
chapter 13~16

hello, as for upho chapter....i maybe will not write it,i dont has any idea about how to make him chairman of magic counsil...so i think i will make him chairman at years X791....well after all there are not really talk about Magic counsil in X791 arc and the other arc right?


becouse of tower of heaven accident

Natsu team going to has vacation as fairy tail guild building still under contruction

After their vacation, Team Natsu returns and finds that the guild has been completely rebuilt with a new design, including an open-air café, a souvenir shop, a pool, an amusement center, and everybody is now allowed to access the second floor. While the rest of the team is amazed with the new guild, Natsu frets, saying that the guild doesn't feel the same.

it was then Master Makarov said

"kids,let me introduces out new guild member Juvia Lockser"

The team warmly welcomes Juvia and thanks her for her help during their battle in the Tower of Heaven. Makarov is satisfied with the team's reaction and introduces another new member,

"there still another one new guild member"

said Makarov with smile

"what!?,gramps...there is another one!?"

Natsu shouted

but erza make Natsu calmdown with a hit on his head

"who is the other person master?"

asked erza as she dont known who is another new member

"hoho,he is Gajeel Redfox,how is it? shocked right?"

said makarov, amused with Natsu team reaction when he said gajeel is fairy tail new member

The team are overwhelmed to see the face of their former enemy who destroyed the guild, but Makarov ignores this and tells them that he was only acting on Jose's orders as a loyal guild member

"but gramps,he is our enemy!"

said Natsu

"yeah,he detroyed our guild last time"

gray also join in

"master i hope you can explain it"

said erza with dark miasma realeased around her

makarov feel cold sweet when he saw that,so he quickly add

"that kid only acting on Jose's orders as a loyal guild member,he is very loyal person as you can see"

While Lucy sees Levy cowering at the sight of her former attacker, Natsu approaches Gajeel and begins to argue with him

"hey iron head,why did you join fairy tail huh?"

said Natsu

"its is wrong for me to join the number 1 guild in fiore?"

asked gajeel

is was then the two of them hit each other with their head

"master even if he already turn into new leaf,he should be monitored for the time being"

said erza while looking at natsu and gajeel childish act

"hemm,you are right erza,but may i ask who is the one that stood behind you?"

asked makarov as he just feel someone else presence 'this kid is strong' that what he think in his mind

"oh,ford may you introduces your self"

"it okay miss erza"answered ford as he walk past erza and stood infront makarov

when ford stood infront him,makarov saw emperor guild symbol on ford hand

'emperor guild?now what did he want?' thought makarov

"hello master makarov,my name is Ford emperor guild white haired demon"

said ford politely to makarov

"WHITE HAIRED DEMON!?!?!"shouted makarov...not just him but also other member of fairy tail guild

"you are white haired demon?but i though you should has body like elfman...but you..just like normal person except your hair and eye"

"hahaha,well i was trained personally by young master,that why i can considered strong"

'young master again,why did i feel that young master are even has higher status than master doma?'

"also, i am here to join Magnolia Harvest Festival this year"said Ford

"so that was you reason,well welcome to magnolia"said makarov toward ford

then The lights are suddenly turned off and Mirajane begins to sing to her guild mates and all the guild members enjoy her beautiful song. However, Mirajane is interrupted when Gajeel accidentally steps on Natsu's foot

"ouch,that hurt you iron bucker!!" shouted natsu

"it was an accident salamender" said gajeel

"do you want to fight?"

"bring it on salamander!"

then those two begin to fight with each other and begin an all-out guild war, which is only stopped when Makarov, knowing that the reporter from the Sorcerer Magazine will be visiting the guild the day after, uses his Giant Magic to scare his "children".

"now all of you sit on the chair,there will be reporter from sorcerer magazine coming to our guild tomorrow"shouted makarov as he turn back to his original size

"now that was disaster"said ford as he sit infront mirajane

"they always like that,and that what make us family in fairy tail"said mirajane with a smile.

'so this is the source of fairy blessing' thought ford as he look at fairy tail guild member that behave like a child.

The next day,

Lucy prepares herself accurately to be ready for the interview, and Gajeel is shown having tied up and gagged a scared Mirajane, staring at her with a menacing look.

As promised, a reporter named Jason arrives to interview the guild members and Lucy tries her best to appeal to him.

Seeing that Jason is interviewing all the other guild members and ignoring her, Lucy tries to get his attention by changing into a bunny girl costume, planning to dance on the stage.

However, her plan is interrupted by Gajeel, who is revealed to have gotten rid of Mirajane because, wanting to be closer to his new guild mates, he wanted to sing a song of his own composition called "Best Friend".

However, he sings so poorly that the members start throwing tomatoes at him.

"boooo that what suck man"

"just stop singing gajeel"

"hahaha your singing or cooked there?"

"trow he tomato"

then all other fairy tail member trow bunch of tomato toward gajeel...

The events are recorded by an overjoyed Jason, whose article causes Fairy Tail's reputation to get even worse.

Days after the article about Fairy Tail has been published, Laxus Dreyar, in another town, spots a group of men laughing at the article about Fairy Tail.

"hey,that is laxus from fairy tail"


"run,before he kill us"

After seeing Laxus, the group is intimidated and runs off.

Laxus then sees Zatô, a member of the Dark Guild Naked Mummy. Zatô begins to belittle Laxus,

"so this is laxus the S class wizard in fairy tail?,it more like clown hahahaha" laughed zato

Laxus who gets irritated and knocks him unconscious with one powerful attack. After defeating Zatô, Laxus expresses his anger and rage, blaming Makarov for Fairy Tail's bad reputation

"old man this all your fault that fairy tail has bad reputation"said Laxus with anger in his voice and then he just walk away...


next chapter



The Festival finally begins, and the first event is the Miss Fairy Tail contest, with Lucy hurrying towards it and Juvia being revealed as a participant too. Max Alors acts as the announcer, and presents the contestants one after another: Cana Alberona first appears and uses her Magic Card to infatuate the crowd. Juvia then uses her Water Magic to charm the crowd. Mirajane then ruins the mood by doing a few weird transformations but when Erza uses her re-quip magic, the crowd gets back in the mood. Levy then appeals to the crowd and then Bisca Mulan as well. Then, when Lucy finally begins her act, Evergreen suddenly appears, claiming to be the rightful winner, and turns Lucy to stone through the use of her Stone Eyes, revealing to have done the same to all the other contestants, much to everyone's dismay

it was then Laxus and the rest of the Thunder God Tribe appear and shocked the other guild members when Laxus said

"today we will playing a game to decide the strongest in Fairy Tail is, and all the petrified girls will be kept as hostages to prevent any of guildmates from breaking the rules of the game,we dont want anyone to stop our fun right"

after that Natsu excitedly charges towards Laxus, but is struck and knocked unconscious by Laxus' lightning in an instant.


"all Fairy Tail Mages will have to find and defeat Laxus and the Thunder God Tribe in three hours or the girls will meet their demise also the game battlefield shall be the entire town of Magnolia" said evergreen

Having announced these things, the thunder god tribe and laxus disappear.

after that all fairy tail member quickly rush outsite the guild building and start seraching for thunder god tribe and laxus.

 Makarov tries to leave as well, but finds that he is incapable of doing so, with the area having been previously surrounded by one of Freed's Enchantments, preventing stone statues and those older than 80 years from leaving the Enchantment. Makarov is then forced to remain behind while his "children" search for the opponents.

"Reedus go find Porlyusica in the East Forest, she may have a cure to release the girls from petrification"

said makarov as he saw reedus jonah who still remained behind since he was afraid of Laxus

In that very moment, Natsu wakes up, and, spurred by Makarov to go and defeat Laxus rushes towards the Enchantment and finds it impossible for him to leave due to Freed's barrier, despite it blocking the exit only to those older than 80 years and to stone statues, with Natsu not belonging to either of the two categories

"urgh,why i cant get out from the guild?"

said natsu confused why he cant join the game as he basicly dont enter in 80 years and to stone statues catogaries

while almost all fairy tail member has beaten black and blue by laxus team

gajeel suddenly appear in the guild(as he is eating iron at the bar table)....but unfortunately he also can get out from the guild

With only Natsu and Gajeel left, but confined within the barrier, Natsu thinks they should depetrify Erza, believing he could do so with his fire, much to the others' alarm. He opens up a crack on Erza's petrified face, but the results are good, as the girl is then freed from her stone prison, with her punching Natsu for burning her. She was freed due to her magical eye having absorbed half of the offending Magic. This way, one more fighter for Fairy Tail joins the fray, rapidly followed by another

"master,let me go and fight with laxus"

said erza as she ex quip her usual armor

"becarefull erza"


when that sound appear

makarov,erza,natsu and gajeel look at a white haired man that sitting on the chair while drinking some beer

'again,i cant feel his presence at all"

makarov though

"ford?" said erza and natsu

"yeah me,i think i can help you,can i?"

asked Ford but he has cold sweet right now 'damn i was careless,if miss erza still become stone statue,what will happen to me if master know about it?,'

"hemm let go"

said erza as she run toward guild exit

as ford following behind her

minwhile Mystogan who makes his appearance as well in magnolia, also readying to take part in the battle.

With the appearance of Erza and Mystogan, Laxus ordered thunder god tribe to stop them

While running around, Erza is confronted by Evergreen, who express wonder at her having gotten free, and states that her calling herself "Titania" greatly irritates her, the "true" queen of the fairies. The two start fighting, with Evergreen bombarding Erza with her Fairy Magic and Erza dodging and counter-attacking with her swords.

"just give up evergreen,your has none effect again my armor"

said erza

"huh,how did i know if my magic dont even...."


before evergreen can even finish her sentence,ford directly shot her with his gun

and erza look at ford with blank look on her face

"what?,we only hour and half before this game time over,i dont want to waste time on weakling likr her"said ford innocently


erza just sigh and continue looking for laxus

ford also following erza from behind

and with evergreen defeat girls are turned back to normal.

'i already know where laxus now but,it will not be intresting if we met him to fast right?' thought ford

Back at Fairy Tail, the depetrified girls are seen talking with the others in an atmosphere which gets more and more relaxed. However, such relax is broken by the former communication from Laxus, through the use of Freed's Enchantments, that, to keep the game from ending, he has activated the Thunder Palace, which will activate in an hour and ten minutes.

"this..."makarov dont know what to say anymore

laxus act greatly shocks Makarov, who falls ill, and is tended to by his "children".

However, Mirajane calls them out and shows what the Thunder Palace is: an enormous amount of thunder-filled Lacrima orbs, capable of creating a lighting storm strong enough to destroy the whole town of Magnolia.

"what, but he dont relly ment to destroy whole magnolia right?"asked lucy

"he ment it lucy" answered mirajane

after that all gurl face turned white when their thought magnolia turned into ash becouse laxus thunder palace magic.


continue in the next chapter

oh for the next chpater i will not write about how levy unlock freed magic and let all girl come out from the guild

i also dont write how pupperter and freed deafeat as it just like in the canon

i will write directly

"Clash at Kardia Cathedral"

ding ding ding

hahaha now that was epic

next chapter....maybe tomorrow?


Clash at Kardia Cathedral part 1

looking a the man infront him, laxus sneered and said

"look who is here,one of top three S class wizard in fairy tail, Mystogan"

infront laxus is Mystogan

as he wore a dark blue bandana with a silver forehead protector, and a green mask that obscured the bottom half of his face to hide his identity from his guildmates

"you forgot about erza,laxus."

said mystogan

"she was to weak, i dont know how that women became S class wizard but she is not worty"

"you are blinded by power laxus"

"hahahaha,why not?,as long i can became magnolia strongest wizard,now let us find who between us is the strongest of all"

"i think gildarts is the strongest one"

"he just an drunker and womenizer,he inst same level as us"

"if that what you want"


Mystogan first plants his five staves into the ground,

creating the illusion that the laxus is propelled several hundred meters into the air. laxus then tied up with four belts and a Demon breaks through the sky, reaching to attack the laxus.

but how can mere illusion can defeat laxus

Just when the demon was about to grab laxus, the scene disappears in pieces.

"Mystogan, do you think i am same level as those weakling?"

said laxus as he annoyed by Mystogan magic attack

"that just an warm up"answered mystogan

then The two continue exchanging spells without managing to hurt one other.

Suddenly, Natsu,Ford and Erza appear, surprising Mystogan and Laxus takes the chance to strike him with his lightning, damaging his mask. Under it, Mystogan's face is revealed to be the same as Jellal Fernandes'

"jellal?" said erza as her saw mystogan face

"i am sorry,you should not know about my face"

"what?,you are jellal right?" now erza confused why did mystogan apologies

"no,i know who is jellal,but him is not me"

mystogan then apologizes once more

"i leave fighting Laxus to you"

after said that,mystogan disappears from the building

"huh,how dare you absent minded infront of me!!

Laxus saw erza still standing still dont do anything as her still shocked by what jellal said before,laxus directlu hits Erza with a lightning bolt, which momentarily debilitates her.

Natsu starts his battle with Laxus. They both deliver hits, but utterly ineffective ones.

At this time, Erza recovers from the shock and decides to fight Laxus .


"Laxus!!cease the thunder palace!!"shouted erza as her attacked laxus

"not until Makarov resigns" that was what laxus said,

but he ignorant of the fact that Makarov is terminally ill.

They continue attacking each other with their Lightning Magic and Fire Magic.

and at this moment, Natsu suddenly said

"Erza!!, let me fight with laxus"asked natsu

"becareful" said erza as she leave and going outsite trying to destroy the all Lacrimas in one attack.

Back at the Cathedral,

Natsu and Laxus's battle rages.



They both attack forcefully, but no one seems to be gaining the upper hand.

"damn just died you weakling!!"

Furious, Laxus unleashes a big bolt of lightning, and Natsu is knocked down.

"why did old man dont resigned yet?"

Laxus still wonders why his grandfather hasn't resigned yet.

Outside, Erza is summoning more and more blades, and this is visibly tiring her. However, she doesn't let go; she continues summoning, ready to hit the Lacrimas.

"no i need another hundred more sword and then....ergh my magic cant support this for to long"

suddenly there voice in erza mind and all other fairy tail member

"hey everyone can you hear me?, this is an emergency!!!,look at the sky!"

"warden?"said erza

"we need to take out those floating lacrima in the sky with all the magic we has before those lacrima realese thunder that can kilk all of us"

"oi warden did you rembeer what you did to me before?"

"i...i am sorry i just want to help that girl"

"infighting can wait"shouted gray

"like hell you can talk"shouted back {i dont know his name}

"we will finish this after we are destroyed those thing, warden!!!"

"visitor you bastard you better stay right where you are!!"

"Macau you can get some sleep, i doubt you can handle it"

"the hell was that wakaba,that big talk for old fart"

"let do this happy" said lucy

"are you sure?it relly going to hurt..."

"i dont care about that"

"i will handle the 200 in the north,everyone lese concentrate on the southern side"shouted erza

"dont leave a single one"

then all lacrima was destoyed at one combination attack of fairy tail guild member

but the blacklash teir waiting dont came at all

"how?"said erza confused why there are no blacklash by destroying those lacrima in the sky

"it me"said someone behind erza

"Ford?!"said erza as she shocked

"haha,dont worry,i just use one mine creation to absord all those blacklash lightning" said ford as he show erza scrapped metal on his hand


Thunder attracter(badly damaged)

ability:absord and attracted all ligtning/thunder magic within scale 100 miles


"luckyly i had this item,oh i need to go now,laxus and natsu still dont finish their fight yet" said ford as he walk away but was stopped by erza

"bring me too"said erza

"nope,you right mow dont even has ability to protect your self,so just sit here and rest" said ford' damn if you go with me will master kill me?'

then ford quickly run toward cathedral

The battle between Laxus and Natsu rages on, with both beginning to get serious.

"you relly think this guild need changing so bad?, we are all part of the same grouo. how is a guy who does not tru to be part of that group supposed to be master,laxus?!"

said natsu

{reader must feel weird right,not even one of my own oc entered whole fairy tail battle...,well zen dont want the canon to disturbed so his future plan again the alvares kingdom will not has to change bcouse the canon change with his action}

then natsu can see laxus body is shacking,he tought that laxus already return to right path but


laxus realese huge lightning magic around him and make natsu shocked with laxus sudden outburst


even ford that was hidding and wacthing the fight feel laxus strenght right now even above him self'shit,how abnormal is fairy tail?,every single of them can upgrade their own magic power in short time'

when ford scan laxus he can see that laxus are stronger and above him




magic:dragon slayer magic lightning magic

Dragon rage:+200%

(activated when dragon slayer went mad or angry)


and laxus said with cold voice

"trough Force"


the end this chapter

{as ford mission is to protect erza,he just protect erza from blacklash of destroyed lacrima on the sky, erza dont suprise ford helping her as ford already help he before(but she dont know what ford real mission)}

wait for the next chapter guys


Clash at Kardia Cathedral (end here duh)

"give it up already laxus,fairy tail isnt belong to you" said natsu

"oh it will,hahaha" said laxus as he laughed

"yes,i should never have bothered trying to bargain from the very beginning"

then laxus unleash lighting and destroyed the floor like spider web


'damn,that guy even stronger now,it look like i need to retreat' thought ford as he vanish from the cathedral

"then i guess if i crush that power, you will finally give this up laxus" said natsu as he rush foward toward laxus


natsu attack directly hit laxus face

but laxus dont suffer any injury at all

"you are the first,hahahha,come at me fairy tail,i will take every thing that you trow at me" said laxus as he trow natsu

toward the air with his lightning magic

then it begin one side battle with laxus keep attacking natsu

the battle continue until natsu cant stand up anymore



huge lightning move toward natsu and


even the ground was destroyed by laxus magic

"HAHAHHAH,NATSU,WHO IS THE STRONGEST IN THE GUILD?,HAHAHAH,guess you cant answer when you have been blown to bit"said laxus...but then laxus feel someone was behind him not to near and not to far

"were not you guys meant to be nakama?, and now you are laughing about killing him..you really have lost it"said gajeel has him had natsu in his hand


"it not like you have or anything,but taking this guys out is my job"said gajeel as him look at laxus


and you can read it on manga if you want~ i am bored to write all of thar back....okay i will just go to the next chapter Ren drago the dragon god slayer damn that guy will had a little fight with acnologia


and here a bit of nerferd character in X791 (grand magic game arc)























it ultimately hard for break trough rank that why even if erza strong she still had hard fighting with kagura

so if i can say

erza vs kagura(hard)

erza vs natsu(easy)

natsu vs kagura(easy)

it was like that...more likely because plot armor natsu can defeat kagura with easa...although they never fight in canon.... also erza has immunity again natsu plot armor right?,maybe becouse natsu plot armor only activated when he fighting for his friend,family and fairy tail...so when natsu vs erza...his plot armor became useless....and as erza dont has plot armor...she will had to fight hard with other enemy...

pretty unfair right?

also laxus, according to my reasearch, laxus is the only dragon slayer that above other dragon slayer(except god sena) so basicly laxus is stronger than natsu....but he became worse as he body were poisoned l when fighting with an enemy in human face projeck arc

so that destroyed laxus potentiol as strongest dragon slayer above natsu and gajeel

and gildarts also effected by not having plot armor,even if he has streanght far above bluenote he still cant defeat bluenote....fucker it all becouse tge tenrou tree has being controled and gildarts cant use his magic

so in fairy tail, the strongest is natsu and lucy(basicly lucy will never died and she just severwd injured and that make her became energy force that can make natsu plot armor activated) if fighting enemy

but if fighting with nakama, the strongest is


2.Laxus( if his body is not poisoned)


4.Gray(after he defeat his father silver)

5.(i dont know...maybe reder can tell me)

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