
The end-of-year feast

Waking up at the crack of dawn Eleanor's morning routine was always the same and it didn't change for today.

As soon as she woke up she checked her wounds, which when she took out her claws almost instantly healed. Standing up and getting dressed in the usual Hogwarts robes, which were strangely living on the closest table to her bed every.

When she was fully dressed she knelt next to her bed and prayed, it was a routine she strictly adhered to, Eleanor prayed at sunrise, at noon, and at sunset, to her, it was the times she was closest to God.

After she was done Eleanor took the book she had started reading at Dumbledore's request.

The theory in the book was strange but interesting it talked about the concept of evolution. How one creature could change to another creature over thousands if not tens of thousands of years.

The book was quite thick so Eleanor wasn't far through it what delayed her more is that after every page she stopped to contemplate on what she just read.

Walking down the stairs to his office Dumbledore as always saw Eleanor sitting on her bed reading a book, he noticed that it was the same book he had given her yesterday 'So she likes it.' Dumbledore thought.

Razing his hands like he was about to call the house-elves by clapping but remembered that he could call them without doing so, it was just for theatrical purposes.

Walking over to his desk Dumbledore whispered "Filly". With a resounding pop, a house-elf appeared in front of him. Leaning down he motions for him to come closer, doing so Filly tentatively stepped forward. "Filly could you please get me and Lady Eleanor some breakfast."

"Of course Master Dumbledore." the house-elf said in a low but still squeaky voice before popping away.

Straightening up he moved to sit at his desk but thought better of it and moved over to sit next to Eleanor.

Before doing he asked, "May I sit?"

She didn't answer for a moment her eyes still scanning the page but then stopped and looked up and smiled "Of course."

Moving his robes so they don't wrinkle he sat next to her. Looking at the page number she was on surprised him "twenty-one, quite impressive" usually he wouldn't think much of it but this was different Eleanor had only learned the English language two weeks ago and reading and writing it less than one.

Opening his mouth he was about to say more but there was another loud pop and there stood Filly with two plates of English breakfast.

Noticing this Eleanor carefully closed the book she had been reading and stood up "Headmaster, we should eat before our food get's cold." she said in her beautiful but childish voice.

"Ah, yes of course"

Walking over to the house-elf Eleanor gave him a grateful smile "Thank you"

Family hearing her words almost seemed to glow "No need to thank me, young miss, it is a house-elves pleasure to serve."

"It doesn't matter if you like doing it or not it is still common custody to thank people if they are kind to you."

"Miss is too kind," Filly said bowing deeply.

"I will see you later Filly." With that Eleanor turned to sit at the table.

As always Dumbledore pulled the chair out for her to sit down and only then sat down himself.

As they were their breakfast Eleanor asked the Headmaster a question that almost made him fall off his chair. "Dumbledore, the boy Harry Potter why does he have to stay at his aunt and uncle?"

"Shouldn't you know this yourself?"

A small chuckle passed her lips "You have so many memories it's hard to sort them all out. it has become easier with your lessons but the ones not related with them are harder to sort out."

"Ah, that explains it. Well back to your earlier question. Do you remember how his mother sacrificed herself to protect him?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yes, of course."

"Good, well when she died an ancient magic was cast. It's called sacrificial protection, it only works if someone who has the chance to save themselves protects someone from the killing curse, Harry's version works through blood. Nearly six years ago Hagrid, Minerva, and I brought Harry to his aunt and uncle's house where we hoped that he would be taken care of. Luckily they took him in and so the spell was activated. As to why he needs protection, well Harry killed Voldemort so his followers want revenge, and while some of them are in Azkaban most of them still walk free. Does that answer your question?" Dumbledore expanded.

"Yes, I think so," Eleanor said a smile on her face.

"Why so interested?" Dumbledore asked looking over his glasses.

"No particular reason," she answered before putting a piece of bacon in her mouth.

It was a few hours later and Eleanor was standing in front of a mirror stretching out her arm she closed her eyes and concentrated on it she was trying to change it to steel but it wasn't working a frown appeared on her face as it wasn't working suddenly she felt a slight tingling at the tips of her finger and as she opened her eyes she saw that they had turned a bit more shiny than normal. A small smile came across her lips as she closed her eyes again she did this until she was called by the headmaster.

"Eleanor, it's time for lunch."

Opening her eyes she called "Coming" As she looked at her fingers she saw that they looked almost metallic.

After lunch, she learned some more history from Dumbledore which helped her tremendously.

Her lesson took about three hours to complete and after it, she just sat down and read for the rest of the day. About half an hour before the End of year feast Dumbledore came up to her and asked where she would sit today.

"Well as I said to Professor McGonagall yesterday, I will be joining you for dinner and later on I might sit with the winners of the House Cup." Turning to back to his desk Dumbledore said. "Yes, it would be good for you to make some more connections."

Closing her book and standing up she walked up the stairs to the walking closet where she would usually change. "I'll go get myself ready," Eleanor said just before closing the door.

Now standing in a long spacious room with shelves at either side, a cushioned bench in the middle, and a mirror at the end

she moved to the right where there were a few robes that weren't in the typical Hogwarts black. Looking through them she saw a blue one a purple one and a white one reaching in she grabbed the white robe. Looking at it properly Eleanor saw there were a few Black and grey outlines on it.

She assumed it was a transfigured Hogwarts robe because she doubted Dumbledore went out to buy her a new robe. If only Eleanor knew how wrong she was, yesterday during the feast Minerva had told Albus how the young princess wanted to join them tomorrow. Of course, he couldn't allow her to just present herself in the school uniform so while Eleanor was training her metamorphmagus ability he went to Madam Malkin's robes for all occasions and bought her three robes.

Standing in front of the only mirror in the room Eleanor changed into the new robe it fit her almost perfectly. She wanted to call a house elf but didn't know how remembering how Dumbledore did it she clapped her hand and said "Filly".

With a loud pop, he appeared in his usual tea towel with a small Hogwarts pin on it.

"How can Filly help you miss?" he said in a squeaky voice.

"Filly do you know how to braid hair?"

"But of course miss."

A smile grazed Eleanor's lips "Then could you please do mine."

"It would be an honor," he said jumping up and down.

Hearing this Eleanor moved over to the bench and sat down.

Jumping up to stand behind her he asked "What kind of braid does miss want?"

"Waterfall, please"

A few hand movements later the house-elf was done "All done miss."

Standing up she walked back to the mirror "Looks good, thank you.

"It was a pleasure serving miss" and with a loud pop, he disappeared again.

Slipping on a pair of black shoes she exits the walking closet.

"Dumbledore, I'm ready to go," she called down the stairs.

"Ah, excellent timing I was about to come and get you."

As Eleanor walked down the stair to his office she sees Dumbledore at the door to it as she reaches him he smiles "It looks great on you."


Sitting at the head table with Dumbledore to her left and McGonagall to the right she gazed down at the four empty tables.

She suddenly heard a squeaky voice from her right looking over she saw that Professor McGonagall had started talking with a small white-bearded man. Noticing eyes on him the small man looked up and seeing Eleanor smiled "Ah, so you must be Eleanor, it's very nice to finely meet you. I've heard so much about you from the other professors, sadly I couldn't escort you around the castle myself I had a lot of paperwork to do."

"It's fine Professor-"

"Flitwick Professor Flitwick." He said smiling from ear to ear.

"Then it is pleasure meeting you Professor Flitwick."

Then the big doors at the end of the hall swung open and students started swarming in.

It had been quite a relaxing day for Nymphadora Tonks, she mostly just sat outside with her friends and talked.

Over the last few days, she had heard that a group of second-year Gryffindors had met a girl who apparently was heir to house Black. On its own this was already quite interesting but what made it even more so was her age and the place she was sitting yesterday evening.

Firstly she was only six years old and for where she sat it was the Gryffindor table of all places. I mean she had heard of Sirius Black who was sorted into Gryffindor, but it was still strange.

Now walking into the great hall her view was obstructed by the many students in front of her as soon as she found the Hufflepuff table she looked for a seat. Slowly the crowd was thinning out and she saw a seat. Walking over she sat down. To her left, she saw one of her friends, Grace Carter and to her right, there was a boy she had never seen before. From his height and looks she guessed he was a fifth-year.

"Hey, Tonks?" Grace called from her left.


"Who's that?" she asked pointing to the head table. Turning back to her right she saw what Grace meant. Directly in between the Headmaster and Professor McGonagall sat a girl she couldn't see her face clearly from such a distance. But there was only one girl in the whole school that looked six and that was the 'Black' girl.

"It's her," Grace said from next to Tonks "but don't most Blacks have dark hair?"

"Yeah they do, but Narcissa Malfoy also has blond hair."

Suddenly Dumbledore stood up and the whole hall went silent.

"Another year gone!" Dumbledore said cheerfully. "And I must trouble you with my never-ending speeches before we sink our teeth into our delicious feast. What a year it has been! Hopefully, your heads are all a little fuller than they were, you have the whole summer ahead to get them nice and empty before next year starts. Now as I understand it, the house cup here needs awarding and the points stand thus: in fourth place, Hufflepuff, with three hundred and twenty-nine points, in third place, Ravenclaw, with three hundred and ninety-six points, in second place, Gryffindor, with four hundred and twenty-five points and lastly in first place and the winner of the House Cup, Slytherin, with an outstanding four hundred and seventy points."

Nymphadora could hear loud cheering coming from the Slytherin table.

"So there keeping it, twice in a row is quite good," she said to Grace.

"Yeah, seems so, well good for them."

Sorry, might seem a bit forced.

waryfishycreators' thoughts
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