
[XVII] - Confusing Play

This silver bitc-… He… Did it all just to buy some time for "him" to come himself! Why was I so stupid to let myself be entangled in this stupid mind game! Ugh… I proved to myself once again, that under this confidence of mine, I'm an imprudent person, easily controlled by their feelings.

But I can't lose my coolness right now, nor show my weakness in front of them. My fear of the blue-eyed… I won't be dominated by him again.

"Nice game, you sicko." — I turned my head to the side, to fake complement the silver-haired man, and to express that the sudden arrival of the blue-eyes didn't affect me.

Maybe the silver-haired is weak, but this mind of his. A mad smart ass. He planned this all along.

"Being beaten by a fine-looking person like you was my pleasure." — He was now standing behind me, smiling like a kid who just got a tasty piece of candy. This is truly…

I was scared of turning my head again, to face the blue-eyed. But I did it anyway, without any further thinking. I tried to avoid his sharp glare of a predator, anyone could melt by its power… And this time too, like earlier, the man was penetrating me with his eyes, not even blinking. What was so special in me that he looked like that? I may not be wearing my mask and hood now, but it doesn't mean he has to analyze me like that… I feel uncomfortable… But at least I can buy some time. Now, please… Let me think of any plan, how can I possibly get out of here in one piece…

I searched though him precisely, he looked exactly the same when I saw him last time, in the morning. A tall person, standing confidently, wearing black, industrial techwear clothes. The usual hood hiding his dark hair and a mask covering his identity. The only thing that I could possibly recognize him by, were his two, glowing blue, eyes, piercing though me like a laser.

The only difference from the last time was, that now he seemed to be even more hesitant and unsure of the unknown. His thrilling gaze cut through me, looking at my bare face like if was a mirage, that was about to disappear any second now. Oh, I wish I could just disappear from here. How can I escape from a man that watches me with his stare like a prison guard, and a crazy devil, who likes mind games as much as I like peace and being able to rest? I need to quickly think of a plan.

Running away now, like that, will just trigger an attack. As I could easily defeat the shorter, silver-haired guy, the other one was much more skilled and quicker. Even if I somehow got away from them, he would catch me shortly after. So, the one is an issue, and the other is not. So… If I could somehow make the blue-eyed unable to function…

The silver-haired man walked up to the blue-eyed, and stopped just by him, glaring up into his eyes. The dark-haired was a few inches taller than the silver-eyed.

"Are we going to stand still like that? Why are you so dumbfounded today? Maybe you should knock him off or something, if that idea hadn't come to your already slow mind. I'm not gonna struggle alone with a person like this... Do you know how strong his arms are? Man…" — The silver-haired pointed at me, standing in the middle of the street silently, just making up a plan in my mind.

"Shut up." — The blue-eyed responded harshly to the silver-haired, who was evidently offended by that. His face immediately turned into an annoyed and angry one. When I threw a glare at this funny expression, curving my mouth in a soured grin, he noticed it and pulled up a mask on his face instantly.

"There's no surveillance cameras near here, so what's the point of wearing that mask anyway? With it or without, you're as ugly as your personality. And… It's not like you are actually going anyway from here, right?" — I tried to act sassy, almost failing to speak those conspicuous words out of my wobbling mouth. By asking this suspicious question, I wanted to catch him off guard and possibly achieve some additional information.

"You…" — The silver-haired backed off from his frustration. I'm going to tease him as he did to me. Let's see if he is going to like it. — "It's not like your offends will get me anyway. And you're not gonna run away from us either. Never."

"Why can't just you let me go? You destroyed my evidence anyway! Is there any further point?" — I tried to persuade him somehow.

"Hahaha, you're so annoying. You don't even know what I will do to you when we will finally get to our place."

"Should I feel threatened? I've just beaten your face like a sponge."

But instead of hearing any displeasing response, he just jumped towards me without any notice. A spinning leg flew in the air before me, and as it was supposed to land on my stomach, I just blocked it with my both hands. But instead of letting him go, and making him try to land another hit, I just grabbed his leg even stronger, and just pulled it back, making him fall to the ground with a loud noise.

Ow, was that too much? It seemed to be very painful. I… didn't try to hurt anyone seriously… Or did I? Wait…

The man was lying before me, looking into the sky with his silver eyes full of hate and despite. I've triggered a dangerous pull now… right?

"Ouch. Well… You shouldn't have provoked me in the first place." — I faked an ironic smile, looking down at him. He really shouldn't have done that. I've awakened a strength I haven't known has been sleeping in my body until now.

But I think acting like this isn't me at all. Smiling upon someone's pain?

…Who have I turned into?

That smile of mine quickly turned into a grimace of pain, as out of nowhere, I found myself to be lifted against a wall by a strong grip of someone's hand. Before I could realize, the glowing blue eyes appeared before me, itching with rage. So fast, I couldn't even detect his movement. Not thinking of actually dodging or blocking his attack. His cold ice pupils were just before mine, and I could feel his breath in my face. This was… a familiar feeling and sensation… But where could I know it from? This warmth…

My feet were floating in the air, and I quickly felt out of breath, being choked by a man I was scared of the most. The problem with it was, that I was frozen by fear, not able to react in any way. Being close to your end, pushed by someone stronger than you, makes you slow your senses.

Yet, when I looked at him with my eyes filled with pain and despair, almost full of tears, he let me off, leaving me to fall to the ground. Still conscious, I felt like reaching the surface of the ocean in the last moment, grasping the air fully, searching for the life-giving oxygen. Coughing, I lied on the street, thanking the unknown forces for not letting me be suffocated.

And he did it once again. He let me go, for an unknown reason, without any explanation. He can't bring himself to deal with me at once, in opposite to what he did with all the other ones. But what was the reason? Why can't he end my suffering, and his, right now?

He turned his back to me, and faced the silver-haired, who has gotten of the ground, staring with a shocked gaze at the injured body on the street, lying few meters before him.

"Make h- him unconscious. And look for passages to the place." — The blue-eyed inquired.

"Just because it's only the two of us, doesn't mean you can order me however you want." — Silver-haired crossed his arms and stubbornly stared into the wall, not making any eye contact. But I could see his playful eyes thinking of something bad again.

"Do you want to be lying on the ground, in pain, besides him?" — A cold tone answered him.

"Why don't YOU make him unconcious? I really can't recognize you. You just stopped in the middle of your actions. Letting of someone when choking someone? Don't you know that unfinished business blooms when you don't expect it? Just hit him and it will be enough." — Tricky eyes of a man weren't full of teasing today.

Something was very suspicious, why can't the silver-haired just do as he was said? And why won't the blue-eyed do it too? I… With my left energy, could I even do something to fight back? The only option left for me is either to sneak away from them, or to wait for a miracle.

I could see a growing tension between their stares, a freezing blue eyes in a fight with the infatuating silver ones. Both of their eyebrows were frowned, with a spark going off to light up the fire at any minute.

Will they actually fight? What a good teamwork. That's why I've always preferred to work alone. When you have no one to argue with and oppose your opinions, the life is just much more beautiful and serene.


"I didn't give you permission to call me by that." — The dark-haired responded to silver-eyed, with a hearable rage in his voice.

"Should I call you by your real name then? P-" — The silver-haired almost spoke out his name, but couldn't finish, as an angry hand was about to strike his face with an impact.

But in time, he evaded it, walking few steps back, going away from the place I was lying at.

What is exactly going on? I… I've had in mind, that If those two were to fight, it would turn their attention away from me. But it wasn't so real. Therefore, I put away this thought. Yet, the most unexpected came true, and now before my eyes, a truly intense fight was going on.

Of course, Orbis was much quicker and skilled than the silver-haired man, but he somehow attempted to evade the man's attack. It appears that this man knew the pattern of his attacks very well.

But there was no way he could resist for long. The eyes of the dark-haired, they become even more infuriated and obsessed with anger than before, shining like two burning white lights, their path was engraved in the darkness, as he moved. Could the fact of speaking his name out loud throw him out of his stability? His movements became more chaotic and severe. It seems that the silver-haired couldn't defend himself anymore.

Are these two supposed to be companions? Well then, making them a pair was a huge mistake.

But what am I waiting for? This is an excellent occasion to just run off, while they were busy! A chance fell up from the sky, and the fate couldn't bless me with a better moment. All I had to do was to just use it, and rush into the darkness as usual. I'm not going to stay and watch them beat each other like idiots!

I've gathered the strength of what was left in my body, and tried to silently get off the ground, moving into the greater shadow aside the building's wall.

Supporting myself with the harsh wall, I climbed myself up, and got on my legs. I turned my head, to see if those two are still fighting, and they were, but now it was just Orbis beating his smaller opponent.

Actually, when I think of it now, Orbis is a Latin name. Could this person be affiliated with the higher districts? All people living there are supposed to have such names, according to the laws of the metropolis. The Latin language was a treasure left by one of the first advanced civilizations living on Earth. The creator of the metropolis has them in high regards and considered their knowledge and philosophy as one of the most reliable and true to the universe. Therefore, he relied on the teachings of the ancient people and their language and passing them further upon to our society. But I never got deeply involved in the Latin classes in school, so I don't know any further meaning behind it and his name. It's sound nice, though.

But the best thing was they didn't notice me getting up, so I could proceed further without any worries.

Or could I?

And I walked a few meters past the wall, trying to move my legs a bit faster, I noticed some weird shadows at the end of the street. My heart stopped beating for a second, and my throat was starting to burn lightly.

All of all this time we were here, no one came past, no living soul was to be seen.

And now, all of a sudden, I could see a group of people emerging from the shadows, all walking towards me.

Are they another members of this weird group? Did they come to aid those two mad people? Am I left without any way out?

I moved to the middle of the street, staring with a given up look at the masked people coming up closer with every second.

But as they were coming…

"Asha! Asha!!!" — A loud scream echoed between the narrow walls of the buildings.

I recognized this nice voice…


A tall man, with visible dark hair from beneath his hood, stood in front of the group, leading it. His purple eyes were visible from meters away.


They were from the RR! They came for… me!?

As happy as I was at that moment, I couldn't describe it with any words. My heart was pounding like the sound of the metro rushing quickly though the underground. It felt warm and comfortable that someone came for me in time. That someone cared enough to look for me. This one time in my life. I've almost wanted to run towards them, forgetting about everything around, however, my legs were hurting, and I was still waiting for my strength to be regained.

But when he got close enough for me to see him clearly from afar, his expression couldn't be called as joyful as mine. He suddenly stopped in the middle of the street. All of their expressions were surprised and suddenly turned into eyes of fearful…

…Weren't they happy to see me?

Suddenly, I could feel a warm blow of air surrounding me, and the only my thing I could recall back then, was a sight of the arctic blue light, covering my whole body and surroundings. The last thing I saw was Icto's glare, full of despair and shock, with his hand reaching out towards me.

I was sucked into the bright light, and then everything turned dark. A void surrounded me, and then I lost my consciousness, drifting away in the darkness of my own mind.

i’m desperate, please don’t add it to your collection and delete it the next day, this isn’t funny

ashfreicreators' thoughts
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