
"Am I Gonna Die?"

Evan and Jake would protect Ainsley from the shadow, but most problems that she faced should be faced face-on….by herself. 

This little action that Jake and Evan made is something that would groom Ainsley into a future legend. 

The legend started from this day. 

Back to the evacuation team. 

After Jake's reinforcement saved the kids, the kids were sent to the Walter Family territory, and the Walter Family acted on Evan's command to shelter the kids. 

Once the Walter Family protected the kids, the smaller families aiming for the children could only back off and left. 

On the other hand, the remaining mercenaries went to other places to save the Sloan Family's villagers from the hands of the smaller families around the Sloan Family's territories. 

The night was long, and it was almost midnight. 

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