

(Ashley's Pov)

"My name is Ashley Foster, 16, a fourth year student at Horizon Academy. To tell the truth my whole life has been misery, 3 years after I was born my father got addicted in gambling and then one day he disappeared with no trace, my mom worked herself to the bone just to give me a chance for school.

It should be a good news right? but she just used it as a reason to hurt me, always screaming that if she was gone my life would be a mess. In the next few years she started dating random guys, I was in middle school back then, rumors began spreading at school saying that my mom was a whore, a slut, a prostitute and that caused the students to bully me.

One day she brought two guys to our home saying that they were her co-workers, for a child I never cared who she brought home but that day was the day something inside me snapped.

I just got out of the bath when one of those guys came to me, pinned me down like a toy and took off my towel, I could hear my mother's scream of pleasure from a room. Was I about to become the same as my mother? that was what I thought, I was lost and had no choice I already gave up, he made his move and place his disgusting part and went inside me full force no word came out of my mouth but I felt it, it was painful, the pain I felt at that moment was immeasurable, he then began to lick my neck, in disgust I looked towards my right side and saw it, a ray of light appeared beside me.

There was a pen, something in my brain snapped, everything suddenly went blank, it was as if I lost consciousness.

I woke up to see the man screaming beside me I.. I.. I stabbed his neck with the pen, he was screaming in pain, I took the pen again and stabbed both his eyes 3 times at that moment the only thing I felt was happiness, ah it was the best feeling, I made my way to the kitchen and took a knife and walked towards my mothers room naked and filled with blood.

As I entered I saw them my mom, being pounded by a guy, the rumors at school was true, when the man saw me he slowly approached me and tried talking to me but I didn't respond he then placed his hand on my waist and started moving it down at the moment I suddenly pierced his chest with the knife he then screamed in pain as for my mother she was sitting at the bed shocked and started calling me a 'monster'.

I smiled at her as I mercilessly stabbed his so-called co-worker I was drenched in blood of two random guys and walked towards my mother she started screaming ordering me to stay away. But I didn't listen, as she and I was both sitting at the bed I went and hugged her tight with a knife on my right hand.

You're a 'monster' it was her last words I hugged her tight before finally stabbing her back. Our doorbell suddenly rang I walked to the door only to see a woman..."

"Can I come in?" the woman asked me.

"Please feel at home"

We then both sat at the sofa opposite to each other.

"May I ask why you are here Ma'am?"

"I will take care of all your expenses and of course I will also take care of those corpse"

"I can still go to school?"

"Yes, but you will live alone in this place of course you don't need any work an allowance will be sent weekly so no need to worry about anything"

"Our conversation ended with that, I took another bath and went to my room and slept. The next day the house was very clean the fridge had countless delicious food everything was perfectly done. School was the same they still treated me like trash I had no friends and no one even dared to talk to me, I was all alone.

When I reached high school everything was still the same I was sent to a class with two new students one of them caught my interest, he had white hair and a strand of black one, the two of them were weird a isolation presence was with them that no one even tried to talk to them, the three of us were the same or so I thought.

Around a week passed no one still tried to talk to those two, they had this isolation wall which denied anyone from coming close, it was lunch break when he spoke to me"

*At the rooftop of Horizon Academy Building 1*

"So your here again?" a voice called me out.

I looked around but saw no one I took out small knife hidden in the sleeves of my uniform.

"Oh? can you actually kill someone you can't see?"

"Why don't you come out coward"

The voice started laughing it was all around me coming closer and closer and closer until...

"Can you see me now?"

He was right behind me, I quickly turned around ready to stab but...

"So much bloodlust in those pretty eyes of yours"

He was now right in front of me, my knife was point at me his right index finger was at my lips he seemed different from what he looks like in class it was as if another person was in his body.

*gulp* "What do you want?" I asked him.

"Ehh.. let me ask the same question, what do you want? why try to kill someone you don't even know? I know you secrets your eyes can't hide the pain you've felt"

I was crying, I realized that moment that tears were falling from my eyes, my legs began to shake and then I was sitting down.

"Who are you?" I asked him, my voice was also shaking, my heartfelt heavy all the emotions I lost that day came crashing back to me, all those words the words that went in and out of my ear rushed back

"Don't worry humans can cry, humans need emotions to feel alive"

Everything he said stuck to my brain that I can't forget it. I was only crying at that time   I cried and cried until lunch was about to end.

"Hey can I ask your name?" I asked him, as I began to calm down.

"My name is Rei, nice to meet you" He replied and then he smiled.

His smile was so bright that my cold heart began to melt after that everything was back to normal a wall once again covered him. He was so interesting that I began to be obsessed with him because he knew exactly what happened that day, he knew exactly how I felt, he was the only person I can cry on.

I tried to talk to him once again when we met at the rooftop one time but he was different.

"Hey uh how do I say this, sorry can you please move out of the way, class is about to start" it was what he said.

His answer was as if he forgot all the tears I shed that day he was different everyday, three days after that encounter he disappeared the school said that he dropped out for personal reasons, but his brother was still at school which made things complicated I tried to follow his brother but like Rei he was also good at hiding his presence.

Everyday for the next years I did my best to know more about Rei from his brother but the wall he had just grew thicker and thinner at the same time.

He would reply if you ask him about the subjects in class but if you try to be friends with him the wall will come crashing in front of you, they were very different.


(3rd person Pov)

*At Ashley's house*

"He's still really weird, holding his hand, staring at his face, teasing him, my  whole body is burning up I want him to be mine I want all of him!! HE IS GONNA BE MINE. Oh Rei I wish you knew how much I LOVE YOU!"

She said as she began to touch herself  at her bed while staring on one stolen picture she had of Rei at the game center.

*Ken's room*

"Calling Amithy....


"Good Evening, Ms. Amithy" Ken said over the phone.

"Ah Good Evening to you as well Ken, why call so late?" she asked.

"He's going back to school, you can now fulfill your end of this deal" Ken answered in a very cold tone.

"Really now? what a surprise, well that's very easy, I mean I can easily get him to fourth year but I have no assurance that you and him will be in the same class"

"so what do you want?"

"Ah well that's easy!" she replied in a very joyful voice.


"Date me till until graduation and everything will go the way you want it to be hehe~"

"*sigh* Alright be sure that he's sent to my section aright!"

"Okey! that's a deal now okay darling~?"

"Yeah sure its a deal"

"Hey do you know that I'm only wearing my underwear right now?"

"Yes, your actually on video call"

"Wait? really? Ohmyghod it is!! this is so embarrassing"

"Your such a pain you know that, well then Goodnight"

"Alright Goodnight! see you darling~ I love you"

"Eh... *sighhhh* such a pain!! I love you too"

"Call End~"

"So you're actually dating someone else now" Rei was in front of Ken's open door.

"So you heard?" Ken replied who actually forgot to close the door.

"Never thought you'd go with a teacher just for me to be in the same section huh?"

"Said the guy who dropped out with no actual reason"

"So... you really love meee!! Nii-san!! how thoughtful of youuu! huhuhuhu!!"

Rei then jumped to his brothers legs and hugged it while crying.


Ken hit him for the fourth time.

"Stop clinging you Idiot!"

"But Nii-sann!! Arigatou!! you really love me that much to risk your life huhuhu"

"huh? risk my life? the hell are you saying?" 

"Ehh?? Majikayo?? you didn't know that its prohibited to have relationship with your teacher HAHAHAHAHH!!" Rei then walked back to his room laughing.

"Majikayo? the hell is that word? wait it's prohibited? this teacher didn't even tell me?"

And then He called her again.

"Calling Amithy...


"Oi! why the hell didn't you tell me that this relationship is prohibited??"

"Eh? I thought you were acting cool so that you can get your brother at the same class as you?"

"Act cool? why would I do that??"

"Anyway don't worry! my brother is the principal so I can just black mail him if he ever finds out! and the other teachers are scared of you I doubt they'd do anything that might anger you! so don't worry okay?"

"*sigh* This is such a pain"

"Don't worry darling everything will be safe for us"

"What a drag!"

"Call End"

*Rei's room*

"What shall I do? class is coming should I try to make friends? hmm.." Rei said to himself as he was laying down in his bed. He sat down to look around his room and say the number given by Ashley.

"Call you when I remember huh? but who exactly are you?"

"Remember the knife" a voice whispered to Rei's ear.

"A knife?, girl, student, pain, bloodlust, fear, red, tears, screams"

A blurry memory appeared in Rei's mind a memory of the day he met a girl who felt so much pain. A girl who went through a lot in her life.

"Naruhodo, so it was you huh? Well I know you can wait, you did wait for a few years to meet me again. I'll be seeing you again soon Ashley"

He said before standing up and sitting in front of his computer.

"We'll meet at the school I can feel it but right now this game is a very important thing Mwahahahahahaha!" 

He said before playing the game.

As he was playing he suddenly  felt dizzy, his vision started to blur, his body became heavy that he was unable to stand up from his chair.

At that very moment everything around him went dark he looked around but found nothing except for him and the chair. His heart began pounding so fast he felt multiple presence around him, multiple pair of eyes started to surround him they were starring at him, he tried to close his eyes but he can't close it for too long as it opens on its own a few more eyes started to appear he tried screaming but no voice could be heard he was in an empty void filled with eyes.

He was losing hope, when a white light shined from a distance, his chair began to move in hyper speed that other eyes were now behind him, but the light was still small but slowly started to get bigger until he was just a few more kilometers before closing to the face of those White eye.

"Kill them all" A deep voice said.

"Kill? who? what are you saying?" His voice was finally back.

"Kill them all" It repeated the same words for like minutes that Rei was starting to go crazy.

"Who a-"

Before he could finish his sentence the light grew brighter that he can't look at it, a flash suddenly came out.

"Oi! Oi! Rei? are you alright?" Ken panicked as he saw his brother laying down on the floor like a dead body.

"Nii-san? Why are you hear?" Rei asked.

"I heard a loud noise up here, so I rushed to check on you only to see you laying down the floor"

"Ah! I guess I actually need sleep huh?"

"Play those games when your better okay?

"I guess so hehe, gomen Nii-san"

"Get some rest your heading back to school alright, ring me if you ever need anything"

"sure Nii-san!

As Ken went back to his room, Rei felt a rather bizarre feeling as if someone is calling his presence he closed his eyes and tried to sleep but he can't because he needed to find the perfect sleep spot that changes everyday in his bed, after finally finding the perfect spot he was now ready, he closed his eyes and went to sleep. As his body and mind was finally at peace, a voice came out of his mouth saying.

"11,582 km

Their almost here."

[Chapter End]

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