
A friend he makes

It has been a day since Fred met Drake, the Student Council President, and the fact that he will help Drake with Sarah on his side also. Fred has not usually done this before in his previous school. He checked on his phone gallery and saw a picture of Fred and his best friend.

"How are you, old friend?" Fred asked himself

He remembered the time they we’re together and having fun. This made Fred get a tear in his eye, remembering the times that his best friend was with him.

"I wish I could see you again." Fred talked to himself

But now he does not have time for that anymore since he is now getting late for school.

"Oh shoot!" He said as he looked at his clock on the phone.

He then put the phone away and start going to school.

Meanwhile, Sarah and Drake are at the cafeteria, talking about Drake, himself. Drake was very hurt about the truth, but only Sarah left so that he can approach now. Mostly the rest of the Officers left him but nothing.

"Drake, if you want to be a good leader, you must understand what you need to do, almost everyone in the School trusts you. And now you are treating them like prisoners" Sarah said

Suddenly, Fred already arrived and approached Drake and Sarah. He saw Drake crying and he sat down next to Drake.

“I can see that you told him the truth.” Fred said

“Yeah, I think he understands now.” Sarah replied

“It’s for his own good too. At Least he knows what he can change.” Fred added

Every student looked at Drake crying and Fred heard whispers again. Gossiping. Justin heard it as well while the students were getting out of the Cafeteria, he saw Fred, Sarah, and Drake. He approached them. While on his way, something hit him, it's a signal or something. But Justin does not get bothered by this and continues on.

“So, what is going on here?” Justin asked

“Sir, we are helping Drake so that he can change and get his position back.” Sarah said

“And you Fred?” Justin asked

“I'm here for more support.” Fred answered

“I see, well good luck, especially you Sarah, at least you are the only officer who cares left. The fact that you are the secretary. Bye!” Justin said as he left.

Fred turned around again and looked at Sarah, Sarah smiled at this and looked at Drake again. Drake raised his head again.

“Oh hey Fred.” Drake said as he wiped his tears

“Hey.” Fred said

Meanwhile to Justin, he went inside the guidance office, but once entered, he saw the box glow again, this time it was blue. He opened the box and saw the ring glew blue. He took the ring this time and thought of something.

“Is this what struck me before?” He asked himself, he added, “The pocket watch chose Fred now, but who did the ring choose now?” he asked himself even more, he added, “Could it be Sarah, like once I approached her something struck me real hard, I think the ring chose her because of what she is doing right now.”

A few hours later, it was breaktime. Fred, Sarah, and Drake are together in the cafeteria, eating. But Sarah knows that Ariana is looking for her with her 2 other best friends.

"Oh no, Ariana." Sarah said to herself

But she is still calm because Ariana’s class has not come out yet. Drake and Fred are talking to each other to get to know each other. They enjoyed the conversation, not until Sarah saw Ariana, so she hid under the table, this made the two boys confused.

“What are you doing?” Fred asked

“SHH!” Sarah said

Fred looked behind Drake and saw a familiar face, Sarah’s best friend, Ariana. Ariana is trying to find Sarah but nowhere to be found.

"So you are hiding from Ariana huh?" Fred asked

"Yes, now shut it!" Sarah asked

"But why?" Fred asked

"Well, there are some times that Ariana, my best friend, is very judgemental. And right now, I am here with you two and she will think that I am a slut because of this." Sarah answered

Meanwhile to Ariana, she is still looking for Sarah.

"I give up, I don't think she is here anyways." Ariana sighed

Once she is about to leave the cafeteria now, there are now boys coming after her with hearts in their eyes like they are in love with Ariana.

"Holy sh*t!" She shouted as she ran away

Ariana is getting away from them because what she saw is a stampede of bulls. While Sarah heard this she got out from under the table and laughed.

"Poor Ariana, getting chased by bulls again!" Sarah laughed

"Well, why not help her?" Fred asked

"Yeah you're right." She answered, she got up and asked, "Wanna come?"

Fred and Drake nodded as they got up as well.

Once they arrived from Ariana's location, she was crowded with boys falling in love with her, they were too late for that now. Suddenly, Drake had an idea.

"Wait here." Drake said as he left the two.

A few minutes later Drake arrived and Ariana is still getting attacked. He brought along Justin to help Ariana.

"Oh my." Justin said in shock

"Can you help her sir?" Drake asked

"Yes, yes I can." Justin said as he was walking towards the crowd


Once they heard that line, everyone ran off to who knows where they headed. Ariana is still scared and closed her eyes.

"Its over Ariana, you can go." Justin said

"Oh thank you sir." Ariana said

"Don't thank me, thank them." Justin said as he pointed the trio

"Oh thank you Sarah, Drake, and whoever you are." Ariana said

"Oh I'm Fred, nice to meet you." Fred said, he added, "Oh and also Drake is the one who made the Idea, so mostly the credit is on him."

"Thank you Drake." Ariana said

"No worries, happy to help every time." Drake said

Justin saw this and he was happy for Drake and the others. And he was also happy for Fred that he also helped Drake to change. Justin now left the area to where they are.

"Now come on, let's eat now." Ariana said

"Let's go, but can they come?" Sarah said and asked

"Yeah, they can." Ariana said

"Thank you." Drake said with happiness

"Thank you so much Ariana." Fred also said

So then they headed back to the cafeteria to eat.

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