
Wedding of the Century (5)

Thalinal and Loraven took to the dance floor, and without any more words shared between them, their footwork and teamwork mended the distance that had grown between them. All was well once more. Both were too old now for such old grudges. Their partners were gone, showing just how fleeting life was, even for those with such longevity. Their lives felt longer now without the one by their side.

Now, with Arawn and Evanna marrying and living in Direwood forest, Loraven began to wonder if it was time for her to move back to the elven lands. Now that her daughter was of age and found her partner, there was no need to remain in Dunhurst.

"*You are welcome to stay here as long as you wish,*" Thalinal said as though reading her mind. It was sometimes eery how on point the elven King was. 

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