
Frog Sweaty Paw

The dinner consisted of cheese, cheese with meat, cheese with nuts and cheese with cheese. Serenica could appreciate the goaty taste after three bites. She sat in a peculiar position that made her legs ache, but at least the food was good.

After enjoying the meal they discussed the subject of the perkel frogs. The chief said that he had some of the raw extract, but it needed to be diluted so that it would not be lethally strong in its concentration.

The chief offered Serenica a vial full of the stuff, but the scent was weird. It was more like the sour milk that Serenica had enjoyed at an inn in the south. Actually, it was exactly like that sour milk. Perkel sweat, as it was called, was not supposed to be white, let alone sour.

Serenica drank the contents of the vial while others watched, horrified.

"Sour milk," she told them. "Chief, I appreciate the practical joke. Can you give us the real stuff now?"

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