

Natalia relaxes and calls Naomi to buy the best laptop that is made this year 1999 and after confirming what to buy, she ended the call.

"Naomi will be coming home with a Bell Latitude CPi A366XT that is a good one to use for your own business," she told the baby.

"Twank yu," Ezy replied.

Thinking about the laptop's big and heavy structure, he could only be satisfied with what the technology can afford and can make now. But also in some ways excited to see the behemoth and able to use it for a techno geek like him wishing that the wifi will able to not be a hindrance but if it is, he will just be satisfied with using the line again.

Seeing the baby excited with his coming first laptop, she was happy at first but remembered about their age gap thinking that she will be so old and not that beautiful to attract this lustful baby and can be replaced by the pretty and more youthful girls in his welcoming of adulthood.

Feeling the sadness coming from Natalia, he walked towards her and gesturing her face to come closer, and when her face was close to him. He kisses her lips while making her surprised.

"Dwont...bwe.. swad, yu.. Aways.. bwe.. Mwine ..." Ezy said to her gently while making her comfortable from the dilemma she was thinking about.

"But..." Ezy kissed her again to stop her speaking.

"I... Expwain... latwer... okway..."

"Bwe.. gwod.. gwirl.. liswen" he said gesturing her to give his morning breakfast.

Brushing off the problem, she listens to the baby and brings out the baby's big soft milkshake maker. Watching the baby enjoyed receiving his milkshake and beginning to doze off, after feeling that the baby is not sucking anymore. She went to the baby's mother's room and stayed there for a whole morning watching them playing and feed the baby if it's hungry while leaving sometime when the father comes, giving them family quality time to each other.

To give the baby's mother a well-deserved rest, they spend the afternoon in their room playing and also have time practicing the baby's speaking.

The improvement is apparently becoming much faster with her conversing with the baby.

"The boy is peewing... At a wexy wowan... Taking a bath... In the river."

"Your words are more understandable now....But why with the perverted topic?" Natalia said laughing.

"Sexy lady juwping... Makwing mountain...." The baby stops in the middle and explain."Well, it's wore.... Intewesting to say hahahah" The baby laughs cutely at her question.


"Lick it good... Lick it good... Lick it good..."

"Shake that... butty!" the baby exclaimed at her laughing.

"..." she looked at him passively.

"Can you not use dirty words, because your still a baby and it's not cute," she told the baby.

Baby Nods for approval and said"two big papayas gowing... up and dwon.." looking at her grinning.

Natalia shakes her head and with glee of anger pinched both baby's cheeks while the baby said"sowih...sowih... give up... i givap."while begging to her.

They spend the whole afternoon practicing speaking while mixed up with naps and milk time in between until Naomi came home and seeing the sundown making the outside of the windows dark with full of bright light from the buildings around the mansion.

Looking at the box of the laptop bought by Naomi. The baby disappeared from Natalia's arm and appeared near to the box excitedly waiting for Naomi like a child happily waiting to receive his toy.

Naomi put down the box in front of the baby and was readying to help the baby to open the box but the boy waves her off to leave him alone and just do what she needs to do in her normal routine coming back from school.

She went to the bed and sit beside Natalia while both observe the baby what will do to the box of the laptop that is still sealed with tapes while hearing the baby said "unboxing!"

They saw the baby caressing the box like its lover, touching and feeling every corner of the box like showing it to many imaginary audiences and reading all the specs that were written on the box like telling it to someone and make them understand more about the item inside the box.

The baby disappeared and a minute later the box also disappeared. When they were starting to think about the box's disappearance, the box reappeared now laying on the carpet flat with the baby touching the box and on the other hand holding a good quality small knife.

Seeing that knife, both sisters shivered while cold sweat can be felt on their body knowing that the owner of the small knife was Naomi.

Seeing the baby didn't say anything to them and being ignored, they continued watching the baby while thinking how to explain them selves to their Young Master.

The baby started to slice the tape and slides out all the contents inside the boxes to the carpet, while cutting all the things that need to be cut and disappeared again and appeared while not holding the small knife anymore.

Naomi sneakily went where she was hiding her things, and saw the small knife that was held by the baby a while ago was returned as if it was their imagination seeing it awhile ago.

Naomi calm down and returned beside her sister and confirmed that it was her small knife that they saw awhile ago.

Natalia bursts into tears and runs to the baby like she was discovered cheating but being ignored by his husband. She hugs the baby while telling the baby apologizes but not explaining why they have those items.

The baby was annoyed that his scared time of unboxing his Laptop was interrupted.

"Okway.....okway.....welax....welax" the baby said while comforting Natalia that he didn't mind and gesturing her to sit with Naomi again.

Seeing her sister going back beside her like being pardon by her sins, Naomi was baffled about the situation around her and understand that her sister in someway is very close to the baby.

"Maybe motherly love for giving the baby milk?" She thought while seeing the baby happily turning on his brand new laptop.

"Damn it! The wifi is not that good but let's be satisfied with it but it needs to be upgraded, "He thought.

Restarting his laptop, he went to safe mode and crack it with codes while bypassing the brand's security walls for their system. Entering the system of the laptop, he replaced all codes with his future knowledge and add new ones to upgrade the performance of the laptop while specializing in the Wifi area system.

Curious about what was the baby doing to his laptop, both Naomi and Natalia went at the back of the baby and also sit on the carpet to have a better view. They saw him typing slow at first but as time pass, his arms move faster like doing a soft finger gun to the keyboard for having small hands exchanging from big flexible hand and fingers. Seeing this type of typing they got wow by it but when they saw the codes and what he was doing, both of them got shocked and their jaw dropped from it.

After Ezy upgrade his laptop, its performance went a whole another level making it open and surf the internet faster making him happy and proud of his past future efforts.

First, he went to the site where he hidden his programs and after downloading sneakily, he covered his tracks and exited it.

Getting his programs, he polished and upgraded the programs to a legendary weapon and imbued it with mystical power! Ehem! Well, he upgraded the codes and again added more codes to make them more untraceable and to have more hacking power.

He visited his father's computer while inspecting if someone was tracking him from it, he was shocked the there were many hackers sniffing around his father's internet address looking for clues. When he saw that he went ghost mode and clean everything and also shut down all the walls of his father leaving them to come in and find out there was nothing here. After that, he made a fake trace that was far away and make many traces to make them think about life and nature on their travel. Cold sweat was flowing in his back thinking he was too arrogant and in a rush not thinking that the present world internet is not yet that large and few hackers were playing around.

Knowing that this was a close call situation.

He went back on upgrading his programs not hide but erase all his traces.

While double and triple checking his system programs, he was baffled and confused why were many hackers are tracking him and also shock that some of them have traces working in the government. Thinking for what reason they are tracking him, he remembered that he made a two site for fun and laugh about it while visiting his future money making babies. Going at the first site the "ApocalypseFamily.com" nothing was out of the normal there, brushing it out of his mind, he starts to put codes on the sites and making many additional fixtures copying the future successfully sites of youtub, fesbuk and yutob making merge to one site and system. Thinking about smartphones and apps, he remembered that Mango's Ephone will be released in the year 2007.

"I need to have a coffee with Mango's CEO and cofounder Spencer Works." He thought

After finishing the site, he made many firewalls, and in this wall is another wall with traps of viruses that can destroy one computer in a second but will not spread to the internet. He also made the walls stronger and if someone with crack it. It will save the Internet address of the culprit and sending a message that if he or she will continue doing this again, he will be rewarded with many good discarded computers and can also receive an unknown jackpot. Well, that jackpot will be for the time being not available because Ezy didn't decide upon it yet.

When he finished finalizing the uncrackable moneymaker, he when and visit his "Salvation Corp.". Opening it, he was confused that going in the site was buffering slower than in the past. Bored of waiting, he uses his admin identity and went thru the back door. He was shocked to seeing what was happening, a 1 dollar of a long line and the end of it cannot be seen anymore. Looking at this, he opened another window to open his Swiss bank account to see his current balance.

Opening his money storage, he saw many digit numbers while refreshing it thinking maybe it's an error. But every time he refreshed the window, numbers change while the amount is going up.

Seeing the 141,349,439 dollars in his account, he was confused why are many people are giving 1 dollar to his donation box.

He climbed to Natalia's beautiful leg, who is sitting cross-legged on the carpet behind him. Sitting between her legs like his very own expensive flesh sofa and leaned to her soft sexy belly, while caressing his chin thinking what is the reason for his baby life to become rich this fast and his other hand stimulating his luxury milkshake maker preparing it to be ready because he was hungry from all the typing he had done.

"Wat en why thyr.... giwing mwe.... mowey...." He said while the two ladies tremble hearing him.

"Ummm?" He looked at his back and saw the exaggerated shocked faces of the beautiful ladies.

"tsk tsk tsk, now you know my greatness." He thought while feeling proud being a rich baby.

"Their so shock with this Young master of them is filthy rich that can support 20 football teams of sons and daughters, " a smug and he pointed his chin to the heavens but remember last night's thunder and made him disappointed.

Thank you for reading,

my eyes are not feeling well now so maybe i didn't see some wrongs in my work.

this chapter became longer and ideas were raining in my head while I was working a the hospital.

wish you all liked it

Thank you again

EzyGuLakycreators' thoughts
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