

His right horn was broken in half and completely charred black. His entire body was soaked in blood, and the whole of his left leg was missing.

Biden, on the other hand, only had his torso left. The other half of his body was gone, and he also had injuries all over. However, both of them were still very much alive.

Both of them were quickly taken away for medical treatment.

'Who put them in such a state?' This was the question in everyone's minds as they realized that the blast earlier must have been from the opponent and not the both of them.

The lady was a little stunned, but this situation just made her face turn harder as she began to make plans in her head about how the culprit was going to be caught.

"We, the three Ring Lords will not take this lightly," She voiced out before turning around to leave.


-Faviola Relaxation Palace

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