

Myra's irrational fears showed him the extent to which she had been broken. His sympathy and his affection grew more intense with each discovery. Other than work, he would shut himself in the library and recall every word spoken by her, remember every tone, every nuance. He wondered where that brat, whom he loved so much, had gone. More so, he wondered, how he could bring her back?

Soon enough he had a plan. They talked of happier days: of their friends, the time they spent together, the games they played, the pranks and the fun together. But they always reached the same pool from which their very existence was sourced -- their hearts and the cherished desires. Her longing for love would resurface and she would drown into the deep sorrow that had gripped her soul. As she suffered, he suffered with her…for her.

Once when the pain was unbearable, she asked – "Why did you let this happen to us Aman? Why didn't you come to the palace and take me away with you? Why did you give me up so easily?"

He drew in a long drought, but words failed him. She wasn't expecting an answer either; she had only wanted to show him her wounds.

"It happened all too suddenly," she eventually revealed, "On the night of my eighteenth birthday, we were all very happy. I celebrated it with my friends and family. Mother was particularly emotional that day. She told everyone she met that her darling girl had grown into a beautiful lady. Soon she will go to her house." She sighed and tears rolled out of her eyes while Aman braced himself for what was coming next.

"At night she came for her customary ritual of putting me to bed." Myra resumed after a pause; "Tears flowed from her eyes as she hugged and kissed me. I was surprised, and she informed me that my marriage had been fixed. She said, it was a promise made by the heads of both the families when we were kids. Later on I found out, it happened during brother Viraj's wedding. Do you remember the wedding, Aman?"

"Never forgotten any moment of it." – he said in a low voice. "It was then that I proposed to you. You were ecstatic! Your joy made me happy."

Myra smiled as she recalled her feelings back then. "I truly believed you."

"So did I." – said Aman

Happy memories quickly faded and pain returned. And she spoke again, "Before I knew it, everything was settled between the two families. I was not even asked. Father had assumed that I will honor his wishes."

Aman sighed and his heart ached. He had always wanted to know what happened and how? All these years. he was desperate to the point of madness. And now that she was revealing it, he felt his heart harden.

"That night," – Myra continued. "Mother came to inform me that Raichand family was to arrive at Adamgarh in a week and that I ought to prepare myself for my new life. How I pleaded and protested and flung myself at my father's feet. I told him about you, about the promise we made when we were young. I begged him to reconsider …"

A fresh bout of emotions chocked her, she let them seize her and tears flowed incessantly.

"What did he say?" – Aman asked eventually; he was drowning as much in her sorrow as she was.

"He debated it with me and said that I was being childish. That, it was about time I grew out of my childish fantasies and that you couldn't be serious about our pact."

"What did you do then?" – he encouraged

"I was desperate and did not know what to do. So, I wrote to you…"

Aman sighed, "I received your letter a week after you sent it to me."

"I waited anxiously for you…but you did not come and all my hopes and my dreams were shattered. I thought you did not care any more." – she moaned

"But I called…" he protested, "I called at the palace immediately after I read your letter. I spoke with your father and told him about my intention. I told him explicitly that I wanted to marry you immediately. That I will never marry anyone else. I even had him talk to my father. But your father was so decidedly against me. He refused to consider my proposal. Later on, we found out that he had bargained with the Raichands; and that the marriage was a way to fortify your brother's political career."

"Yes. I went pleading to my mother and my brother…that's when I discovered that the proposal had come from the Raichands. They wanted to expand their business in the north and north west. They needed a strong hold in the west and wanted someone who could help them in international mergers. But such ambitions need strong political support. Their rivals had the backing of the ruling party. They knew our family had connections in US and Europe. Brother Viraj's campaign and subsequent victory as the C.M. would help them. It was a win-win situation for both the parties."

"Everybody won except you and me. Our dreams and wishes were sacrificed for those of the others." He remonstrated.

"Father only wanted to consolidate brother's position and through him that of Adamgarh's position because he knew some anti-social elements were trying to derail our state. He is a true patriot and for him no sacrifice for motherland is too great. For him his country and its people come before his family."

"So, he asked you for the great sacrifice..." he said resentfully

"Yes." She replied, somewhat surprised at his vexation, "The night before the Raichands' arrival he called me to his chamber and explained to me what was in his mind and his heart. He said - 'It is easy to go on one's chosen path, anyone can do it. You will find people all around you taking the less difficult route. But only tough people are bold enough to travel the untrodden path. I will not pretend that the path will be easy, but I know you…and I know that heart of yours. Think my dear, ask yourself if it is ok to forget the love that our people shower on us? Can you overlook the faith they have in us? I leave the choice to you.' And then he left."

Rajputs were originally a warrior clan and the rulers of the kingdom of Rajputana.

They are known for their loyalty, bravery and selfless service to their motherland.

Raja Mansingh is a proud Rajput who cannot think of life without the service to their motherland and a promise once made is never broken.

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