

[AN: Sorry I didn't post a chap yesterday, I wasn't in the best mood and other personal stuff. I'll tryto get out two chapters tom but we will see depending on what happens.]

After Aizen was done working out he was told to take an ice bath. He did as Merlin said and took the ice bath.

Though it was hard to bare, he got used to it quite quickly and realized that his sore muscles felt way better.

'I should've done this when I first started working out on earth' Aizen thought before he got out of the ice bath and put on the clothes Merlin put out for him on his bed.

'Why would I be wearing this. Aren't we going hunting for strays' Aizen thought when he looked at the suit and pair of black gloves that were on his bed.(https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F544865254900453396%2F&psig=AOvVaw2NGiBa8YDcPuFpAjc4a76k&ust=1611265946296000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCMD2usi_q-4CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD).

Sighing Aizen put it on and the first thing he noticed was that he neither felt to hot or too cold. He also noticed it was incredibly comfortable and easy to move in.

After he finished dressing up and putting on his black shoes, he walked downstairs to see a smiling Merlin nodding his head.

"You look good little man. You just need a couple of more years and other will start calling you almost as handsome as me. But fear not, you may be cute now but women, especially the older ones like younger ones" Merlin said.

'He does know I'm only like ten right. Why would a ten year old be interested in women.' Aizen thought as he looked at Merlin.

"So why the suit" Aizen asked.

"We need to hunt in style, plus we match. Isn't it cute. Imagine how many women we will pick up. We will be called Gods by the women in the neighborhood and I will get so much pu-" He stopped as he remembered that Aizen was in front of him.

Aizen looked at him and sighed before looking at the clock.

"Isn't it too early, it's only 6pm" Aizen asked.

"We're not going yet. I need to show you some cool tricks you suit can do" Merlin said making Aizen even more curious.

"So what can it do" Aizen asked.

'God you there" Aizen whispered under his breath.

When he first saw the suit he expected God to answer him but he hasn't talked to him yet. 'Did something happen or...Hmm I wonder' He thought before pushing it to the back of his mind.

[The suit is good] God finally responded.

"Wow took you long enough" Aizen said whispering.

[Your fault, anyways, you do know that we can communicate telepathically. Call my name in your head and think about wanting to share a link] God said.

Aizen did it and the first thing he said was 'You know this would've been really good to know earlier'.

[ya ya. Shut up he's gonna explain the suit to you any time now] God said making Aizen sigh and listen to Merlin's explanation.

"I made this suit with my magic. I also enchanted it with an auto fit, restoration making it able to repair itself, magic and physical damage reduction by 25%, , and Your gloves are enchanted with the shock absorption which will absorb physical attacks by 20%" Merlin said before grabbing something behind him and handing him it.

"These shoes are enchanted with the same things and with a speed boost of 4%, they also have amore grip than any other shoe out there. Pretty good huh" Merlin said looking at the astonished Aizen.

"Pretty good? More like amazing, thanks gramps" Aizen said putting on his new shoes.

After putting everything on he walked to a mirror near by and looked at himself. Though he couldn't be called handsome because of his childish face and baby fat, he was incredibly cute. 'Nice' Aizen thought before asking God something.

'Why didn't you tell me about the enchantments when I first got it' Aizen asked.

[Cause your too dependent on me, plus you pissed me off cause of how weak you are. Can't even do push ups continuously. *Tsk] God said in annoyance.

'Fine but give me a notice before you go off. I started to think my Sacred gear became faulty' Aizen joked.

[Me, faulty. In your dreams brat] God scoffed at Aizen and his thoughts.

Aizen chuckled a bit before he walked to the couch and watched some an anime that was airing.


Two hours later Aizen and merlin were standing on the roof of a building.

"Do you know how to sense other people with magic" Merlin asked.

"No" Aizen responded.

"It's fairly simple. Just spread your mana around your body as waves and they if the 'waves' hit someone it means that they are close by. Experts such as my self am able to cover the whole city. Go ahead and see how far your reaches out to" Merlin instructed.

Aizen did as Merlin instructed and spread his mana out as waves and he noticed it was no where near the level of a whole city.

"Hmmm, pretty good around 100 meters. With the skill {Glutton} you should be able to grow your mana capacity fairly easily as long as you can kill them. Now then shall we begin the hunt" Merlin said as he grabbed Aizen and teleported to a run down warehouse.

Aizen saw two stray devil fighting over a dead corpse.

"It's mine. I got lured her here" One of the devils hissed in the shadows.

"I killed her it should be mine" The other also hissed back.

Aizen seeing the dead body was not affected at all. Even though the corpse was innocent and shouldn't have died he knew that playing hero wouldn't do anything and he certainly wouldn't get angry for some stranger.

'Maybe it's the skill, or maybe reality hit me. I'm not the main character of DxD and I wont be able to save everyone. No point in crying over spilt milk. All I wish is her to have a happy after life, if there even is one' Aizen thought looking at the scene.

Merlin watching Aizen was impressed that a ten year old would be able to watch the scene without turning away. 'He did kill before so it is to be expected' Merlin thought before pushing Aizen forward and whispering "Good luck".

Aizen sighed as he summoned his daggers and looked at the two devils who finally noticed Aizen was there.

Aizen got a good look at their faces and cringed in disgust. They were both deformed and looked terribly ugly to the point of almost making him throw up.

'Shit, how can someone be so fucking ugly' Aizen thought as he saw one of the two rush to attack him saying "he's mine".

Aizen sighed and dodged the claw that the devil swung at him. He then lowered his body and kicked the devil in the legs and broke it due to the strength and mana added onto it.

The devil kneeled and Aizen wasted no time as he cut the devils head off killing him making the skill {Glutton} activate. After a second the black mist finished getting absorbed by him and when he was done he turned to the other devil in the room. The other devil in the room widened his eyes and was about to run away but before he could Aizen used {Blink} and appeared in front of him.

Aizen then stabbed the dagger into his abdomen and used the dagger as a stool as he jumped onto it and cut the devils head off. Black mist came form the body and entered him making him feel the familiar soothing feeling.

Merlin whistled in astonishment and said "Wow, that was something kid. Didn't know you were the assassin type".

"Nah, I would've used a spell but I thought you wanted to assess my fighting capability and plus it would've been easier if I used my spells. It's a win, win" Aizen said making Merlin chuckle.

"Did you get any stronger" Merlin asked.

"No, they were just Low-class, they didn't boost my abilities by much" Aizen responded making Merlin nod and say "Well then lets find something harder".

Aizen nodded as the two of them teleported off.

This routine continued everyday. Wake up, train, then hunt. Before they knew it three years had passed and Aizen was already thirteen.

I hope you liked the chap.

Next chap will be about what happened during the three years and how much stronger he got and what abilities he learned.

If you enjoyed the chapter leave a comment, some stones and a review, Im interested about how you guys like my ff!

As always thanks for reading!

Legend27creators' thoughts
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