

"Hello, my name is Cole," Cole said while he was studying the tall, middle-aged man in front of him. "My group and I aren't looking for trouble."

"Cole?" John frowned. "What is the name of your two other friends?"

Cole frowned when he heard that. Somehow the middle-aged man knew about Anna and Carter, but then the dots began to connect, and then Cole relaxed. Ryan certainly had been there, and he had mentioned them to that man.

"Carter and Anna… Ryan told you about us, right?" Cole asked, but then he got tense again, imagining that perhaps that group had tortured or done something worse to Ryan, but then he relaxed when he saw a little girl in a wheelchair inside the camp.

"… He never said that your group would be so big," John sighed. "He only mentioned you three… anyway. You guys can come. You look exhausted, and it would be rude to keep a police officer standing like that. My name is John. Nice to meet you."

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