
Yeah, Yeah...

An overall chaotic day at the restaurant, yet, Yang Tian-Xu had a smirk on his face the entire time. At the backseat of a taxi, with just him and Wang Yi-An as she sat next to him in silent. They were quiet throughout the ride back to Yang Corps. Yang Tian-Xu really hoped that the trip would last forever. Even though Yang Tian-Xu wanted to talk to her, however, he cannot bring himself to open his mouth. Which was unusual for Yang Tian-Xu, he is a president of Yang Corps, a big company? Public speaking is his forte. Yet, in front of Wang Yi-An, he couldn’t bring himself to engage in a conversation. Yang Tian-Xu does not want to make her feel like he was an annoying person. He sneaked a glance over at her once every-so-often and hoped the red light would stay red forever.

Wang Yi-An liked the quiet, and she remains quiet the entire ride back to Yang Corps. At 2:00 p.m., they arrived at Yang Corps headquarter where the taxi driver dropped them off at the west entrance. Yang Tian-Xu paid the taxi driver, and they walked in together. The entire ride back, Wang Yi-An thought about the two girls, concerned for them, she hoped that they would be all right. Wang Yi-An knew what they were fighting about, but she kept quiet.

Often, she sent messages to Assistant Tseng, in hope for an update on the situation of the girls. After struggling for over half an hour, Jin Qi-Long, Lee Yin-Yin’s manager, and Assistant Tseng had broken them apart for good. Assistant Tseng volunteered to take Tong Yue-Yan to a walk-in-clinic before dropping her back home, meanwhile, Jin Qi-Long and Lee Yin-Yin's manager would take Lee Yin-Yin back to her home.

Assistant Tseng replied to Wang Yi-An's message as soon as he had everything under control, "Everything's good. Don't worry about it."

Wang Yi-An let out a breath of relief, relax again after she received Assistant Tseng's message, she became cheerful again, with no need to worry about the two girls. As Yang Tian-Xu and Wang Yi-An reach the office, she jumped right back into her working mode.

Pilles of unread documents and folders covered Yang Tian-Xu's desk, he had lots of work to complete by the end of the day, yet he managed to squeezed in the time to send another message to Assistant Tseng to remind him about the smartphones. Unable to bother her, he watched her from the window. Like a silly man in love, he smiled as he felt the most blissful all week long.

One the contrary; Assistant Tseng felt the most furious, after he took Tong Yue-Yan back to her villa, he received the message from President Yang as a reminder. "You can give the phones to the other two interns, but for Wang Yi-An's new phone, give me the phone."

Considered being the most heartless person in the world, Yang Tian-Xu have no care for anyone else but himself. Now he only cared for one person... Wang Yi-An. Assistant Tseng cannot believed it, "How is buying Wang Yi-An a new phone more important? He didn't even bother to ask about the two girls! These two girls fought each other violently for his affection?" Assistant Tseng wanted to cry, he felt bad for the two girls, "Is it even worth it?"

A million unanswered question appeared as thoughts. Assistant Tseng continued to follow President Yang's order. He visited a mobile store in Yang Corps mall and purchased three smartphones with the business credit card. One that is the exact model as President Yang, and two random ones. By the time he finished, he returned to the office at 3:55 p.m, he gave the two random phone to Kwon Li-Mei and Liang Shing.

Happy to receive such a gift, they thanked him, and he continued to make his way up to the seventh floor. Today was a catastrophe, he felt as if he had returned from war. Only one hour and five minute until 5:00 p.m. Assistant Tseng wanted nothing more than to return home to his wife and cried in her arms from all the build up stress he bottled inside.

Headed straight to meet with President Yang as he got off the elevator, he went into the office and reported the incident, "Sorry I came back so late, it was disastrous with Miss tong and Miss--"

“Yeah, yeah, just give me the phone.” Yang Tian-Xu interrupted.

Assistant Tseng should know how little care President Yang has for those two girls. Assistant Tseng sighed aloud and handed over a small paper bag; with a small box inside.

Yang Tian-Xu grabbed the bag and looked inside. He checked to make sure the phone is the exact model as his. After he made sure, a handsome smile appeared from his face. “Good, good…” he said as he nodded.

One hell of a day for Assistant Tseng as he felt pain all over his body, he wanted to leave early and so he asked, "Boss, may I please leave early today?"

"Sure, sure," he said while he shooed Assistant Tseng with one hand, without looking at him. Yang Tian-Xu placed all his focus on the smartphone; double checking the phone's specifications. Assistant Tseng felt the cold shoulders, depressed as he couldn't believe how cruel President Yang could become.

Just as Assistant Tseng turned away to leave, he heard President Yang called out, "Wait." Assistant Tseng stopped as soon as he heard President Yang's voice.

"Yes, boss!" Assistant Tseng was excited, perhaps his boss wants to hear about the crazy chaos he's been through today, but then, his excitement soon turned into disappointment when President Yang said, "You know where An-An went?"

Yang Tian-Xu saw Wang Yi-An's empty seat, he was busy reading a contract for just a minute, and she had already disappeared from his sight! He wanted to gift her the phone himself. Yet, only an empty chair in sight, he felt the anxiety, asking, "Where is she?"

Assistant Tseng shook his head, and Yang Tian-Xu walked outside the General Manager’s office. He saw a random employee and asked him. “You know where An-An went?”

"An-An…? Oh, Wang Yi-An? Yeah, I saw her in the supplies room, just now." The employee pointed toward the supplies room's direction. Yang Tian-Xu ignored Assistant Tseng and the people in his surrounding as he headed straight to the supplies room. The employee stared at Assistant Tseng in confusion, and Assistant Tseng shrugged back as his reply.

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