

Yang Dao and Dao Yin finished dealing with the blob but they did not look happy. When they heard the last sentence, they recalled the last battles they have faced when they had finished learning the elements. The abomination from the corruption of the void was the most powerful entity they have faced, and the voice reminded them of that instance. 

The two people looked at each other and they knew, that this time the enemy will be stronger than in the past. They looked around and found that the core of the planet was slightly deformed. They waved their hands and corrected the deformations. 

Yang Dao said, "On one hand I am not sure if we can deal with it this time, on the other hand, I am anticipating the upcoming face-off." 

Dao Yin smiled and said, "Indeed, I wonder if we could bully this thing together." 

Yang Dao shook his head and said, "No, it is not about bullying but containing the influence." 

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