
"Requiem Of Death"

How many died? 

"Twen?" Ainsley tilted her head, still with that smile on her face. 

"Fifty?" The baby's finger motioned number 5 and 0. The smile on her face bloomed even more...but her eyes remained cold. 

"A hundwed?" 

Ainsley stopped. She shook her head, and the smile on her face suddenly vanished. 

"Today, at this pwace." Ainsley straightened her back. Her fingers don't form any number anymore and slowly curled into a fist. 

"As the 18th Sloan Famiwy head…" Ainsley tapped Vallan's back with her feet, and the Pegasus slowly descended. 

"I will avenge my pweople." The baby clenched her fists tightly as she lifted her right hand to the sky. 

"For evely one pelson of mine died in twis place..." 

Ainsley's voice rose. Her hair fluttered in the air. 

"I will kwill twice– no." 

Ainsley waved her ten fingers as Vallan leviated not too far from the ground. 

"TENFOLD the enemy's pweople." 


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