
New day, New spirit.

I woke up to my sister crawling on top of me.

"Kendall, how the grinch did you made it on my bed? It's so high for your height, pie." I take her off me and I sit up, placing her in front of me. She just stare at me with her big blue eyes.

Darn it. Stop looking at me like that..

"Thips, thips. Maaaaa!" she starts to point at my closet. I smirked.

"You better not tell your brothers. How on Earth did you always found out where's my secret stack, you rotten cute little pie?"

I swing my feet off the bed. Before I could even reach my closet's doorknobs, my mom startled me.

"Elysia Silverwood! Wake- oh, you're awake. You better get dressed and wash up, young lady. School starts in 2 hours! And I told ya. Kendall tak boleh makan chips in the morning."

"Kendall tak boleh makan chips" - "Kendall can't eat those chips"

I roll my eyes playfully.

"Oh, mom. Since when you start to speak Malay again?" I took my towel and walked to my nightstand. I took my phone and sees a lot of texts. I open the one from the unknown number.

Unknown - Hey Elysia. It's Dani. Daniela. Save this, sweetie.

Elysia - How did you got my number?

Daniela - Those boys are so dumb that they just threw your phone number in the dustbin without scratching it.

Elysia - oh, anyway, what's your class today? I mean, the first.

Daniela - Math. Jesus. One more, God damnit.

I chuckled lowly and starting to type.


BUT, I could hear my mom warning voice. So, I turn off my phone and sprint straight to my bathroom. I stopped when I dropped my towel off my shoulder.

After the warm and relaxing shower, she wore her bathrobe and wrap her hair around the towel she brought. She walk out of the bathroom whistling, looking at her phone, noticing there's a message from Andrew, Ryan and Matt. She opened Andrew's first.

Dipshit - Hey, just wanna ask you. Do you wanna go to a party with us tonight?

Elysia - Wow. We just came two days ago and y'all already partying, hm? What about mom and dad, Dipshit?

Then she open the message from Matt

Matt - Elysia, do you want a ride to school today?

Elysia - Nah.  It's just a few blocks away. I have a skateboard.

Matt - okay. Anyway, you looked sexy in that bathrobe. Why is it so short?

My eyes went wide and I look straight at the window to his room, seeing him smirking like a fucking pervert at me. I blushed hardly and close my window.

"You fucking pervert!" I scoff and make my way to my closet. I wear my sport bra, my underwear and a pair of jeans. Then I wear my black hoodie with 'fuck off' written on the back.

I grab my skateboard underneath my bed and wear my bag on one side on my shoulder and I wear my red beanie. It was a gift from my old bestie.

I hold my skateboard in my armpit and make my way downstairs, all the way to the kitchen but my steps sopped when I see a bunch of gift boxes on the sofa.

"Mom, I didn't ordered anything! Whose presents are these?" I shout at my mom since she's cooking in the kitchen. I still have an hour before school.

Today, I'll wear my lip balm on the way to school. I chose strawberry scented. After I check the time on my watch, I ran to the kitchen since my mom didn't answer me.

I saw her cooking but there's some familiar faces at the table.

I look at my mom in confusion,

She's dicing a fucking tomato when I'm confused why are Matt and Ryan's here? And their siblings? Matt's here, then who the fuck... OH I'M DEAD. WHO'S THAT PERVERT?!!!!

"Oh, Elly you're done. The O'Connors and The Reeves siblings will stay with us for a week. Their parents- Ryan, I'm sorry about your dad, are away for a business trip."


Roselia swings her index finger in front of her daughter's face.

"Nuh-uh. No buts. Matt, you can take the room next to Elysia's room which is on the second floor beside the room with dark red mahogany door," she stopped for a while, then she continued.

"For Ryan, you can take the room inside Elysia's bedroom. There's a little stairs and up the stairs, there's a metallic slide door. It's small but I think you can get in it. Your brothers can sleep with Marcus and Daniel. For Claire, she can sleep with Kendall."

Shit. That room in mine is where I place my stuffed bears. What? A tomboy can't have bears? Geez.

I roll my eyes and sit down beside Andrew and Lucas. My mom place my plate in front of me which is full of veggies. I'm vegan. I stuff the diced tomatoes in my mouth and look at my mom. Once I swallowed the tomatoes, I open my mouth.

"Mom, there's someone at school told me that next week, there will be auditions for a talent show."

My mom smiled widely.

I shouldn't have told her..

"Baby! I'm proud! You better sign your name for it. It's been a while since you last sang in front of people."

Matt and Ryan looked at me.

"Yeah. Ms Roselia's right. You should. You're so good last night. Well, before you fall asleep on me of course." Matt chuckled.

I blushed deeply.

I fall asleep on this.. this douche?? Shoot.

" Uh.. Sorry, dude. Mom, I'm ready for school." I got up from my seat and grabbed my bag and my skateboard. I walk towards my mom who's sitting at the head of the table. I kissed her cheeks and run outside, then my phone rang. As soon as I see the name, smile crept up my face.

I answer the video call.

Seeing Ahmed's face on the screen, I smile at him.

"Ahmed! It's a long time, dude!"

I can see Ahmed's laughing on the other side.

"Well, kau tau tak perlu pun nak cakap bahasa inggeris dengan aku, kan?"

- Well, you know you Don't have to speak English with me, right?

I chuckled. Then the door behind me opened, I look back and sees Andrew, Lucas, Matt and Ryan coming out. All of them is holding their skateboards. I look back at Ahmed on the phone.

"Yeah, aku tahu. Rindu lah kat kau. Oh yep, ni Matt and this is Ryan. Kau dah kenal abang-abang aku kan?"

- Yeah, I know. I missed you. Oh, yea, this is Matt and this is Ryan. You knew my brothers, don't you?

"Well, duh. Diorang tu dah macam abang aku kut. Hai Andrew! Hey Lucas! Howdy Matt and Ryan. I'm Ahmed."

-Well, duh. They're like my own brothers. Hi Andrew! Hey Lucas! Howdy Matt and Ryan. I'm Ahmed.

Matt and Ryan waved at Ahmed with a smile. He must be at his house since the time at Malaysia and this country is different like, minus fifteen hours.

"Okey lah. Aku nak pergi sekolah ni. Night Ahmed, Assalamualaikum. Chup, chup!" I blow a few kisses at him and laughed. Then he end the call.

- okey. I gotta go to school. Night Ahmed, Peace be upon you. Chup, chup!

I got on my skateboard and start to skate while the boys are skating beside me.

"So, Elysia. Who's that? I mean, Ahmed and what does Assalamalaykum means?"

I glared at him playfully.

Once we reached the school, I get off my skateboard.

"Ahmed is my other half. He's my bestest friend. It's Assalamualaikum. It means Peace be upon you." they made 'o''s with their mouth. Andrew and Lucas is gone for a few minutes now. I walk to my locker, entering the code and throws my skateboard in it. Then I take one of my fruit lollipops and unwrap it.

With a strawberry lollipop in my mouth, I walk to my English class with the books and got stopped by the door. The teacher in there look at me.

"Are you lost?" he asked.

"Nope. I'm new." I wave at him and walk in, my eyes wandering for a seat.

"Well, welcome to our school, Miss.."

I look at him.

"Silverwood. Elysia Silverwood." after a while I saw my brothers sitting at the back of the class.

"another Silverwood? You can go sit down beside Mister Brooke."

He sighed.

"Maybe you didn't hear me, sir. But I'm new. How on my lollipop do I know which one is Mister Brooke?" I roll my eyes mentally. A few students laughed and some whispered to each other.

"You can call me. Sir Addams. That's Mister Brooke. Charlie Brooke." he points at the guy in the back seat who's staring at me like there's a hole in my head. I make my way back there and sit beside him.


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