
You Better Not Think Of Eyeing Up What’s Not Yours

Redakteur: Henyee Translations

Ian and Dou Xiangling did not know what happened and they looked at Zi Yi curiously.

Zi Yi explained to them what happened.

Ian laughed out loudly in the end. "To think that people would dare to come and try and sell furniture at your place. Don't they know that you don't need ordinary furniture at your bar at all?"

The furniture in the bar was all customized using advanced technology materials and not to mention ordinary companies, even international, big-name, furniture companies would not be able to make such furniture.

"However, you should also pay attention to these people who are willing to spend money and come into the bar. Just in case they are from a competitor's bar and have come here to inquire about your bar."

Dou Xiangling started to be worried when Ian said that. "It's likely for such a situation to happen. After all, Yiyi's bar is too profitable and it's normal for people in the same industry to be jealous."

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