
Top 56

Guys, I spent more while writing this. I tried to make this according to grammar. Even so, there should be some mistakes. Can you write about my problems with grammar?

By the way, I edited the first chapter. You can also look for it.

I also edited all chapters while looking on Grammarly.

I hope you enjoy it. ^^


Other matches continue after Melissa's match ended. Thus, the first day of the tournament ends. The second day of the tournament, 224 remaining trainers will try to eliminate each other.

After the matches end up, Beyaz goes to the garden to practice with Absol.

Absol will train for 4 hours during the tournament because of limited time. 2 hours of this 4 hours are physical training, the remaining 2 hours are move training. During the move training, Absol will train Quick Attack move. Leer move will not train by Absol during these days because she will not much use this move in the future. Its effect is not much so it will unnecessary to use in the future. Because of this, they do not plan to train this move any more.

Absol may learn a new move until the tournament is over. Because of this, Beyaz thinks to prepare a new training plan for Absol after the tournament is over. Until that day, Absol will train Quick Attack in these 2 hours. As for Magic Coat, it has a long cooldown period so Absol can train it with Quick Attack. Although the duration of use is quite long, Magic Coat can say to be a very critical move. If Absol gets the mega stone, Magic Coat will unnecessary anymore. After all, Absol's ability will be Magic Bounce after mega evolution. With this ability, Absol can reflect any status move to the opponent. But getting the mega stone is depends on luck.

After the training 4 hours, Beyaz and Absol go back to the house and eat dinner. Meanwhile, there are interviews with various trainers and made comments about the matches on Tv. Mr Harris is still on the live broadcast for the end-of-match evaluation. Mrs Jasemin also acted as the host alongside Mr Harris.

With this way, the first day of the tournament ends.

And it enters the second day of the tournament.

Next matches are tougher than before because of the easier opponents eliminated. On this day, also various battles happened. Some trainers eliminated with no chance because of the battling against the most powerful trainers in the tournament. They eliminate before they have time to fight. In this way, the second day of the tournament ends.

The winners of the third day determined with no surprises. Winners had top ranks in the regional tournament, and their ranks were in the Top 20. There is a surprise factor on the second day of the tournament. This trainer is a 17-year-old boy with long black hair, black eyes and pale skin. He specializes in Ghost-type pokemon. His name is Arthur, and he is in the Top 30 in the Marmara Region. He is the only winner in the second day of the tournament who is not in the Top 20 in the regional tournaments. With this way, the third day of the tournament finishes.

Finally, the fourth day of the tournament starts, which Top 56 has determined. There are several exciting battles because of the to determining Top 56. With the start of the fourth day of the tournament, the matches start.

There are several exciting matches happened and Top 56 has determined. Without no surprise, all trainers who are rank in the Top 5 in their regional tournaments move on to the next round. Whether it was luck or the adjustments of the tournament investors, these trainers did not battle with each other. Also, fans care little about this either. To see these trainers battling each other in 6 vs 6 formats, they are even more excited. The remaining participants are usually in the Top 10 in their regional tournaments. Some trainers are in the Top 15 in their regions move on to the next round too. There is a surprise dark horse who moves on to the next round. It is Arthur who is under the Top 20 in his region. He was in the Top 30 in the Marmara Regional Tournament. Under the surprise of the spectators, he able to top 56. Nobody expected such a result. His opponent is a trainer who specialized in Fighting-type pokemon, who is in the Top 10 in the same region as himself. Some think he does a kind of lucky wins because the Ghost-type has an advantage over the Fighting-type. But it is an undeniable fact that this match is one of the most exciting matches of this tournament.

Let's talk a little about this match.

The trainer, who is in the Top 10, takes the stage with a confident smile on his face while thinking that he will win. Arthur takes the stage in calm, with no emotion on his face. He can consider quite handsome with his looks and icy demeanour.

With the start of the match, both trainers send their pokemon to the field.

While Arthur sends Mismagius, his opponent sends Breloom.

"Mismagius, use Shadow Ball"

A black ball quickly appears in front of Mismagius and it moves forward to Breloom quickly.

'Breloom, destroy Shadow Ball with using Bullet Seed. After destroying it, use Bullet Seed at the Mismagius.''

Seeds which covered with grass energy from the mouth of the Breloom attack like a scanning rifle to Shadow Ball. They destroy the Shadow Ball first and then move towards Mismagius.

"Mismagius, use Psybeam."

Mismagius sends out a powerful Psybeam and blocks all incoming Bulled Seeds. Then it moves on to the Breloom without losing much power. Breloom is not fast enough to escape and is shot. Psychic energy is very destructive for Breloom who is a fighting type pokemon. For this reason, it has severely damaged.

"Mismagius, use Shadow Ball"

Arthur attacks again his opponent without giving a chance to breathe, and Breloom faints with this.

Breloom's trainer gets a little angry with the defeat of Breloom. But now, he cannot afford to lose his cool and calms down by breathing deeply.

Then he sends Conceldurr to the field.

Conceldurr is a powerful pokemon.

"Conceldurr, use Stone Edge"

Blue-stone pillars emerge from the ground and attack to Mismagius in rows.

Mismagius dodges incoming attacks.

"Conceldurr, constantly attack to Mismagius with using Rock Slide and don't give it to a chance to escape."

Under Conceldurr's constant attacks, Mismagius can't last much, and it loses its ability to continue battle before Arthur can react.

Arthur sends Aegislash to the field after taking Mismagius back its Pokeball.

Aegislash is a powerful pokemon. Thanks to its King's Shield move, it does not much affect the attacks of the opponent and reduces the attack power of the opponent with each time using it. But Conceldurr is also a powerful pokemon. Ice Punch, Fire Punch… Aegislash has a tough time under a constant attack of the Conceldurr.

The situation stays in stuck for a while, but Aegislash puts Conceldurr into an impasse as the time passes thanks to its strong attack power and defence power. And after the in the stuck situation, Aegislash eventually wins, but it consumes energy too much.

After Conceldurr losses it's the ability to continue the battle, its trainer replaces it with Medicham.

"Medicham, mega evolution" Medicham enters mega evolution without waiting after entering the field.

After a short while, Mega Medicham quickly defeats Aegislash.

Arthur replaces Aegislash with Sableye.

"Sableye, mega evolution."

Sableye also enters mega evolution. It surprises the fans when they see this situation. They did not expect mega evolution from a trainer in the top 30.

Thanks to Sableye's genre advantage, Medicham cannot hold out for long and Arthur becomes the last winner of the match. This match can consider one of the most exciting matches. No one expected that Arthur has a power of mega-evolution. With this match, Arthur, as a dark horse, has attracted the attention of the fans.

There are also some changes on Beyaz's side on the fourth day of the tournament. Absol learned Double Team move during the training. After learning it, she tries to make this move perfect. Since Double Team has just learned, Absol is not yet competent in movement. She will improve mastery after fully integrating the movement.

Double Team is a support type move that is effective in defence and attack. It creates afterimages of Pokemon, confusing the opponent. With this way, It can more effectively to stealth attack to the opponent or give enough time to dodge while the opponent uses an attack.

Absol could barely create an afterimage when she first learned the Double Team, now she can easily create 1 afterimage.

Within a few hours, she can become more proficient in this move and reach the beginner stage in this move's mastery. With this way, she can do 4 afterimages at the same time.

With the increase in mastery, she can rise the afterimages numbers. In the beginner stage, she can do 4 afterimages. When she reaches the intermediate stage in mastery, she can do 8 afterimages. After reaching the advanced stage in mastery, she can do 12 afterimages. At the last stage in mastery, which means master stage, she can do 16 afterimages at the same time. She can also control the number of afterimages with her energy. For example, she can also use 3 afterimages when her mastery stage in the beginner stage.

Afterimages number is depending on the pokemon's speed. Faster pokemons can do more afterimages at the same time. Slow pokemons can do fewer afterimages. For Absol, it is 4 afterimages at the beginner stage in mastery. For example, if a pokemon has a lower speed than Absol, at the beginner stage in mastery, it can do less than 4 afterimages at the same time.

Absol becomes competent in this move at end of the training day.

Since the trainers who will battle on the fifth day of the tournament are the strongest young trainers in the country, Both Absol and Beyaz desire to watch the matches increases. With this wish, they lay on the bed.

While dreaming they taking part in the Grand Tournament, they fall asleep.


ColoredWormcreators' thoughts
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