
MYS 72 Is there a second chance 

MYS 72 Is there a second chance 


  One thing that keeps me sane is that no one knows the story of my past. Meanwhile, Mei could only blink like she was looking at an angel. 


  For me, the owner of that voice is an angel of death. I can only gawk at this auspicious coincidence situation. How could I have met Mister J in Gubeng? 


  Okay, maybe I forgot that Surabaya was Mister J's house before moving to Prembun. But why do the many Mister J restaurants have to come to this place? 


  "He's your friend, Anggi?" poke Mei with a strange sound. It's too weird that I think that Mei and Mister J are working together. 


  "No. The wrong person." I immediately turned my face to the garden behind the restaurant. 


  My mouth is tightly closed. But my head is cursing and cursing. Why did Mei have to force me to come to this place anyway? 


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