

'okay, you can do this!' aero thought to himself staring at the bus-sized grey bird-like creature. it looked right back at him with its four eyes. he didn't know the name of it, but he could tell it was a prideful creature. not just because of the thick layer of energy around it.

but because of the staring contest they've been having for the last five petals, he might be winning he couldn't be sure. but he sure by the zalts he wasn't losing. "aero stop glaring at the bird it's time for us to go," lnna drew aero of his contest. but he didn't break contact until he had to climb on the saddle on the bird's back. along with all their supplies, their cart, and the creatures that pulled they were staying behind for the moment. they paid for some people to take care of them during that time.

Take-off required a few moments but soon they were flying just below the colors clouds. "so do we actually have a plan of action here?" that brought a tense silence upon them before aero plainly said, "I'm going to tell them I sent the gifts and why."

"you know that can get you arrested?"

"I do not run from the effects of my choice!" there was no room for argument. so they didn't," alright but you should probably think of how you're going to say it or you'll start a fight."

"I can deal with a fight," aero stated," but you are correct." they discussed it pointing out several flaws in how aero would approach this situation naturally. it got to the point that he shut down on them staring out at the clouds that passed by them. they left him being knowing he was about to bite. that didn't stop them from talking amount themselves.

"so we agree that this is probably going to be stressful right," lior stated and the rest nodded in agreement. "then we agree there's something we have to figure out before this bird touches the ground?"

"I'm sticking around," lior stated after a moment of silence," I don't know about the rest of you but I'm invested in this. front-row seat to the world-changing." gaillia spoke next," he's made a deal with Yona and I wanna make sure she doesn't set him off. mostly to protect the girl."

tzilla hummed thinking about it herself, aero was going far that was true no matter how you looked at it. she didn't join this team with grand implications, and after the short time they've traveled together, she's deduced that none of them were bad people. aero had a short and easily lit fuse but he wasn't a bad person. she's decided that she liked them all, even though aero was kind of prickly.

so the question was did she like them enough to stand with them?

in the end, her answer was yes, but not just because she liked her team. or because aero helped them grow by devising new weapons and fighting styles. no, the leaders of the world didn't scare her enough to back down. they might have influenced the choices of many but tailla has chosen to spend her life fighting and killing creatures to protect lives and help people.

"if the leaders want me to back down they're going to need a bit more teeth." aero locked his jaw to hold back his laughter, he couldn't make a sound at the moment. he had to let them make this choice uninterrupted. though he couldn't deny that his chest was doing something funny hearing them all in their own time agree to stay by his side.

it made him soft enough that he let them help plan out the conversation or at least how they wanted it to go. mostly somehow stop them from what was likely to be one-sided bloodshed. the helper was mostly silent during the matter, clearly observing this trial of their lord.

several flowers of the flight passed before the bird-like creature landed in the slight of the late sun. aero jumped off first stretching out. "ah that wasn't that bad," though he still liked having his feet on the ground. the prideful teen figured that probably had to do with the fact he couldn't fight while in the air.

'i could fix that could I?!' aero smiled a bit but then frowned as he realized the complications of this goal. 'even if I manage to attain flight or something similar I would have to learn how to fight like that.' he attempted to put the thoughts aside or the moment, but the stuck around. in annoyance, aero began to pick at the carapace on his left arm.

they had made it out of the area and found a cart to take them to the next town tomorrow before aero come to an understanding about his thoughts.' i haven't considered how I would fight in space,' from how Tova explained to him space was a completely different environment. he wouldn't see anything like it on Augustine.

the cold, the dark, the silence, the lack of general direction. it could drive him mad if he was unprepared. aero had initially put it in the back of his mind because he didn't plan to go anywhere anytime soon. but if his planet went to war, he might have to. he remembered that Tova said that he would have to train on it before he could leave the atmosphere.

"Races born on land don't adjust to space well, it could drive even the strong of them mad!" she did mention some way aero could practice for it. but none of them aero had put any effort into them, but since the planet leaders desired to fight he might have to start that training.

"I guess I have to find a pound that a creature isn't living in." he looked where his team having a bit of fun watching a small show a street performer was putting on. it was silent, like most arts thanks to their peculiar ability with sound. but when they did add sound it was a sight like no other.

which is why the performer started humming Aero joined the crowd in time to see, a colorful beginning to weave through the air. each moved with the show the performer put on, it was entrapping and aero almost didn't hear the helper.' my lord I think you should take a look at his pride,' curious enough aero opened his eyes and zeroed in on the performer.

"oh!" almost as if it was dancing with the crowd the performer's pride was bursting to the woo and was of a crowd. 'as a performer what brings your more pride than people enjoying your work.' the lord agreed with the helper's words. he watched the show until he performer packed up, 'lets' turn in for the night.' his mood was a bit lighter.

the next day, his light mood clung around as they set off. the conversation was light as well, they tried to stay like that even with the task before them. but even their best attempts couldn't stop the thoughts.

"Okay, serious question. how likely is it that we can change their minds?"

"I don't know," aero didn't pay attention to who asked the question he knew his entire team was curious about the answer." but I am confident in my ability to remain stubborn. I won't give in easily to their choice. I make every effort to change their minds, and I'll ask for nothing more than ideas from you. I know the limits of my mind. "

"oh is that all, I plan to help out much more than that Inna commented with a small slightly offended huff. though she was glad he wasn't asking them to fight, she didn't like their chances of a fight anyway.

"well if that's it, I already have a few ideas in mind." the trip to the capital of Hopoth. it wasn't the largest town, nor was it the most advanced. plenty of trade came through it and fighters, and plenty of people live here, it was a busy place. but still arriving at it amazed aero, he's never been here, never had a reason to come to the capital.

'i remember promising myself that I should visit that new center if a did?' aero looked passed the guards and up the massive wall that protected the capital. Its height was taller than the trees, which was probably needed to make sure creatures didn't break in. not that many were dumb enough to try.

the intelligence that some creatures showed caught the helper's attention, but that potential of the matter is out of their lord's scoop for the time so they remained quiet. aero himself has long made his peace with the minds of the creatures he slew.

passing through the gates of the city was a slight problem due to the fee and registration, but besides that, they got in without a problem. there might have been a problem if idit had been talking to aero when a guard suggested they were protecting aero. but luckily he didn't notice.

inside the city, they all took in sight. it was impressive, 'my lord would you like the center of operations to look something like this?' aero blinked before understanding what he meant. as a cosmic lord, from what he understood his business would carry him all over the universe. he would also have people working for him.

he would need a base of operations of some sort, 'in town doesn't sound like a bad idea. but only after I've built my school.'

'of course, my lord,' the helper replied as the team started asking around. they were looking for two things, a peaceful way to meet the leader and a nice inn to stay at. they found the inn pretty easily, a place called Gal. which was run by the daughter of Gal, who meet them at the counter took their rooms, and gave them a menu for the inn dinner.

she didn't seem like the kind to speak unnecessarily, but she was very polite. Aero didn't have a problem talking to her. they didn't turn in immediately but left their things to claim their rooms including their bed. which weren't light even though all of them were more than fit.

"Okay," Tzilla stretched out," continue trying to find a way to talk to the leader right?" aero noded pausing for a moment," does anyone know their name?" there was a resonating silence from his team. which surprised him, aero didn't know their name. because it wasn't personally important enough to him that the name mattered. just their decisions regarding the country.

"wow," for some reason he wasn't upset by this realization. though the rest of them looked at varying stages of embarrassment. "well," Gallia cleared her throat," I guess that's just one more then we have to find out!" they set out after that to gather their information.

a few flowers later aero found out a few things about their country leader, but nothing that allow him to peacefully meet her. he found out a few things about her security detail though so combat was a growing option. "at this rate, it would be easier if I could grab her attention then she would come to me." which the teen's pride would love.

the helper was silent watching as the lord's prideful desires flared, curious about his next action. silently they were pleased when he let go of the idea of making the leader come to him. "let's save that fun for another time," he didn't think it would make the negotiation go well. not that he knew much about them, but he has been thinking about them.

he would need to negotiate with other space fairing organizations as the lord, he was already having to negotiate with his fellow lord. the fact he owned her money showed that he sucked, he knew how to get what he wanted on a certain level. but he didn't know how to strike a long-term deal.

"would this count as a long-term deal?" the Lord asked himself looking at the cloudy sky." come aero think, how can I meet this woman!" he thought as he continued to ask around, mildly unaware his team was drawing a bit of attention. they were asking around how they could meet someone very important. so drawing attention was probably, but still, the guards coming out to meet them the next morning was a surprise.

"by the zalts what do you want?" aero groaned rubbing dreams from his eyes. looked at the armed guards before them, he observed them, the edge of the e weapons. the definition of their muscles, the look in their eyes. everything he saw about them told him they were strong. probably more robust than him. 'i guess my training needs to take it up a notch,' his fist tightened around the body of his staff.

"We're here to advise you to end your attempts to meet Sacher Baila, this is a very tense time!" her tone was attempted intimidation but aero refused to let it show if it affected him, leaning on his staff as he stared the warrior dead.

"so her name is baila that's nice to know, but now I sadly must tell you I'm meeting her one way or another!" the warrior stepped closer, and Aero matched her steps. "why are you not listening?"

aero put a smile," because I have a goal and I'm a bit too stubborn to stop just because someone tells me two." epically not people he didn't like, "but if you can help me get a meeting I'm sure we can save each so much time?" aero stepped back, for at this point she either said yes or no. then from their aero would act, but the warrior didn't share his opinion.

she reached for him, which was a mistake. Aero quickly shifted to combat mode, but before he could bring shit staff aero. Inna and Gaillia were there, Gallia's pudoa up and stopped aero's strike. she quickly pushed aero back, while Inna took over the conversation.

"I am aware that you don't know this, but we know the being that sent the gifts to all the world leaders, the guards were taken back by the declaration. her immediate thought was they were lying, but she observed their body langue. the complete lack of nervousness around the statement caused a bit of doubt.

"then what was the goal of the being?" Inna felt her shoulders drop a bit, her team letting out a small bit of relief. it encouraged Aero to put his staff down. but he didn't put it away." why did they send the clothes."

"so that our planet could know about alien life."

"why tell us now?"

"a situation has occurred that will bring attention to our planet, but not all of it will be good attention." the guard was silent, while mentally cursing that wasn't good. "why do you want to meet Baili? to tell her all this?"

"no, to stop her from starting pointless fights. the being stated, that on the grand scale of things. we aren't that strong, we aren't that technically advanced. we don't even have a method to safely enter space and she wasn't to start battles?"

"So what's your option then?" Inna felt mixed,' at least she listening to me at least,' she peeked back at aero was had lowered his weapon but not put it away. which they could work with," as far as I know no one going to look at our planet as long as the high mother doesn't bring down the planet's innate barrier." so many things that she just said left the guard a little off guard.

Inna was willing to explain but knowing this conversation was going on for a while she decided that should take a seat first. the inn was able to provide them with a private location to continue their important conversation. aero went with them, staring at the guard the entire time. he didn't say anything nor showed hostility. but he didn't look away from her once.

"do you have a problem with me?" she asked when the conversation was done, she knew she had a long report to give to Baili. aero hummed for a moment," I'm unsure if we'll have a problem." that was all he said before he walked away. the guard huffed before heading out with her squad, making a direct path for Balia's office.

after explaining everything that she had heard, the guard looked up to her leader who looked like she wanted to tear off her carapace and beat someone with it. instead of giving in to that desire, she took a deep breath and made sure that she would have time to meet with aero's team within the week. while also having something strong brought to her room later. the rest of her day was spent trying to figure out the logistics of this situation.

a meeting was designated for three days after the team meet the guards. the time frame wasn't a problem for aero's team. because all of them wanted to at least look around the capital. they all found something to send to their friends and/or family. aero had several things for his mother shipped out along with a letter for her.

the rest of the time they found a training hall, they weren't uncommon due to the number and skills of hunters needed. aero's just refused to use them until this point, he knew he was going to get a few stares, but now he had a team who might be a buffer from the stares. aero was about to test it out.

"are all training halls this big?" aero wondered looking at the building that took up the entire block. it was in use as he could hear several clashes going on through the walls.

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