
Maria's powers

Maria Stark junior functions.

charging options.

Wind wheels in hands (also used to stabilize flight).

Burning organic matter (also used to get rid of toxic waste)

Solar panels.

Up to 500 volt electrical outlets. (currently roasted and replaced with extra battery)

Power plasma outlet.

Daily use functions

Internet access and machine manipulation.( used mostly to hack)

Hypothetical scenario processor (joins the database and artificial intelligence to create possible paths on how to solve a problem)

Intelligence of emotions and artificial personality.

Database (includes all manuals and protocols so she knows how to do infinite things even if she has never tried them before.)

Super strength, agility and endurance.

x-ray, ultra violet, infra red, night vision, etc.

Receiver and transmitter of radio waves of all major types used by the galaxy.

And of course, a transformer that converts the energy of the space gem into portals and cracks in space that allow it to do all of its tricks already mentioned.

Needles in fingertip

sweet dreams (this one you already know)

Collect and analyze the composition of samples

give injections

or simply storing things in small quantities.

Ways to use the energy of the space gem

create real (tangible and thinking) copies of itself.

Create inbound and outbound portals.

Create solid portal (a portal that teleports everything that enters out, becoming something like an unbreakable shield or simply a transparent platform)

Becoming invisible and intangible (covering the body with portals that teleport, matter and light to the small distance on the other side of your body)

portal blade (simply interrupt the teleport process in half, which makes only one half of something reach the other side, so this blade can cut anything (yes, for entertainment it can be shaped into the shape of a sword) )

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