
"Contribution Points & Top 100 Ranking"

"Yes, contwibution pwoints." Ainsley nodded at the others and started to explain her plan. 

In short, contribution points were points credited to the mafia members anytime they did something for the family. For example, going on a mission, helping in war, winning a territorial war, etc. 

The system was the same as the one implemented in the adventurers guild. 

Ainsley would assign a card for each member, and the card would record the points accumulated from the members' contribution, along with the list of their contributions. 

"The contwibution points can be used to trade for things that we don't usually give them." Ainsley started to distribute the list of items that one could purchase using these points. 

"For examplwe, customised weapons, living middle to high-rank monsters or beasts, a bettel room and food, armour, skill book, and so on." 

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