

There was simply nothing interesting about that day or what Serenica internalized about anatomy and medicine. Everything felt like dull grinding, and while her cognitive capacity was being fully occupied, her emotions were all over the place, only regulated by Hialda slipping her more of the delicious pastries in secret.

"You're looking to get something from me, are you not." Serenica dug into the flakes that formed the heavenly fluffy dough while the jam was spilling into her mouth.

"You're a clever lady. I was wondering if you could do me a favor." Hialda winked at her. "I have someone I would like to charm. I think he'd fancy a lady like me if he could only see past my Raelian features."

"Plenty of men love us Raelian women," Serenica protested. "Is he truly the kind of man you want to attract if he can't forget you looking a little bit different from him?"

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