
Consequences, Training Plans

Suki slowly opened her eyes to see a ceiling that she didn't recognize. She quickly went through what she could remember.

Seeing that it didn't help her situation much, she instead focused on sensing any nearby chakra sources.

'Three civilians based on their small chakra.' She thought. She then sensed three signatures that could only belong to ninjas. She relaxed when she recognized them.

'They must have found a place to rest at. Most likely meaning that I am in Tazuna's house.'

She slowly pushed herself up with a small wince.

She looked around.

The room had a bookshelf with a few books, a dark brown color on the walls and ceiling with a golden brown color for the wooden floor. There were no windows, a small table with a few pieces of paper littered about.

She found herself under a blanket with her clothes in a pile next to her.

That caused her to look at what ever she was wearing and found herself in a loosely fit shirt with a knee length shorts on.

'Someone likely had to check me for any possible injuries and decided to wash my clothes.' She thought. 'That better be the reason.'

She moved her neck, allowing it to release pressure and pop.

She continued stretching her muscles until she heard foot steps heading towards her.

A few seconds later, the door slid to the left revealing a woman with long blue hair and black eyes. She wore a pink, short-sleeved shirt with the ends of her sleeves and her collar being red. She also wore a blue skirt that went down to her knees.

"Oh! You're awake." The woman stated shocked. "I thought you'd be out for a couple more days."

"Sorry, but ninjas need to be able to handle a lot and get back up." Suki told. "How are the rest of my team, miss..."

"Tsunami. As for your team, your sensei said that he is suffering from chatra exhaustion?" She seemed to ask.

"Chakra. That means he's just extremely exhausted and shouldn't move too much." She explained.

Tsunami nodded, not truly understanding about chakra but understands enough about what Kakashi should and shouldn't do.

*In this "universe", everyone knows about chakra, but those who live outside the ninja villages only know that it is something needed to live like blood. *

Tsunami stood up after checking her with her basic knowledge. "I should go inform your team that you are awake."

"Hang on a moment." Suki stopped her. "I didn't ask, but how long have I been asleep?"

"No more than 4 hours maximum." She told her.

'So it should be early evening or late afternoon.'

As soon as Tsunami left, Suki got up and started to change into her actual clothing.

As she finished, she heard heavy footsteps heading in her direction quickly.

'3...2...1...' She thought and finished right as the door swung to the side.

"Suki!" Naruto and Sasuke exclaimed.

She smiled.


"Are you feeling okay? Are you hurt? How's your hand?" Naruto asked one after the other.

Sasuke placed a hand over his mouth. "She can't answer any questions if you keep asking more questions."

Sasuke shivered before moving his hand away. "Did you lick my hand?!"

"Don't put your hand over my mouth!" He exclaimed.

"Don't argue already." Suki spoke, stopping it before they started. "Now, can you ask your questions slowly, please?"

"How are you feeling now that you woke up?" Sasuke summarized the questions into one.

"Well, I feel a little sore in my right hand and my chakra is almost halfway restored." She commented.

"What were you thinking!?" Naruto yelled, surprising her.

"What are you-" She couldn't get any further before Sasuke interrupted her.

"Kakashi-Sensei recognized your opponent. You were fighting a shinobi who had the potential to be a Jounin! Like ours was." Sasuke gave a light glare. "You have to have realized that it was out of even your league!"

"If I used the gates-"

"You couldn't!" Naruto yelled this time. "You told the three of us that the doctors wanted you to avoid using them for a month and that was only three weeks ago!" He huffed. "We know that you may have been able to fight him with them and maybe even beat him. But without them..."

Sasuke sighed. "Neither of us doubt your abilities, we can't. We've seen them in person and even been on the receiving end of them. But even you have stated that your Chunin at best without those gates."

"And what should I have done? Return back to you guys? It would have been worse. We would have had to fight two Jounin at once."

Sasuke gritted his teeth, already having known that there wasn't any good options at the time.

"It doesn't matter!" Naruto started. "You and Kakashi-sensei beat it into both of Sasuke's and my head that teamwork is important!"

"And so are our lives!" She yelled back, making them back up in shock.

She calmed down slightly. "I know of the two skill levels our opponents were at. When Aoi left, he was Jounin level at BEST, Chunin at worse. His skills have gotten rusty due to his over reliance on that sword of his. Zabuza, however, hasn't. Last entry update on him stated that he used to be ANBU."

She looked them in the eyes. "If Aoi managed to distract Kakashi, Zabuza could have used that distraction to kill him. Out of the two, Zabuza was the most dangerous and he needed to be left to Kakashi. My main plan was to stall or subdue Aoi until you guys could take Zabuza down, just as what happened."

"No more." Sasuke growled out. "No more facing enemies like him where you are unsure of back up."

"I'm not planning on making it a habit." Suki rolled her eyes.

"Don't dismiss this as casual." Sasuke spoke again. "If Naruto nor I managed to reach you in time, you WOULD have died. No ifs or buts."

Suki noticed long ago that they were extremely worried and angry. She'd have to be a brick wall not to notice that. However, what was she supposed to say? That she knew that they would likely handle Zabuza?

"Alright, alright," Kakashi entered the room with crutches. "How about you three pick this conversation up at another time? Preferably not when someone just wakes up?"

They did nothing for a second before nodding. "Alright, now, why don't you two go train on the lake nearby while I catch Suki up to speed."

The two of them looked at her once more before leaving.

They waited a minute for Suki spoke up. "Thanks."

"Oh, you shouldn't be thanking me." She looked at him and saw him looking serious. "You acted out of character today Suki. Normally, you're all for teamwork and making sure they stay safe. However, you proceeded to fight Aoi Rokushō alone and away from your team. If it wasn't for me feeling your chakra increase before that bright light, I would think you could be an imposter."

"I won't go into the slight mess you've made with the boys, but I want an honest answer here Suki. Why did you go off alone?"

A few seconds passed by before she answered.

"Pride and cautiousness."

He raised an eyebrow, asking for more details.

"At first, it was pride mixed with confidence that I could handle him long enough for you three to come help. It then turned to cautiousness when I realized his skill level. Having him and Zabuza in the same area could have been bad and have distracted you."

He sighed.

"What? Are you going to tell me that I should have taken the risk of our whole team dying?"

"No, I'm disappointed in you."

That, caused a slight shock.


"You always seemed to preach teamwork to the point that I thought you truly understood it. I was wrong. While yes, all of us could have been put into even more danger, the three of you could have handled Aoi while leaving Zabuza to me." He told.

"And how did that turn out?" She muttered.

His eye narrowed at her but didn't say anything.

"You will be healed up enough to train tomorrow. For the remainder of this week, you will not use your gates, is that clear?" When she didn't reply, he spoke again. "Is that clear, Genin Suki?"

"Crystal." She muttered.

"Now, let me actually catch you up to speed."

With that, he informed her that Zabuza had another accomplice beside Aoi, that he would likely be back on his feet in a week, and that he-Kakashi- would be resting until the end of the week, letting his body heal.

"One last thing," Kakashi continued. "Until further notice, do not use any lightning jutsu with your right hand."

She looked at it, seeing the faint marks from the lightning chakra release. "Do you-"

"It'll return to normal in two weeks. Whether you'll be able to use lightning chakra in that hand again, that's up to if you follow my order not to use lightning chakra."

With that, he headed to the door.

"Kakashi," Suki spoke up. "I don't regret what I did, but tell me. Was there honestly any other way that guaranteed the lives of our entire team?"

He looked back. "Let's hope we never have to find out."

With that, the two left, returning to laying down to recover.


Next day


"Alright Suki," Kakashi started. "I planned on teaching you a jutsu to help you deal with opponents quickly. However, I do have a few restrictions when it comes to this jutsu."

They were surrounded by trees on all sides.

"Alright." She nodded.

"Here are my restrictions for you to use this jutsu until you've mastered it and I can trust you not to use it irresponsibly. Restriction number 1: You will never use this jutsu on a fellow leaf ninja or civilian. Restriction number 2: You will only use this jutsu when your intent is to kill. This jutsu is made for that and can't be used for much else. And restriction number 3 is a temporary one: You will not use this jutsu except with your left hand." He told.

"Left hand? I can understand the other two, but why that?" She asked.

"I may know over 1000 jutsu, but I've only made a handful. What I plan to teach you is my first original jutsu, the Chidori."

Suki may have looked interested on the outside, but she was ecstatic on the inside.

While the chidori may not have as much brute force as the Rasengan, it isn't supposed to. The Rasengan can be compared to a cannonball while the Chidori is similar to a needle. It's main job isn't meant to destroy, but to pierce through an object.

"Since I can't use chakra at the moment, I'm only able to instruct you on how to do it and point out what is wrong." He told.

"I expected so, but I wouldn't want it any other way. Somethings should be learned the hard way."

"Oh, and Suki," He started. "Did you happen to keep your weights on in your fight?"

Her blank face said everything.

And so did what she said.



'I need to find out if those training seals are real and if so, how to get them.' She thought.

Ever since finding out these weights may be bad to have in the middle of battle, she's been thinking of ways to get the same results, but with a way to get rid of the weight quickly.

So, she decided to ask Kakashi during one of their breaks.

"You mean Resistance Seals? You'd have to either order some from one of our Sealing Experts or buy the ones from the stores. However, the ones from the stores tend to be expensive, up to 100,000 ryo for one that only goes up to 5x, 200,000 for 10x, and so on."

Pushing aside the disbelief at the cost, she continued. "Where would you say I'm at with those seals?"

He put his hand on his chin. "Comparing them to your weights, you're likely at a level 4."

"Level 4!? With this much weight!?" Suki exclaimed.

"The seals don't truly work like weights. Your body feels a certain amount of resistance towards any movement you do, be it walking or running. And the levels aren't so straight forward. With each level, you experience twice the resistance of the last level."

"So, you're saying..."

"At level 4, you are experiencing 8x the resistance force as level 1."

"But wouldn't that get too much at a certain point?"

"No, they have a neat feature in them. No matter how high the level, you will always be able to move slightly, enough for your muscles to improve. Let's say that you picked up a level 20 seal. It would place the restraint level that your body could handle on you, such as level 4. However, as your body gets stronger, so does the resistance level until you reach level 20." He explained.

"Why doesn't everyone use these?"

"The main reason is the cost. As I stated, the price at level 5 is 100,000 and 10 is 200,000. However, from there, the price doubles every 5 levels. level 15 is 400,000 and level 20 is 800,000. The highest level I've ever seen was a level 50." He explained.

Once more, Suki was shocked at that amount of money. She also mentally did the math for level 50.

It would be far too much for her to ever afford. [50 mil]

She then had a sudden thought.

'Should I learn Fuinjutsu?'

With her Sharingan, she could try to memorize what she needed to know for each seal and make her own and possibly sell them, making money she could spend on other things.

He seemed to noticed her thoughts. "While the price is high, you don't get much customers besides the explosive tags which goes for 500 at most. Also, if you were thinking of learning because of your sharingan, it's a bit tricky. Fuinjutsu is a barely learnt language for a reason, it's similar to learning another language. The sharingan may help, but it won't let you learn them instantly. You need to make the seal with chakra ink on chakra paper, make sure the seal is perfect otherwise it turns into an explosive tag depending on how much chakra you put into it, and the costs for those materials aren't cheap either."

Suki's thoughts slowed when she learned the Sharingan wouldn't help too much.

'But some of the strongest ninjas in history learned Fuinjutsu.'

The fourth Hokage came to mind with his Hirashin jutsu that allowed him to teleport from one mark to another which he used with his kunai for devastating effects.

'That's not even mentioning that they are the only reasons that Jinchuriki are even a thing.' She thought.

A few hours later, with their training done for the day, they headed back to the house.


Next up: The Death of a Hero

I've also released two auxilary chapters that tell what jutsu she knows at the moment and also where her 'stats' fall. It also roughly explains what I mean when I say "Low Chunin" compared to just a Chunin.

Shane_The_Readercreators' thoughts
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