
Just Passing By...


What the hell is this creature?!...

In the darkness lies a monster in wait. I can feel my entire blood turn cold. I forcefully stop myself before I enter its territory. Gus are crazy strong, violent, but also very territorial. They will terminate anything intruding upon their lair but are also careful.

The creature looks sharply at my legion and me. My troops are deadly silent. Any sign of aggression and we will be doomed. We barely have the strength to fight it. Actually, it can easily slaughter us, but it would have to sacrifice too much.

The creature is big, big for a Gu at least. It is bigger than my fist. It has a normal brown color that looks extremely ordinary, but its shape is far different.

The thing has huge wings that can surely make it fly so fast it seems to teleport. It has 6 barb-ending legs. These can easily cut any throat for sure or slice into the protective armor of other Gus.

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