpse of dozens of basilisks chasing them through the patches of light, he knew that the number was higher since felt a lot of moment from the movement from the dim parts of the room.

"They don't want to hurt the eggs, go to the nest closest to the opening!" Azerine shouted as she took a look at Kameron as he ran right behind her.

"Stop!" Kameron suddenly shouted as he grabbed her hand and forcefully stopped them both, just as she was mentally processing what she wanted to shout at him, she saw a large claw slam down where she would have been if she continued running.

Looking at where it came from, her body began to tremble as she gazed at the basilisk that looked larger than the others.

"It's a rank 2 basilisk…"

Another chapter is coming later, I will probably have Saturday as my rest day and release 2 chapters on Sundays to make to total 7 a week if I release daily during the weekdays.

AstralGodZerocreators' thoughts
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