

The Queen had fallen, but Evanna did not feel victorious. If anything, more weight crushed her chest, significantly when her eyes fell on the boys. After sealing Eleanor's fate, the rest of the process went far too quickly. It was a blur, and she was no more than a spectator now.

The days following the trial made the servants busy. Evanna watched in a darkened haze. The weight of her decision was heavy, one she wished wouldn't affect William and George. Isabel acted differently around her as well. Whenever they saw each other at opposite ends of the hall, Isabel would turn in the opposite direction. It was a little maddening.

Evanna would prefer it if she screamed all sorts of profanities in her face, not this silence. She didn't think Isabel would scheme anything. The girl was not a schemer like her mother. She merely bullied Evanna, and while she might not have cared if Evanna was assassinated, her interest lay in her reputation and looks.

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