
Witch Combat

There were just enough men and just enough time to get the most valuable items to a safe hiding spot. Serenica hated to leave her stuff behind, but there was nothing she could do about it. They needed to be helping out at the manor as soon as possible.

The lady of the house was left crying what someone could have called fake tears.

There was some distance between the empty building they used to stash the stolen items and the Ruby Hills. They had to walk fast, and there was barely any opportunities to talk. Serenica was breathing heavily, trying to keep up with the Admiral.

He walked briskly, grim determination in his eyes.

They arrived to a spot where they could comfortably spy on the manor without being seen themselves.

There was certainly something happening. Bodies of men, from the Princess and the city watch alike, littered the doorstep. One of them was a burly personal guard.

"We have to go in," the first mate said. "The door is open. Serenica, I have a feeling we might need a witch. Come."

Serenica trusted his instincts and followed.

They crawled for a while, afraid of someone aiming at them from a distance, but there was no reaction.

Instead, there was a commotion consisting of gunshots and yelling coming from the manor.

They got on their feet and entered the building.

Serenica was shielded by the Admiral and a pirate called Morter. She didn't even realize at first that they were facing a man of the city watch.

Morter shot the man before the fellow could even scream.

They followed the trail of bodies into the room where Serenica had once enjoyed tea with Helen.

Serenica heard some people running their way. It sounded like a dozen men wearing new boots.

They would be outnumbered.

"Quick, come, come!" Serenica yelled and pulled the first mate towards the door that Kinley could well be behind of.

Her friend didn't move.

"We'll stall them," he said. "If something goes wrong, we'll meet at the Cove. Just go. Help Spade."

Serenica tried the door. It wasn't locked.

She arrived to the room just in time to see Spade crack his knuckles and throw something powdery from his hand at Kinley, who was standing with her back to the wall, mouth gaping open and something horrifyingly similar to a spider crawling out from between her jaws.

The pirate blew into the cloud to get it flying across the room.

As the powder reached Kinley's face, she screamed and grabbed her head.

"You bastard! Son of a -"

The spider had already escaped and was now crawling on the floor, making its way towards the captain. Serenica tried to shoot Kinley, but the flintlock pistol felt burning hot in her hand and she had to drop it.

She had injured her better hand on the sizzling surface.

Spade had suffered a similar fate with his own gun, judging by the way his pistol was lying on the floor.

Kinley appeared from the cloud of that unknown powdery substance. Apparently the powder had damaged her skin badly. She looked like she had just bathed in acid. Blisters and round wounds decorated her cheeks. She was coughing up blood, too, having breathed in the corrosive powder.

The captain stomped on the little spider.

"Serenica! Stab her!" he yelled.

Kinley spit on the floor and pressed two fingers on her tongue.

The drop of spit turned white and started making its way towards Spade much faster than humans could run.

Serenica took her knife into her healthy hand. She hated blades so much.

Kinley directed her attention towards the healer and opened her mouth again.

Serenica felt the handle of the knife heating up. Soon it got too much and she had to drop the knife as well.

"Run, then!" the captain commanded her, pulled his sleeves up and tapped the tattoo he had on his right wrist.

The chandelier dropped onto the floor with a massive crash, sending little pieces of itself flying. One of them hit Kinley in the eye. She screamed in horror and pain.

Serenica saw from the corner of her eye as the white spit crawled up Spade's leg. He fell on the floor and didn't move.

Kinley was hunched now, she appeared to suffer from great pain and exhaustion. She was panting. Serenica had to use that opportunity.

She jumped onto her enemy, trying to get her hands on Kinley's neck, but she failed as the woman defended herself with her arms. Kinley managed to wrestle the healer onto the floor.

Serenica punched the already tender and bleeding face of the witch. Kinley howled and shoved her foot on Serenica's throat. The healer felt her head throbbing with blood. She had to be quick. She dug her sharp, uneven nails into Kinley's ankle and pulled horizontally. The woman fell over.

The healer was now on top. She kicked her enemy in the throat. For a moment, Kinley looked dead.

She got up with the force of ten women and pulled out a ritual knife.

Serenica didn't like to be unarmed. She pulled out her sword, and even as the handle got too hot to hold, she held it regardless, skin burning on her palm. She shoved the blade towards her enemy.

Kinley jumped back and pointed her own knife towards the unconscious or maybe even dead captain.

"I will kill him if you lay a hand on me or even try," the woman said.

"Isn't he already dead?" Serenica asked.

Kinley chuckled. "I will execute him later."

"How do I know you are not lying?" Serenica put her sword back on her belt. She paced around and tried to stay away from the insane witch.

"Are you willing to take the risk, then?" Kinley asked.

Her other eye was not quite functioning due to the shard. Serenica could see that it hadn't hit her straight in the eyeball at all, sadly, it was merely lodged in her eyebrow, the blood effectively blinding her on that side.

"I thought we could negotiate, like women of culture. What was your name, again, it was Serenica, wasn't it?" Kinley asked.

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