
Life-Changing Decision

Well, this is awkward a bit.

What is one supposed to do when one accidentally confesses to murder, arson, and thievery …while being chased for tax evasion?

Should I add the usual asking for a friend?

On a scale of fucked to very very fucked, how fucked am I?

Do I have no choice but to silence them?

Maybe I should simply run away and leave this city behind?

I'm not even sure I'm going to be able to get a taming license anyway.

There is no real reason for me to stay.

I guess there is little Bai, but I have no way to know how long he'll be unconscious.

What about Wolfie and the unicorn?

This is weird how long they have been gone.

I guess that if I wander around the vicinity of the town long enough they'll find me.

I need some way to contact them.

I need a projector that I would light up at night aimed toward the sky.

I would call it the Pie-signal.

Then again, I'm not sure I want to be called the Pie-Man.

Sounds like some badass porno actor name.

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