
"A Walking Elixir"

[The cure…] Ainsley furrowed her eyebrows at this word. She racked her brain, trying to see a solution, but she just couldn't. 

[Can we get help from the healers? Can't healers heal those sick because of viruses?] Ainsley asked this to the Godfather, and the spirit shook his head.

[Healers can heal internal and external wounds, broken bones, damaged muscle tissues, blood vessels, and so on, but can't cure illness. They can't even cure a simple cold or fever.] 

Healers weren't omnipotent. If they could cure illness as they wished, there would be no need for doctors and special doctors. 

[What about the doctors? If the healers can't, special doctors with doctor-related ability users should be able to cure our people?] 

Sadly the Godfather shook his head. 

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