
"Kidnapping People"

When Ainsley said that they would do things like a mafia, Nouvan and the others shuddered. They looked at Ainsley while gulping nervously. 

"Uh...what do you want to do, boss?" Nouvan braced himself to ask. 

At Nouvan's words, the baby smirked while yawning like a baby dino. "It's easy. They don't want to help us when we want to hire them...then just kidnap them." 

! Kidnap?! 

"K-kidnapping the priests?" Jevon, the other 5 buds, Elliana and even Grandpa Yofan, shrieked in reflex. 

"Yeah. Kidnap! The temples aren't connected to each other unlike the guilds, right? The other temples won't hold grudges against us if we kidnap the priests from the Roane temple." 

Ainsley wiped her tears from the yawning before and sighed. 

"I'm sure that other mafia families in the Roane Region had tried to do this too. But maybe they're too afraid to do so." 

Grandpa Yofan and the others rolled their eyes. 

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