
"Ignorance Is A Sin" 

Even when Ainsley had such amazing abilities here and there, and her holy Phoenix even contributed to half of the total demons who were killed today, this battle was not just one person's battle. 

Eight o'clock in the evening, five more people died, and this time, there were more students than contestants who died. 

Maybe because the students all felt that they were useless, so some heroic ones dared to sacrifice themselves so that the contestants could live, or not allowing the contestants to use up their own lives in exchange for the students' lives. 

Some of these students died in the belly of abyss demons, and their death was miserable. 

Some contestants also died on the spot on the battlefield, and not even a single bone was left. 

Others who managed to return to the castle before they died, all asked Ainsley to give them inheritance stones so that their abilities would not be wasted just like that. 

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