

Ed had, in a way, had a fit. He never cried, at least he didn't cry in front of other people, but it looked like such a descent into madness was not too far away. He was tugging on his hair, pulling out large amounts of it, pacing around and occasionally stopping to sit and curse.

"I feel so supremely awful because of all the calming herbs you have given me," he complained. "Calming! Why do you think I need to be calm?"

"It's for preventing seizures," Serenica explained patiently. "You consume so much corna that you qualify as an addict."

"And what does that matter, really? Hm? Do you reckon I should just roll over and recover, when recovery means the death of my excellence? Do not think for a second that I don't know! I am a genius. You have no idea how hard that is. Especially when some healer makes your decisions for you."

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