
Pep Rally GO BATS!!

Walking into the door of the school I see Mary going over to her locker. I rush over to her quickly before the bell rings.

"Hey Mary." She turns around to see who it was. When she sees that it's me, she gives me a dazzling smile and a wave. She opens her locker and starts to take her books out.

"Hi what's up Quinn?" She asked putting her bag in the locker and pulling out two books.

"Nothing just wanted to see if you were ok." I told her.

"Why wouldn't I be ok?" She said with confusion in her voice.

"Lyra told me that you were sick and couldn't participate in the charity auction on Wednesday." She looks at me like I'm crazy. I got all the information right, right? Closing her locker, she turns to me.

"I wasn't sick Quinn Lyra told me that she had enough girls and she didn't need me. Look I got to get to class see you around." Leaving me standing in the hall I start to think. Why would Lyra tell me she's sick if she wasn't? Also, why would she-. I stop mid thought and a moment comes back to me. I remember when me and Lyra were in my room and we were looking up Alexander then she quickly shuts the computer. It felt suspicious at first, but now I'm starting to think she was up to something. She set me up.

I turn around to see Lyra walking in my direction. When she makes eye contact with me, she sees the anger in my eyes I point to Mary who's down the hall talking to another classmate. Putting two and two together she throws up a peace sign at tries to run away. Luckily, I ran track so I caught up to her before she could dash off.

"You set me up!" I tell her pulling her into me.

"I did no such thing." She said turning her nose up at me. This situation has Lyra written all over it.

"Yes, you did Lyra. Think about it you organized the whole event so you knew beforehand that Alexander's father's company was going to be a sponsor for the event. That's why you told Mary that you had enough girls to bring me in to replace her knowing that I would do anything for you. Hence, getting me close to Alexander."

"Why would I explain when you just spoke it perfectly. Also, you should know Alexander wanted me to put you in the charity auction, paid me 200 bucks." I stare at her in shock she's so cheap.

"I'm going to kill him. Since your right here I'll kill you first. Lyra, I have a boyfriend and we got in an argument over the whole Alexander thing on Wednesday night." We entered into our economic class and settled into our desk. Opening my book to the chapter's Lyra looks over to me.

"I'm sorry for that, but I just think you should give Alexander a try you know he seems to really like you. Plus, I think Myer's isn't that good of a guy." She lasts the last part very quietly.

"Why would you think that?" I asked her curiously.

"Just a feeling really. I just worry that's all. Oh, here's my application for the internship I finished it last night." She hands me the paper and I stick it in my book with my application.

"Well, you don't have to worry he's a good guy Ly." I pat her on the shoulder reassuring her.

We turn in our desks and focus on our teacher in the front of the class.

"Good morning students today you all need to turn in your projects tomorrow. Also, Mr. Germani and his son will be here next week to see you guys projects so make sure they are in tonight so I can grade them and set them up." All the other students just murmur at him. "So today get in your groups and finish up your projects." Everyone moves their desk together with their partners and start to work on their projects. Since me and Lyra already finished, we turn to each other and talk.

"Hey you want to hit up the mall today? I need a new outfit Jack is taking me out on a date this weekend."

"Yeah, sure meet me at my car?" She nods in agreement. "Where is he taking you?" I asked her.

"He says it's a surprise, but most likely he's taking me to San Francisco to eat at that seafood restaurant." She said with disgust in her voice.

"Is that the place where you got sick off the shrimp and couldn't move for two days straight?" I asked laughing.

"Correct. It's not funny Quinn I felt like I was going to die." She clutches onto her stomach most likely remembering the moment.

Me and Lyra continued talking throughout the remainder of the class. The bell rang and we all heading in the hallway to the gym. Once a day in each month we have an assembly to talk about big events that happen at school and for the popular kids to show off. Walking into the gym masses of students pile into the bleachers. Everyone moving around to find their friends or boyfriends. Me and Lyra head to the middle of the bleachers towards where the band is. After 15 minutes or so the whole gym settles down. Dana Bellows, the head cheerleader, comes out and starts to speak.

"Good morning Bats!" She screams out to the crowd. Everyone cheers and screams while making their hands into bats. "You all look amazing. I have a few things to say then I will pass the mic onto Mr. Kent. First the cheerleaders and I's fundraiser ends in two days so don't forget to buy some chocolate bars. Secondly, our tennis team is traveling off to San Francisco to compete in the championships, there will be a sendoff tomorrow for them by the field so if you want to come out then we will be happy to have you. Lastly, if you want tickets to homecoming go down to the front office to get your tickets. That's all I have to say go bats!" She runs over to hand the mic off to Mr. Kent, our principle, and heads over to where the cheerleaders stand.

"Hello fellow bats it's your favorite principal Mr. Kent. Let's give a hand for Dana Bellows everyone." The crowd once again cheers and screams. Soon as everyone settles down, he continues on. "The school year is winding down make sure you are all turning in your homework and projects on time we wouldn't want to hold anyone back. Mr. Banhammers first period AP economic students will be having a project fair in the cafeteria next week so I advise you guys to stop by and check it out. That's all I have for today now I hand the mic to our football teams quarterback Jack Thompson." Jack gets up from his seat and grabs the mic from Mr. Kent the crowd chanted Jack's name.

"Awe doesn't he look so cute!" Lyra said squealing. I roll my eyes at her.

"Yes, he's a real cutie pie." I responded back to her.

"Thanks' Kent. Guys me and the boys have an important football game this Saturday coming up so make sure you are all out there to support us. Also, there will be booths set up in the concession stands at the game if you want to donate to some local charities. I want to give a personal shoutout to my smart and beautiful girlfriend Lyra for helping to organize the Charites." He points his hand to Lyra and everyone turns around and start clapping for her. She puts her hands on her face and blushes profusely. "Thank you, Ly. That concludes the rest of the announcements give it up for our dance team the Beauty Bats." The dance team come out and does their thing.

After that the band played our school song and them finally it was all over.

"Ok students head on to your second period and if anyone is late you will be getting detention." Mr. Kent said. He turns the mic off and heads out the gym door. While everyone heads off to class I sit and wait in the bleachers for Lyra who's over in the corner making out with Jack. This will take a while. While waiting for her I play with the hem of my skirt. I decided to dress different today I put on my jean skirt and a black fitted top that says," whatever sluts." To complete the outfit, I wear my white sneakers. I woke up this morning feeling incredibly different, can't place my finger on it.

While I drift off to nowhere land, I sense someone sitting down next to me. I look over to see Lyra sitting next to me.

"You ready to go?" She asked while pushing her hair behind her.

"Yeah, let's go." We pick up our bags and head towards the double doors. Before heading out the doors I turn around to say goodbye to Jack. He says goodbye back to me and goes back to talk to his friends.

"Have fun at your make out session?" I asked her.

"You know it Harlequinn. That man is a tiger." She said making a growling noise.

"Ewe disgusting." My face scrunches up and my hands rest on my ears trying not to hear the rest of what she's going to say.

"You are such a child Quinn. Normal teenagers are having sex and partying. While you sit at home with your Grandfather and watch re-runs of Tom and Jerry."

"HEY! Don't crap on Tom and Jerry that's a cult classic. I believe in saving yourself for marriage, also might I add half the teenagers who have sex in high school end of pregnant." I tell her.

"That is such a false statistic." She said rolling her eyes at me. "That's something parents say to frighten their kids from having sex."

"Whatever you say Ly." We end up splitting ways with her going to Biology and me going to Math.

Walking towards my car in the parking lot I see Myers standing by my car. Hope he's not still mad.

"Hey." I said stopping in front of him.

"Hi." He responded back walking closer to me and bringing me into his arms.

"I don't really feel like hugging you right now." I say wiggling out of his rather tight hug.

"I get it." He lets go of me. "I'm sorry for the way I behaved yesterday it was stupid and immature." Got that right.


"And I should trust you. I just don't trust that guy he has a thing for you."

"It doesn't matter because I have a thing for you not him. You've got to trust me on this." I tell him unlocking my car. "Now I have to go somewhere with Lyra, call me?"

"Got it." He kisses me on the cheek and heads to his car.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter!

If you have any questions, suggestions or found some grammar mistake that I made just DM me on instagram @thugs_be_like

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