
"Beautiful Counterattack" 

In less than a second, Ainsley flicked her wrist and around three miniature daggers from her right wrist flew out of the bracelet. 

Then, the three daggers melted into one before it expanded in size. 

All of this happened so fast that all the on-site audiences could see was that the boy suddenly had an extra sword in his right hand. 

They thought that it was the additional secret weapon that was allowed by the battle arena's organizer because the fighters could not use their spatial storage. 

But the sword was actually still a part of the boy's metal manipulation thing. 

The next second after the sword was in the boy's right hand, the boy didn't hesitate to swing her long sword to the agile snake which was the closest to him. 


While thrusting the sword at the snake's neck, the boy jumped a few steps behind to widen the gap and during that movement, the sword precisely hit the snake right on its weak part! 

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