

Jackcy's Point Of View,

"If you are done checking me out, finish your breakfast", he commanded, I felt embarrassed, as he caught me staring at him, my lips were dry and my throat was burning,

I just pressed my lips together and gulping the fear I said, " why, why you bring me here", I asked him stammering, he stared at me but didn't reply to me, I didn't touch the breakfast,

"Who changed my clothes", I asked again shattering, but he again didn't reply to me, I get up from the bed and put my feet on the floor, it was cold, the coldness of the floor made me shiver, and a moan escaped from my mouth, although it was so down, still he heard that and offered me the slippers, my feet were really cold so I took the slippers,

"Where are my clothes, I need them, I have to go", I asked him, he glared at me for a few seconds, and gave me a new dress from the cupboard, "I don't want this, will you please give me my old one", I said and he angrily closed the door of the cupboard,

" I, I was asking it because, because, I can't go home wearing this, what if someone asked me, from where I got this dress", I managed to say,

"When you were fucking that bastard, that time you didn't think that what if someone will see, what will someone feel", he said sarcastically with his cold, dark eyes, making me shiver,

"Now get lost, go take a shower and wear it, I am not gonna repeat myself", he said and I quickly pick the towel and ran into the bathroom, I came out after almost one hour, It felt so relaxed in the hot bathtub, he didn't disturb me, not even once,

I came out wrapping the towel around my body, I took a breath in relief when I didn't found him in the room, but my breath hitched when I felt his presence behind me, I got panicked and lost my balance, he held me from my waist and pulled me closer to his chest, my breathing was getting high as I felt his hot breaths on my face and half-naked chest,

I was holding the towel tightly because it gets loosed, "feeling scared to reveal your body to me, didn't think once showing it to someone else", he said and anger covered his handsome face and he throws me on the bed and went out of the room before saying, "get ready fast, I am drooping you home.

I quickly wore the dress which he gave me, I must say it was so pretty and looks so pretty on me, I remember when he used to buy me dresses, and I am sure this is dress is one of his gifts for me, a tear escaped from my eye when I remember one of our happiest days, which I ruined by my own hands,

I still remember the night when we both went out for a candlelight dinner, he booked the most beautiful restaurant in the town for me, there was no one in the restaurant except us, and then he did the most beautiful thing of my life,

I had waited so long for this moment, he bends down on his knees and took a little red box from his pocket, my breath stuck in my chest as my heart was beating like a drum, I couldn't help but put my hands on my mouth in surprise, and then said,

"You are the only love of my life, my only reason to survive, my breaths are attached to yours, if anything happens to you ever, I don't think I won't be able to survive, I will die for sure, promise me, you will be a stay at my side no matter what, I could never afford to lose you, just please stay loyal with me always, you know I can die for you, but I can also kill, please don't let me show you that side of mine, I love you more than anything my life, I love you so much, I promise you that we will marry after your graduation, and that day, I will make you completely mine", he kissed me so passionate as I nodded my head to say yes to his beautiful proposal,

That night we kissed serval times, he didn't touch me in that way yet, because he dreamed that he will make me his completely on our wedding day and that is why I loved him more than my life, my eyes started crying as his memory lit up in my mind,

I loved him so much, no, I love him so much and I can never stop loving him till my last breath, I was crying so badly when he again entered the room for taking me, he looks into my eyes and I quickly turned my eyes,

I know my tears never affects him now, but what can I do huh, I wiped my face and told him,

"I am ready, let us go", as I said and walking out, he holds my hands and roamed his fingers on my face, he wiped my years by his thumb, oh god how long I craved for his touch, and then he kissed my whole face, kissing my eyes and my tears, I felt heaven after so much terrible time in my life, but then he realized the reality I guess, he made a face as disgusts me, he pushed me back with all the force and I fall on the floor,

"Come down fast, I don't have much time", he said and left me alone in his room.

Hey, guys hope you will like this story, please share your thoughts and reviews with me and follow me on Instagram as ruchikamangeshwar, I am not a professional writer so kindly please ignore my grammatical mistakes, thank you.

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Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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