
Breaking Down A Date


"Eagle has reached the nest. Repeat, eagle has reached the nest," Lt. Graves says in a low voice. 

We all turn towards the screen of my laptop, which is showing a live feed of Major Felix arriving at the venue of his date. Sgt. Maraya pulls out his binoculars, acting like a very suspicious look out. Tripod is on the table, enjoying an early can of snacks. 

"Good form, straight back, no sign of nervousness. Looks like your talk did him good, ma'am," he comments.

On my earphones, I hear the sound of door chimes clanging as the major opens the doors. As soon as he enters, the distinctive chatter of a bustling restaurant can be heard.

"Audio is good on our end," I report.

"Major Felix, can you hear me. Cough if you can," Sgt. Poe asks.

I hear the major let out a small cough. I give the thumbs up.

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