
We'll Find Her!

That's when I rise up, but this isn't the end. I'll find her body. I'll keep searching until I know for sure, I'll...

I dash into the bloody mess. The smell is pungent, and every time I touch one, I just want to hurl, but I keep going. I turn every cadaver and try to look at their faces. It seems they've been here for a while already.

"I'll help. Who are we looking for?"

[You can't miss her, she's the only one with pink hair in the lot.]

We both keep flipping corpses diligently. We do so all day long until finally, we have seen every single one. But she isn't here.

"It's good news that we didn't find her. Where to next?"

[Follow me.]

I bring our party toward Aqua's statue. Or I try to. No matter how I keep searching, I can't find it. It's like the entire water canals, and the small pond have all disappeared. How?!