
Never Open

Serenica saw the light of a torch.

She saw many familiar, worried faces. Essieca. Ed. Deim, and the Admiral, who was offering her some chewing tobacco.

She accepted the offer, grateful to have such caring friends.

"You had a seizure," Ed said.

"What did you see?" the cannibal asked.

"All sorts of things…" Serenica didn't feel comfortable sharing the most private things in her soul, not even to these people.

She pushed herself back up. "There are no voices."

"No. I think whatever caused this is wearing off," the inventor genius said. "But it was frightening to see you scream at a puddle and convulse on the ground."

"Did I scream? I do not recall screaming."

"If there was anything in the woods, it has left already," Essieca said cheerily. "I don't believe it was ever there. The forest is just playing tricks on us."

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