

Thanatos Pov

Luna was in my embrace and I was the most happiest man alive. I wrapped my hand even tighter till Dylan tapped me. I turned to look at him while smiling and he was grinning . That was when the realization hit me. I was hugging Luna. Oh shit .I pushed her and she looked surprised but her own realization also hit her and she widened her eye.. we both had the nervous face and she looked so embarrassed... If not that I was embarrassed myself I would have laughed hard.. she looked adorable ... I walked out to the classroom and Dylan followed me.. my mom had gone with that rascal of a father.. I can't believe she helped him up .... I entered the class with Dylan and Luna came after some minutes ..

"Welcome back Thanatos and his minions" the lecture said in teased and Dylan glared at her.... All the time I sat I thought about what my mom said... I don't hate my mom. Infact when Dylan's mom helped me i saw her as my mom. She had reminded me of mom and I wasn't bothered. I even gave Dylan the permission to call me Thani so why was is so different with Luna. I didn't like her at first sight because I thought of her name and how mother called me her moon. She was gentle and sweet like mother but I still wanted her away yet I didn't want her away... Was she really the moon spirit. Why didn't I sense her strength... One thing I know about mother is that she never lies to me... I was super fustrated... I read in the scrolls at the graveyard that the moon spirit will try to stop me from freeing the dead and it was dangerous. It's looks can be really pleasing and enticing but it has a fatal attitude.. I had to find out the truth about Luna and my investigation should begin now....!!!!!!!!...

5hrs later

I walked silently as I approached Luna's house.. I reached the gate and knocked the door. If you are wondering if Luna will see me don't because she's in detention. The door cracked open and I saw a surprised Mrs Moly at the door.

"Thanatos, it's a surprise but it's still good to see you" she smiled and signalled me to come in...I had a motive for coming here and I needed to get right to it.. After she sat beside me her husband joined her.

"So you are the famous Thanatos our daughter talks about daily" he said and I smiled.. Luna talked about me. She's so cute. But I changed my face to serious before asking

"Mrs Moly I need a truthful answer from you both. Where did you find Luna when she was a baby. I know she isn't yours. Because I know her parents" she looked shocked and worried by my last words. They were hurt that Luna will be taken away from them..

"She's my child. I gave birth to her" Mrs Moly blurted out while her husband supported...I was now angry but I kept on suppressing it..I took a deep breath with my eye closed before opening them.

"Fine if you gave birth to her then I will come along with her other parents and you all can do a DNA test". Fear gripped them and I didn't care. I was already out of there. I hated liars..

" Thanatos , Thanatos " Mrs Moly called me from afar and I stopped and looked at her while hiding my dark smirk...

"How do you know Luna real parents. She was abandoned by them and they have no right in taking her away from us... She's one of us and we love her alot" she spoke in shiver..

"I have my ways.So you found her on the day of a full moon " I asked suspicious and she nodded. My world was now upside down .My Luna and I weren't meant to love each other.... I walked to the graveyard again and sat in pain.. I didn't even realize I had tears in my eyes ... How can the God of Death cry. Was I really this madly in love with her. Oh my sweet Luna ..... I began to laugh in bitterness... Love isn't everything you wish for. I had to wrestle and kill my love..... ... As I walked out of the graveyard in misery I saw a man running into the dark alley .. he looked scared so I decided to follow him to know what's wrong. But the sound of gunshots flooded everywhere and I saw him fall to the ground.. I runned to him and all he said was "protect my little Ishita "... Ishita might be his daughter .As I wanted to get up and look for help I got surrounded by the cops. The wanted to charge me as his murderer while I'm innocent... I beat the hell out of them and drained part of their souls to make them weak but they kept on coming and out numbered me. I Thanatos the God of dead is officially locked up in jail.

Ishita Pov

"Papa where are you, papa please come home" I was crying hard because the Galog mafians were after him.they wanted him dead .

"Ishita stay hidden and safe I will be with you in" pawwww!!!!! I heard a gun shot and I began to scream in devastation.... My papa was no more ...

"Mr are you all right.. I saw you run , oh MY God you are shot.. what do I do now" it was a male speak on the other side and all I heard papa say was " protect my Ishita" and I knew he was no more... The echo of police awareness spread everywhere and I heard destruction. Apparently who ever this guy was he was dangerous because I heard the police say they needed back up team. I wore an appropriate dress immediately to go to the police station to meet him..

When I arrived I heard a guy speaking in rage.

"How dare you put my brother in there. Do you know who he is. He would never kill that man. He doesn't even know him so why will he do such a deed. Your station will be out of business if you don't release Thanatos this instant" his voice was deadly. From his tonation he seemed super rich...

"Mr Dylan you have to come down. We didn't know he was your brother" the inspector spoke and and Mr Dylan voice grew much louder....

" 1!!!!!2!!!!!3!! By the count of five I don't want him in that cell" and the placed were scartered with officers. They immediately brought out the guy I presumed was Mr Thanatos and wow he was gorgeous.. they embraced each other in hug and I it was so adorable... I now finally saw the face of Mr Dylan and I thought he was a warrior angel. He's so handsome ... I was blushing real hard..

I was still poking my head till Mr Thanatos saw me.

" Are you a spy, come inside now" geez ,why does both him and his brother seem to command people like slaves... I walked sheepishly and both gorgeous men stared at me... It was really uncomfortable . My eye landed at this Mr Dylan guy and he was staring too much. What's his problem..

" Hi im Ishi... I mean Ishita , my dad was the victim" I said on an urge to cry . And Thanatos eyes widen.

"You are the Ishita he was talking about. Welcome to your new family. You are coming with us home" and both Mr Dylan and i widened our eye.

"Home, Thani you can't be serious right? " But the glare he received made him shut his eye before nodding..

We went out to their car and I gulped in excitement.whoever these people are they are super rich.


I think Ishita is a cool name that's why I used it. Plus she's a really blabber mouth in the novel and will keep talking without seizing. But instead of Dylan to hate her he would find himself enjoying every moment of her blabering. As usual tap the tiny star below and comment..I really appreciate it guys..

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