
MYS 186 Postoperative

MYS 186



Don't ask how it feels to have surgery! What is clear is that the doctor deliberately inserted the pen between my fractured leg bones so that it could be reunited and within the specified time the pen would be taken back. 


  Which means I'll be back in surgery. It's called pen removal surgery! The name of the operation is never good. You have to fast first. 


  "Mom, Anggi is dizzy. Do you want to sleep first?" My voice sounded indistinct in my ears. Like not my voice but coming from my mouth. 


  "Yes, son." Mother replied slowly. He rubbed the top of my head gently then left me alone again. 


  My father, of course, worked and took turns with my mother taking care of me. Plus, we don't have any relatives to ask for help, so we couldn't help but make my parents take turns in guerrilla warfare just to take care of me. 



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