
"Luring Gabriel"

Along the way, Ainsley kept infecting as many angels and heavenly creatures as possible, mainly to keep them from discovering the demons and the evil spirits. 

By this time, Ainsley didn't have time to focus on the holy spirits and the battle angels who were sent to find the domain cores of Hell Break Domain. 

If Ainsley paid attention to this group, she would find a fierce battle between the battle angels plus the holy spirits versus the demon guards who stayed in Hell Break Domain. 

At this time, the holy spirits and the battle Angels had successfully found the secondary main core of Hell Break Domain inside the Blood Castle. 

They sacrificed a lot of battle angels to find the domain core inside the complicated and vast Blood Castle at the center of the Blood City. 

The whole city was against the battle angels, and these angels accidentally alarmed the guards, resulting in a huge sacrifice just to get the secondary domain core. 

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